The best grape varieties for central Russia

15.10.2018 Grape

Grapes love heat. It was difficult to grow a berry culture in the middle lane a century ago. Only with the beginning of the development of selection, scientists managed to instill in plants resistance to harsh climatic conditions. At the moment there are many elite varieties grapes for the middle lane. Now you can grow grapes, no worse than on the southern slopes of the country.

Grape cultivation in central Russia

The climate in this area is unstable. For the cultivation of berry crops are not the most favorable conditions. In order for a heat-loving plant to fully develop and yield a crop, it must have the following characteristics:

  • short growing season. From the moment of bud blooming to the full ripening of berries, 95-120 days should pass. The heat in the spring in the middle lane comes in different ways. One year the air temperature rises to + 18-20 ° С. already in April, and maybe only in mid-May. Therefore, over the summer, the plant must have time to form a strong green mass and give a crop;
  • high resistance to frost. Grapes must withstand a temperature drop of at least -20 ° C .;
  • have resistance to fungal diseases. In the central regions of Russia, for the most part, summer is not hot and rainy, which provokes the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, high immunity for plants is a prerequisite for survival.
Useful advice!
Watering of grapes stops as soon as the ripening process begins. Irrigation during the period of ripening negatively affects the taste of the fruit, provokes cracking.

A selection of the best grape varieties for the Middle Strip

The best grape varieties for central Russia will allow you to get a plentiful harvest. Common advantages of the presented berry crops with photos are their high productivity, easy adaptability to changes in weather conditions, frost resistance, short ripening period.

"Lucy is red"

The growing season of the plant is short, 105-120 days. Vines and soils can withstand drops to -30 ° C. Bushes are razlog. Brushes form a dense, conical shape. The mass of one is 400-500 g. 200-218 centners are collected per hectare of plantings. The fruits acquire an elongated oval shape. Inside, with a section, a large number of seeds are observed. Immunity is high.


Blue rape grapes very rare. The growing season lasts about 120 days. The berries are rounded. The skin is not subject to cracking. The berries in the clusters are compacted medium, the shape is cylindrical or conical. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, but is exposed to gray rot in rainy weather. In winter, it does not freeze at -25-26 ° C. The weight of one brush is on average 200-300 grams. Harvesting occurs in the second half of August. The average yield of 8-10 kilograms per plant.

Muscat of Moscow

Berry culture with vigorous bushes and a short ripening period, 115-120 days.Productivity from a plant is 5-6 kilograms. Resistance to fungal ailments is average. The fruits ripen in the second half of August. Bunches form cone-shaped, the average weight reaches 400-500 grams. It is steady against frosts, maintains decrease to -25 ° C. The berries are oval, painted in light green. The taste is pleasant, with a nutmeg aroma. Often affected by a spider mite.


The vegetation cycle is 115-120 days. It is grown mainly on an industrial scale. From one hectare, the yield is 124 centners. The clusters are small, weighing 200-370 grams. Their shape resembles a cone. Bushes are vigorous. The fruits are oval, the skin is painted in light green, with a white tint. It shows high resistance to mildew, oidium, gray rot. It tolerates drops to -22 ° C in winter.


Early ripe varietyThe full cycle of formation and maturation is 120-130 days. Bunches are formed within 500-700 grams, oval-elongated. From the bush you can collect 6-7 kilograms. The berries are oval, painted dark red with a purple hue. Withstands drops to -23 ° C. To diseases has an average resistance.


The variety is medium late, full ripening occurs in 135-150 days. Bunches average 800 grams. The maximum possible brush weight reached 2.5-3 kilograms. From one hectare vine growers collect 140-145 centners. It exhibits high resistance to diseases. Fruits are red with a purple tint, the shape is oval. Bisexual flowers.

Grapes in the middle lane are recommended to be planted in late September, early October.


The growing season of grapes is 95-105 days. Bunches grow conical, medium density. On average, the weight reaches 700-1000 grams. From one hectare, the yield is 200-236 centners. Berries are formed elongated-cylindrical. The skin is pale pink. The pulp is dense, crispy. Resistance to diseases and pests is average.


The maturation period is medium early, 120-130 days. The average weight of the brush reaches 500-600 grams. Productivity per hectare is 130-140 centners. The berries are tied round-conical or round-cylindrical in shape. The skin is painted white and pink. It has an increased immunity to diseases. Frost-resistant grade to -22 ° C.

"Don Agate"

Ripens in August. The berries are large, rounded, saturated dark blue. Brushes form a conical shape. You can collect from the bush 14-15 kilograms. Berries are tight to each other. The mass of the brush reaches 400-500 grams. The plant can withstand temperatures down to -26 ° C. It shows high resistance to damage by gray rot and mildew. Harvesting ripe grapes occurs in the second half of August.


