Characteristics and description of tomato "Eggplant"

11.03.2018 Tomatoes

Among the many tomatoes, it is very difficult to choose a variety that will appeal to all indicators. Tomato "Eggplant" will please with large fruits and great taste. The name characterizes the shape of vegetables.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Harvesting tomato will be late, so grow in the middle lane, recommended in a greenhouse. The bushes are indeterminate, the height can reach 2 meters. The plant is powerful, the leaves are medium, tomato type. To collect a high crop, you need a bush formation of 1-2 stems.

Fruits of oval tomato with elongation at the nose. The pulp is fleshy, red, seed chambers are located on the sides. When consumed, seeds are almost not felt. Ripe red tomatoes with a slight pink tint. The average weight of one fruit reaches 300-400 grams.

Eggplant tomato is suitable for fresh consumption, processing into juice, cooking lecho, various sauces. The plant has a stable immunity, but bad weather conditions can reduce productivity and affect the general condition of the plant. Seedlings are sown 60-65 days before the intended planting in open or closed ground.

Varietal tomato - advantages and disadvantages

Grade evaluation is based on data provided by farmers and breeders who bred this tomato. Among the advantages distinguish:

  • amazing taste of tomatoes;
  • fineness of fruits;
  • meatiness and juiciness of pulp;
  • a small amount of seeds that are not felt when consumed;
  • resistance to the main diseases of nightshade;

The disadvantage is:

  • a long ripening period, but the fruits are filled with sweets, which is absent in many early ripe tomatoes;
  • can be grown on open ground only in the south, in the middle and northern strip, it is recommended to plant only in the greenhouse.

Growing a tomato in the garden

Experienced gardeners follow certain rules when growing tomatoes. Among the main tips are:

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  • Seeds need to be planted in late February, early March to get the crop as early as possible, since the variety is late ripe.
  • Seeds are planted to a depth of not more than 2 centimeters. If you plant a tomato deep, it will increase the germination period and slow down the development.
  • Do not forget about regular watering of seedlings with warm water. A fragile plant should not be irrigated with ice water, it will slow down in growth, and may also reduce disease resistance.
  • After 60-65 days after germination, the plants are transplanted into a garden or a greenhouse. Wells need to be fertilized with complex fertilizer, water abundantly.
Useful! The most recognized among gardeners were fertilizers "Kemira Lux", "Nitrofoska", "Calcium nitrate", "Universal", "Mortar". Fertilizers are applied directly to the soil, make solutions and watered under the root, spray plants. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions and consumption rates so that the bushes do not start to fatten.
  • The Eggplant tomato is tall, so the establishment of a support for tying can not be avoided. The support is installed immediately, until the measles system has grown. Do not forget to tie the plants in time so that the bushes do not break.
  • Adult plants can be watered with cool water, but not ice water.
  • Mulching the soil will protect the roots from overheating, reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, reduce the likelihood of a crust, it is difficult for weeds to germinate.
  • To speed up the ripening process in the greenhouse, you can remove half the leaves when the tomatoes reach their technical ripeness.
  • Mandatory top dressing is performed during budding, when the plant gives all its strength to the formation of fruits.
  • Step in the bushes as you grow. Shoots are removed immediately after emergence, they should not exceed 5-10 cm, then such pinching can cause damage to the plant.

Reviews of gardeners about the tomato variety "Eggplant"

Bogdana Viktorovna, Krasnodar Territory.

We have a good climate, so I plant all the tomatoes only in open ground, some even in a non-seedling way. I liked the tomato "Eggplant". The variety is quite productive. The fruits ripen for a long time, but when you eat these tomatoes, you understand that the waiting time justifies itself. Tomatoes are tender and sweet, the taste is simply divine. Of course, you need to take care of a tall tomato more than a determinant, but believe me it's worth it.


Zhanna Alexandrovna, Crimea.

Tomato "Eggplant" was grown for the first time. The plant grew tall, about 1.5 m., Planted seedlings in open ground. A lot of fruits ensued, but in order to say that the stem was simply dotted with fruits, no. Tomatoes are large, fleshy and sweet. By their sweetness they will compete even with pink tomatoes. Their shelf life is average, ripe I lay for about a week and a half, then some fruits began to leak. I am satisfied with the variety, I advise my friends and neighbors.


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