Characteristics and description of tomato Barrel of honey, reviews about its productivity

26.03.2018 Tomatoes

Juicy and sweet tomato "Barrel of honey" will be the decoration of your table. The tomato is high-yielding, refers to the rare species of tomatoes.

Description and characteristics of tomato

The fruits of the “Barrel of honey" are colored yellow-orange. The shape is flattened-rounded, on the side resembles a small barrel with honey. The pulp is more orange than yellow, dense, juicy, very few seeds. Tomato is appreciated for its sweet taste. The skin is smooth, with a slight ribbing at the peduncle. The mass of tomato is 200-400 grams.

Bushes grow powerful, stems are thick. The plant is indeterminate, you will need a garter to the support and pinching. Get a good crop will allow the formation of plants in 2 stems. The green mass is highly developed, the leaves are large, dark green. It is possible to grow in the south of Russia on open ground, and in the middle and northern strip it is recommended to cultivate the tomato under film shelters. On average, the yield reaches 7-8 kilograms per square meter. The fruits are large, but not many are tied on the bush, so 2-2.5 kg can be collected from the plant. fruits.

Tomatoes of medium ripeness, for ripening they will need 110-115 days from seedling seedlings. Tomatoes are used for fresh consumption, they can be safely added to various dishes, processed into juice, sauces. The plant is resistant to various diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the "Barrel of honey"

The unusual yellow color attracts attention to the tomato, what other advantages are the Variety of Honey Barrels:

  • sweet, juicy pulp;
  • large fruits that are not prone to cracking;
  • stable yield;
  • beautiful appearance of the fruit;
  • good resistance to various bacterial and viral diseases.

Unfortunately, it is not without its drawbacks:

  • without pinching and tying, you cannot harvest a good crop;
  • in order for the fruits to be large, it is necessary to fertilize at least 3 times during the growing season;
  • plucked tomato from the garden lies for a short time.

Tomato Growing Recommendations

Each gardener should know that as you take care of the plant, you will get such a crop. Let us consider in stages the process of growing tomatoes.

Seeds are sown in tilled soil no later than March. Nutrient soil is achieved by adding humus and peat. To protect young plants from the influence of pathogenic bacteria, the soil, two weeks before planting seeds, must be disinfected. Before the ban on the sale of potassium permanganate, in pharmacies, a solution of potassium permanganate was widely used for disinfection. At the moment, the potassium permanganate solution is replaced with biological preparations that kill bacteria and fungal spores. The most common drugs were Fitosporin, Trichodermin.

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Seed germination is increased by soaking in a growth stimulator. You can use the drug "Zircon". To process 10 grams of seeds, you will need to dilute 0.025 ml. drug in 100 ml. water (soaking takes 7-8 hours).

In the soil poured with warm water, seeds are sown to a depth of 2 centimeters. The temperature in the greenhouse should be between + 20-25 degrees, with a humidity of 60%.

Seedlings are watered every two days (water temperature 30 ° C). In order to accelerate their growth, increase the overall resistance of the plants, they fertilize with “sodium humate”.The working solution is prepared on the basis of 10 liters of water and a tablespoon of growth stimulator. Pour each plant under the root, the consumption per bush is 0.5 liters.

Before planting in open soil, the seedlings are hardened (in 15 days they lower the air temperature to the temperature of open ground). Plants are transplanted for 45-50 days from seed germination.

When the tomato adapts, it is fertilized again (Nitrofoska, Diammofoska).

From 30 centimeters high, the tomato begins to be tied to a support and stepson.

For the root system to breathe, do not forget to loosen the crust on the soil.

Watering of adult plants is done under the root in the evening. Water consumption is 5-8 liters per bush.

Reviews of gardeners

Alexander Vladimirovich, Saratov region.

Loved the barrel of honey tomato because of the large fruits and a pleasant sweet taste. Yellow color adds to its unusualness. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Harvest is good, but not excellent; not many fruits are tied. Leaving takes a lot of time, but for the sake of juicy and tasty tomatoes, I am ready to try. All the tomatoes we ate fresh. The fruits collected from the beds do not lie very long. Variety "Barrel of Honey" deserves a solid four.

Oksana Igorevna, Kaluga region.

Tomato “Barrel of honey” is tall, tomatoes are large, not a lot of fruits are tied on the bush. It tastes sweet. The pulp is dense and juicy. Tomato is good for fresh consumption. I grew plants under film shelters so that the tomatoes ripen as quickly as possible.

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