Currant aphids, how to get rid of an insect?

26.06.2016 Currant

How to get rid of aphids on currantsThe main methods of extermination of insects

If small inhabitants wound up on the currant, you just need to rinse the tree with water, for this a hose with a spray is used, thus eliminating a greater number of harmful insects, and to remove them from the leaves, you should take a cotton pad soaked in ordinary water and wipe each leaf of the affected plot on both sides. When this procedure is completed, it is worthwhile to find a more effective way to get rid of aphids on currants with folk remedies, for example, you can use a solution with ash and dissolved soap. Also find out how to get rid of ants in the garden.

Treatment with solutions can only be carried out if the initial treatment with water has already been carried out. In addition to folk methods, there are chemical agents that will help completely get rid of pests that have settled on the tree, but chemical agents are easily replaced by infusions and decoctions of various herbs. And to enhance the effect of the decoction, a small amount of laundry soap is added to it (you can use liquid soap, but it will need half as much).

If the gardener wants to grow completely natural products, then he needs to find several recipes on how to get rid of aphids on the currant during the fruiting period, which will help to effectively get rid of the harmful inhabitants of the bush, while not causing any harm to the crop. In order for the treatment to give the desired result, it is carried out exclusively in the evening, it is necessary to pay attention to the weather, since if it rains after the treatment, it will reduce all efforts to nothing.

How to get rid of aphids on currants


It is especially recommended to treat the other side of the leaves, as it is there that the aphids begin to reproduce and settle in whole colonies. After the first treatment, exactly one week is expected, and then the bushes are again sprayed with solutions, you should not do the treatment more than once every seven or ten days, this can harm the plant, but will not give a better result.

What preventative measures should be applied

If the gardener will carry out preventive maintenance constantly, then he will be able not only to get rid of harmful insects, but to prevent their appearance in advance, it is worth considering several options for preventive measures that will destroy the eggs of the pests and also prevent them from appearing on the bushes.

To begin with, plants must necessarily receive proper and constant care, because with timely watering and pruning, you can make the plant stronger and stronger, aphids will not encroach on such shrubs. It is also worth using the alternation method when planting, in this case it will be possible to avoid the transfer of infection to neighboring shrub plants. I would like to note that some gardeners like to apply excessive amounts of fertilizer to the soil, this is very harmful to trees, so it is recommended to feed currant bushes exactly following the instructions. If the tree is overfed with various additives, then the aphid will begin to breed on such a bush and will soon completely destroy it. There are different ways. treatment of bushes and trees from pests.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

During planting, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, for example, there must be a place between each of the bushes, this is necessary so that the earth can be weeded, in this case insects can not get from one plant to another, using weeds to move.It is also worth constantly looking at the leaves of the bushes, as soon as the aphids began to appear on them, it is recommended to immediately eliminate these insects, in this case the pests will not spread to other currant bushes. It is also recommended to use methods to get rid of aphids on currants using folk remedies, they perfectly help to eliminate unwanted "guests" when they just started to settle on a shrub plant.

If the gardener can prepare a nutrient mixture based on phosphorus and potassium, he will for a long time protect his shrubs from the invasion of harmful small insects. To prepare the nutrient mixture, about five grams of potassium salt is taken and added to ten liters of water, about ten grams of superphosphate are sent there, this infusion is left for a couple of days, after which the whole plant can be sprayed with it. This treatment is recommended to be repeated after two weeks, the solution will strengthen the plant and make it more resistant to small parasites.

