Tomato Children's: variety description, characteristics, cultivation, reviews

23.03.2018 Tomatoes

The Detsky tomato is one of the most popular tomato varieties in many Russian gardeners. A low-growing variety of tomatoes with proper care can please a rich and nutritious crop.Tomato variety tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular. Despite the low growth of tomato bushes and the specificity of caring for a vegetable crop, even beginners will successfully cope with the cultivation of such a vegetable crop.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Children’s is an early ripe determinant undersized tomato variety that ripens in 85-95 days. It is recommended to grow vegetables in open ground, on a balcony or in a pot.

The variety is distinguished by a standard compact bush, which usually grows to 0.3-0.5 meters. Small green leaves, a simple inflorescence, brushes with 8-10 fruits - these are the main differences of this tomato variety.

Tomatoes are oval-elongated, red. Typically, ripe tomatoes reach a weight of 20-30 grams. With proper agricultural technology, up to 6-7 kilograms can be obtained per square meter.


Important! The Children's tomato variety was officially included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2007.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Detsky variety tomatoes have many important advantages:

  • the ability to grow tomatoes not only in the open field, but also on the balcony or in the pot, so many vegetable lovers can try growing vegetables;
  • ease of control over the growth process of the tomato bush, as it is stunted and requires less effort regarding the formation of the stem and brushes;
  • increased resistance to weather conditions, parasites and tomato diseases, due to which the simplification of labor of many gardeners is guaranteed;
  • the possibility of obtaining a rich harvest, because from each square meter it is possible to collect up to 7 kilograms of fruit;
  • attractive presentation of ripened tomatoes, as they differ in regular shape and attractive red color;
  • dense flesh and impeccable taste characteristics, making tomatoes ideal for growing.

The tomato variety Detsky deserves more and more attention from beginners and even experienced gardeners from Russia. The absence of deficiencies determines the further growth of the variety's popularity. The main thing is to understand the features of care and take them into account to obtain a rich high-quality crop.

The rules for growing varieties

Gardeners should understand that care for undersized tomatoes of the Detsky variety will require consideration of certain nuances. Despite the fact that herding and garter lose their important meaning, control over the formation of the stem and regular care are still required.

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Experienced farmers say that it is advisable to tie up the tomatoes. In this case, the bush becomes more open to natural sunlight and is protected from parasites. As a result, a garter of tomato bushes increases the chances of successfully obtaining the desired result.

Low-growing tomato bushes do not always produce stepsons or form them in small numbers. In some situations, pinching is required, since this procedure is aimed at normalizing the load of the plant. Otherwise, there is a threat of partial loss of tomato harvest.

Proper and comprehensive care is required even undersized tomatoes. So what to pay special attention to?

  1. Loosening the soil is required. The soil condition determines the successful growth of tomatoes. For this reason, it is recommended to cultivate the soil to obtain the optimal amount of oxygen and the proper development of the root system of vegetables. In addition, loosening the soil involves the removal of unwanted weeds.
  2. Fertilizing is another important task. The use of properly selected nutritional mixtures improves the growth and development of tomatoes. In addition, regular top dressing contributes to a large and high-quality crop. However, plentiful fertilizer with nitrogen or organic is undesirable, since the plant will be stretched, the emphasis will be on the green mass and there will be difficulties in obtaining high-quality ripe tomatoes.
  3. Regular moderate watering is a must. It is advisable to use warm, settled water for irrigation of tomatoes.

Such comprehensive care is always aimed at obtaining a quality crop.



“I really like to grow Detsky variety tomatoes. Small and very tasty tomatoes always leave only the best impression. In addition, in order to get a good harvest, it will take a minimum of time and effort. It is not surprising that even many beginners boldly choose the variety Detsky and try to grow it on their balconies. I am very pleased with such tomatoes. "


“Children’s is a very tasty and healthy variety of tomatoes. Correct agricultural technology and an understanding of the main features of growing tomatoes guarantee the possibility of obtaining a decent harvest. "

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