Grapes are ripe, 95-105 days. Harvesting begins in late July, early August. The brushes are tied with a medium size, the shape is not clearly sustained. The mass of one reaches 400-600 grams. From one hectare, winegrowers managed to collect 322 centners. The peel on the berries is yellow with a green tint. The pulp is juicy, with one bone. The plant has a high immunity to diseases. The frost resistance of the variety is -27 ° C.

Libya K

The full cycle of formation and maturation takes place within 105-115 days. The clusters are cylindrical, with an average weight of 500-700 grams. From a hectare of plantings, the yield is 135-140 centners. The berries are pinkish, blunt-ovate. It is medium resistant to ailments. Withstands in winter the temperature drops to -21 ° C.

Cognitive information!
The peel of the fruit is the most useful part. The use of berries improves the digestive tract, nervous system, and the heart.

"Gourmet Krainova"

Berry picking occurs in the first half of August. The cycle of formation and maturation is 105-115 days. A brush resembles a cone or cylinder. The weight of a ripe bunch reaches 0.9-1.6 kilograms. The peel is painted pink with a burgundy tint. The pulp is juicy, no more than 2-3 seeds. Berries are ovoid.Productivity on an industrial scale reaches 180-200 centners.


The vegetation cycle of the hybrid is 95-105 days. It is resistant to most common fungal diseases. The average mass of the brush is 0.5-0.7 kilograms. In winter, it can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C. The yield from the bush reaches 7-8 kilograms. Fruits form a blunt ovoid shape. The skin is dyed pink.


A table variety with an average ripening period, 115-120 days. The fruits are collected in loose brushes, the mass of which is 0.7-1.5 kilograms. The shape of the berries is oval, the skin is painted in light green. From one plant for 8 buds, it was possible to collect 10-15 kilograms. It is resistant to gray rot.

"White early"

Early ripe grapes have a vegetation period of 105-120 days. Bunches are formed within 500-700 grams. From a hectare of vineyards, the yield is 128-130 centners. The berries are oval, the skin is yellow-green. The pulp is dense, tasty. Resists the attacks of mildew, gray rot and oidium.


A table hybrid matures by the second half of August. Brushes are tied with a mass of 0.5-0.6 kilograms. Per hectare, the yield is 220-240 centners. Berries are ovoid, painted in green-yellow color. The plant has a medium immunity to ailments. Frost resistance is at the level of -23 ° С.


The ripening period is short, by the beginning of August, the fruits are gaining the necessary sweetness. The berries are large, egg-shaped, white, with a slight yellowness. Bunches are formed by medium density, weighing 400-800 grams. To diseases of fungal origin, shows good resistance. It transfers cold up to -25 ° С.

Helpful information!
In rainy spring and summer, a large number of slugs appear that feed on the leaves of the berry culture. For preventive purposes, coffee grounds can be scattered around the bushes. Getting on the body of mollusks, caffeine penetrates inside, irritates their nervous system and they die.

“Pink Pearls (Summer Flavor)”

The growing season lasts 115-120 days. It has medium resistance to frost, with a decrease in temperature below -20 ° C. freezes out. From the bush, the yield is 6-8 kilograms. The clusters are not too large, 500-600 grams. Rarely affected by ailments of fungal origin.

Middle grade table sorts

Table grapes in the middle lane are especially appreciated. Eating fresh local berries is always more pleasant than brought over thousands of kilometers.


The culture has a short growing season, 110-118 days. Seasonal productivity from a bush of 20-25 kilograms. Bunches are formed cone-shaped, the average weight of 500-600 grams. Grapes are practically not resistant to frost, can withstand drops only to -20 ° C. Immunity to diseases is high. The berries are oval, yellow-green in color.

"Muscat Delight"

The ripening period is 110-115 days. Brushes are tied at 350-700 grams. It can withstand outdoor temperatures to -25 ° С. The berries are oval-rounded, their color is amber. It shows high resistance to oidium, mildew, gray rot.


Table grapes with an average ripening period. Harvesting occurs in mid-September. The mass of the brush reaches 400-500 grams. The skin is dense, painted in green and yellow. Poorly resists attacks of harmful fungi. During the growing season, 14 tons can be collected per hectare of plantings.

The Seedling of Malengra

The variety ripens within 110-115 days. The clusters grow in a wide conical shape. The fruits are tied rounded, medium size. The skin is painted white with a yellow tint. During the growing season, winegrowers on an industrial scale managed to collect 75-80 centners per hectare. Frost resistance is high.


Early hybrid, ripening period of berries is 110-120 days. Frost resistance of bushes in winter is up to -22 ° С. Medium resistant to mildew and oidium. Fruits are oval-elongated, painted in a dull violet-blue color. From one hectare of vineyards harvest 13-14 tons.


