Tomato "Blagovest": reviews, photos, productivity

1.06.2016 Tomatoes

Tomato It is considered an early ripe and tall hybrid. Individual plants grow above 2 meters. It is distinguished by high productivity and rather large brushes with scarlet fruits of a rounded shape of saturated red color. Their rather small and compact size, weight 110 grams, sometimes even more, makes them the most suitable for cooking various dishes and canning. Producers write a lot about the merits of the variety. However, what exactly is the Blagovest Tomato: reviews, photos, productivity? To do this, compare the description of the variety by the manufacturer and users who grew it in their garden.



What the manufacturer writes


It is considered one of the earliest hybrids suitable for growing in greenhouses. Already on the 98th day after transplanting seedlings into the ground, you can enjoy red, rounded tomatoes with a pleasant taste. From one bush you can collect up to 6 kilograms of beautiful tomatoes. This variety has a very early ripening and abundant fruiting.


The plant grows very tall and spreading. Therefore, experts advise planting it no more than 3 bushes per 1 meter squared. The fact is that this tomato grows very high, and sprawling branches give a lot of beautiful and fragrant fruits of about the same size.

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This plant is designed to grow tomatoes in greenhouse conditions with heating. Put it there costs 40 days. This tomato is grown in seedlings, and then into the greenhouse. The variety requires pinching and garter, as plants, especially with plenty of moisture, can grow very tall. The formation of one stem is desirable. Then the plant will be tall and healthy. From 6 to 8 fruits appear in his brush. The photo shows that almost all of it is littered with beautiful large brushes with many tomatoes. If an inflorescence appears at the top of the main shoot, then the tomato stops its growth.


This variety is considered one of the most resistant to various diseases of tomatoes. However, the plant requires mandatory careful care. It must be regularly fed, watered, especially during fruiting, and also aired in the greenhouse. On cold nights, it should be turned off and not airing. This variety is characterized by poor adaptation to non-greenhouse conditions and temperature extremes. However, those who grew it on their own, noted that Blagovest is perfect for growing it in open ground, however, then the yield drops sharply.


The opinion of gardeners


This variety is liked by many who like to receive tasty, sour-free and fragrant tomatoes for various needs. Yes, with proper care, regular loosening and ventilation, you can get not only healthy and fruitful plants, but also a plentiful harvest. This variety is more suitable not for beginners, but for experienced gardeners who already have experience in growing plants in a greenhouse. Since the plant is considered to be constantly growing in height, it must be regularly fed, steeped in the ground and loosened after each watering.

Tomato Blagovest: reviews

Many of those who tried to grow this tomato in the open ground, noted that the plant grows far not so high, and its fruits are much smaller in size. Become smaller and crop. However, in the greenhouse you can get beautiful, small tomatoes, from which not only good winter preparations are obtained, but also wonderful, aromatic fruits for making sandwiches, various snacks and holiday salads. Many just use Blagovest in its pure fresh form. By the way, they make wonderful juice and tomato paste.


Cool tomato Shuttle, it can be planted even by young summer residents. Be sure you will harvest a great harvest this summer.

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