The basic rules for the destruction of aphids from currants

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If harmful insects began to start on the bushes, it is worth considering how to get rid of aphids on currants in June, but for a start it is recommended to find out the main rules for the destruction of aphids from various plants. For example, if it is a vegetable crop, then the last working out from pests can take place thirty days before the first harvest. Berry bushes are sprayed twice, first until the first flower appears, and then after the entire crop has been harvested. If we talk about fruit trees, then their cultivation is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, and the second treatment with solutions can be done fourteen before the first harvest.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

It is important to carry out the treatment following all the rules, even if spraying is carried out with ordinary infusion or decoction, which do not do any harm to humans, they can harm plants, since branches and leaves are burned in high concentration. Chemicals can also harm human health, this happens if their concentration in the solution has been exceeded. After processing, fruits and vegetables can be eaten no earlier than two weeks, as they may contain harmful impurities after currant mining.

Best methods for eliminating aphids from currants

Today there are many methods how to get rid of aphids on currants, folk remedies are no exception, and on the contrary, it is these recipes that help to more effectively deal with small pests on the bushes. Well, one of the simplest and most effective methods includes ordinary water with the addition of laundry soap. And to make the solution right, ten liters of pure water are taken, about two pieces of laundry soap are dissolved in it (you can take ordinary soap, but it will need exactly half as much).

To make the pieces dissolve easier, it is worth rubbing the soap on a fine grater, this will help save time on preparing aphids. And to make the solution more effective, very little ordinary ash is added to it, about three hundred grams is enough, half a pack of laundry soap is sent there, and all this is left on fire until it boils. When the solution boils, it is left to cool, then the currant bushes are filtered and treated with this tool.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

If a gardener is looking for an effective method to get rid of aphids on currants (video), he should pay attention to the tops of potatoes, it does not matter if it is dry or fresh, the tops effectively destroy such harmful insects as aphids.To begin with, the tops are cut as finely as possible and placed in warm water for insisting, it is necessary to allow this product to stand for only three hours, and then strain the solution through cheesecloth to remove unnecessary sediment from the tops. Plants are sprayed with this solution, special attention is paid to those places where aphids settled the most.

Another excellent method of eliminating such insects from a shrub plant is to use tinctures from onions, because onions have such properties that can quickly rid your plant of harmful aphids. It is enough to take a couple of heads of medium-sized onions, they do not peel it, and cut it as finely as possible directly with the husk, after which the vegetable is poured with one liter of water, and the product is left to infuse for almost a day. When the infusion is prepared, it is filtered to remove impurities of the onion, and then it is poured into a spray bottle and the infected branches of the tree are sprayed.

Garlic tincture is a real salvation for a gardener who is looking for a method to get rid of aphids on currants if berries have already appeared. Garlic quickly destroys pests, and it can also eliminate everything from the egg. To begin with, take about a glass of well-chopped garlic, put it in a jar and fill it with one leaf of warm clean water, this product is insisted for at least five days so that the garlic gives all its beneficial properties to the water. It is important to know that the plants do not spray the finished solution, the agent is first diluted in a bucket of water at the rate of twenty-five milliliters per ten liters of water, and only then the affected branches of the bush are treated.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

Excellent tobacco and shag is struggling with aphid reproduction, it is enough to take only four hundred grams of any of these substances and chop them as finely as possible, add chopped tobacco into a bucket of warm water and leave for a series to insist. It is not necessary for me to withstand the solution for one day, only after that the agent is filtered, a crushed bar of soap is added to it, after that this solution is poured into a bottle up to half, and then it is poured into a bottle of water, this means spray trees that are infected with parasites.

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Every gardener has a regular chamomile in the medicine cabinet, it helps not only with sore throat, but also eliminates pests in the branches of the currant bush. Such grass is poured with one bucket of clean warm water (chamomile will need about a kilogram), the remedy is set up for twelve hours, after which the solution is well filtered through a sieve, and after that one third of the bottle of chamomile solution is poured, water is added to the bottle and the trees are treated, infected aphids. To enhance the effect of this product, half a piece of soap for household or children's soap is added to it.

It is not so difficult to cope with the aphid invasion, the main thing is to notice its appearance in time in order to process all the bushes in the garden and prevent pests from spreading to other plants of the garden. Using all these methods is not necessary, but you can find one that will effectively fight small pests on the currant bush.

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