The growing season is short, 110-120 days. Bunches resemble a cone. The berries are oval, painted green and amber. The vine and kidneys do not freeze when the temperature drops to -26 ° C. Not attacked by gray rot. The average yield of the bush is 5-6 kilograms.

"Arcadia (Nastya)"

It begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. The growing season is 115-120 days. The plant can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C. Wide-cone brushes, the mass of one reaches 700-800 grams. From the bush you can remove 20-40 kilograms of fruit. The berries are ovoid, white-amber color.


Berry picking occurs in the middle, end of August. Bunches are formed loose. Oval-ovoid fruits are painted in raspberry red color. The average weight of the brush is 700-800 grams. Withstands winter drops to -27 ° C. From the bush you can collect 40-50 kilograms. Fungal ailments to the plant are not terrible.

Malengre (Precox)

Early ripening grade. The brushes are quite loose, the mass does not exceed 400 grams. 5-8 kilograms are collected from the bush. The berries are small, rounded, light green in color with a yellow tint. In rainy weather, ripe berries tend to rot. The plant has high frost resistance.


The grapes can withstand without shelter a temperature drop of -30 ° C. Fruit harvesting occurs at the end of August, the first half of September. The berries are rounded, saturated blue with a matte waxy coating. The clusters are cylindrical in shape, with an average weight of 200 grams. It has a high degree of resistance to fungal diseases.

Before harvesting, for 20 days, in no case do not treat the plants with chemicals.

Wine (technical) grades

Wine berry crops need a lot of sun to get enough sugar. Elite Grape Varieties allowed the winegrowers to receive excellent wine, despite the relatively short period of active sunshine in the summer period of central Russia.


Ripens in the first half of August. The berries are small, yellow-green. Their shape is round-oblong. Does not freeze when reduced to -29 ° C. Technical grade is very sugary. It makes excellent white wine. 160-200 centners are harvested from a hectare of vineyards. The clusters are tied loose, the mass of one reaches 200-300 grams.

"Platovsky Muscat"

The wine variety has an ultra short ripening period. Brushes are not large, cylindrical or conical in shape, weight does not exceed 300 grams. The skin is dense, painted in milky yellow. It tastes very sweet, with a nutmeg flavor. It has high frost resistance, is not exposed to attacks of fungal ailments.

Interesting fact!
More than 10 thousand grape varieties are officially registered worldwide.


Grapes are early ripe. The fruits are pink, rounded. Clusters grow shapeless. Productivity depends on weather conditions and top dressing, an average of 50-120 centners per hectare. Susceptible to chlorosis. To other diseases it shows medium resistance. When overripe, berries are prone to shedding from the hands. Great for blending.


Ultra early variety, with vigorous bushes. In winter, tolerates frosts up to -25 ° C., without shelters. It has good immunity against oidium and mildew. Brushes are cylindrical, loose, the average weight of 150-200 grams. Fruits are rounded, light yellow in color with a green tint. It is used not only for processing for wine, but also for fresh consumption.


The ripening period of the berries is short. Brushes reach 300-400 grams. Their structure is loose. Fruits are round-oval. The skin is thickened, painted in dark blue with a purple tint. Sugar in berries is in the range of 20-21%. It withstands frost without shelters up to -32 ° С. Used for processing into juice and wine.


A wine variety with an early fruit ripening period. Bunches grow dense, weighing up to 300 grams. Berries of the same size, rounded, yellow-green. The pulp is juicy, sweet. Often exposed to oidium.Productivity is high, despite the small size of berries and brushes.


Sweet with almond flavor white grapes. Matures in a short time. The brushes are loose, the mass does not exceed 200 grams. The fruits are used to make dessert wines. In winter, it can withstand frosts down to -27 ° C. It has high resistance to various types of powdery mildew. Harvesting occurs in the middle, end of August.

"Hope Altai"

The fruits ripen in the second half of August. The grapes are large, painted in saturated blue. The shape is elongated-oval, with a sharp nose. The clusters grow formless, weighing 800-1000 grams. From the bush, winegrowers managed to collect up to 15 kilograms.


Fruits are formed and fully ripen in 100-105 days. The vine is ripening well. In winter it withstands frosts down to -26 ° С. Bunches of medium density, the mass reaches 200-250 grams. To diseases it shows high resistance. Fruits are round in shape, with a creamy pink tint. Productivity is not big.


Winegrowers in central Russia note that they are familiar with the description of a large number of grapes. In practice, not many among the best varieties justify themselves. In unstable conditions, they need to devote more time than in the southern regions. Despite the high frost resistance, all varieties are subject to shelter. If you do not shelter, then in cases of even small frosts, icing, the fruiting buds will freeze, and there will be no harvest.

Whatever good quality base the grape variety possesses, it needs constant care. If the simplest rules are not followed, a plentiful harvest will not be achieved.

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