Description and description of tomato "Ducati"

2.03.2018 Tomatoes

Ducati F1 hybrid tomato belongs to the category of medium early varieties. The fruits begin to ripen on day 120 after sowing the seeds. Two weeks later, tomatoes enter the stage of biological maturity.

Bushes have an indeterminate type. Often plants grow up to one and a half meters in height, have up to 8 brushes and medium internodes. Bloom in simple inflorescences. The trunk is powerful, strong, highly leafy. The foliage is dark green, medium in size. Each brush forms up to 7 large tomatoes. Plants require garters to support (preferably trellis) and formation. The best result is obtained when maintaining a plant in 1-2 stems.

Ducati fruits are round, medium density. The skin is thin, slightly ribbed, glossy. When fully ripened, it is painted in raspberry or dark red. The pulp is watery, fleshy, with lots of seeds. The weight of one tomato reaches 160-200 grams.

Tomatoes begin to bear fruit in July. The formation of tomatoes and their ripening occurs gradually, which allows you to collect fresh vegetables for several months. All fruits are formed the same size. Despite the apparent fragility of the tomato, they are perfectly stored and well tolerate transportation.

Tomatoes Ducati F1 - ideal for cooking salads and processing.

Like most hybrids, the Ducati F1 is highly resistant to many diseases, including verticillosis and fusarium.

The yield of the Ducati variety is beyond praise. As befits a tall tomato, from one bush you can collect up to 4 kilograms of selected tomatoes, with a pleasant taste and a strongly pronounced tomato aroma.

Grade value:

  • high productivity;
  • all fruits have the same size and shape;
  • the grade is resistant to rot;
  • plants are protected from the development of various diseases and viruses;
  • the fruits tolerate transportation well.

Growing Features

Ducati tomato cultivation begins at home. All that is needed for the seedlings to grow strong and healthy is the abundance of light, heat and moisture, as this is, first of all, a southern plant.

Since the variety Ducati has a medium ripening period, then before planting on the bed seedlings should be already 65-75 days. If he is younger or vice versa older, then the gardener runs the risk of ruining the plants. Seedlings are planted in greenhouses at the end of May, and in open ground only in June, since any temperature changes can have a detrimental effect on the development of young plants. Based on this, the seeds should be sown in early March so that the bushes are ready by the time of transplantation.

Tip: tall and mid-season variety Ducati is preferably grown in the south of the country, as in other climatic zones, the fruits will not pour juice and will not acquire the characteristic taste for this tomato.

You should not think that, since the variety is interdeterminant, the sowing must be done earlier, otherwise the bushes will not have time to grow. It is too early to sow seedlings for seedlings. With a lack of light, the bushes really do stretch out, but they will be very fragile and unviable in an open garden.

Sow the seeds you need in the prepared disinfected and nutritious soil. The earth should be loose, soft, airy, well pass water and air. To compile the soil mixture, peat, sand, ash are selected. You can also mix humus, garden soil and sand.

It is better to calcine the earth in a microwave to kill all pathogenic microflora in it.

Since the seed producer is foreign, the seeds of the Dukati variety have already undergone pre-sowing preparation, and therefore they do not need to be decontaminated again. You can only push the seeds to earlier seedlings, sprout them. The seed material is wrapped in a damp cotton cloth and placed in a warm place.

Sowing seeds

Swollen, pecked seeds are sown in large boxes. Tomatoes are laid out on moist ground at a distance of 1.5 centimeters from each other, slightly squeezing into the ground. Sprinkle with dry earth on top, so that the sprouts can break through to the surface. For the early emergence of seedlings, the boxes are covered with a film.

Ducati hybrid seeds germinate well at a temperature of + 28-30 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then the germination will not be complete, which is typical of hybrid varieties.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the temperature regime is slightly changed: now in the next couple of weeks, seedlings will grow in conditions of 19 degrees of heat. Ducati, like the bulk of hybrids, is very demanding to care for. If you do not water the seedlings on time or provide the sunniest and warmest place in the house, then the sprouts will grow sluggishly and without strength. Lighting seedlings should be at least 14 hours a day, so seedlings must be illuminated artificially.

You need to water the seedlings only with warm, settled water. Watering should be very careful not to break fragile sprouts. It is necessary to control the level of soil moisture, since waterlogging, as well as a lack of water can lead to elongation of seedlings. It is optimal to water the tomatoes once a week, after the earth dries, but does not dry completely.

At the time of appearance on the sprouts of two real well-opened leaves, the stage of diving seedlings begins. This is an important moment when growing seedlings, the actions of which will determine the future life of young shoots.

The pick is made in separate containers with an average volume so that the roots have enough space for rapid development. The earth in pots is compacted, watered with water, and then tomato bushes are transplanted there. Tomatoes should be planted by slightly deepening them, sprinkling the stems to the base of the leaves.

Owlt: when transplanting, the sprout should be held by the leaves, and not by the stem, otherwise it will break off.

With the correct picking, the seedlings quickly return to normal and continue to grow. The tops are already growing much thicker and faster.

After transplanting, seedlings need additional nutrition. A week after the picking, they are fed with a complex mineral composition, which includes the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus and other trace elements. It is better to use universal fertilizer in this regard. If further bushes grow strong and healthy-looking, then more fertilizers do not need to be applied. However, with noticeable growth delays, seedlings can be fertilized again at least 14 days after the first recharge. This time, the amount of nutrients is slightly increased.

Fact: Hybrid varieties use nutrients much more intensively during seedlings.

A few days before the plants are planted in the ground, they begin to harden. For this, the seedlings are placed in a cool environment - they are taken out to the veranda or balcony. It is not worth lowering the temperature too quickly, as the seedlings may not withstand such changes. At the final stage, the tomatoes are taken out to the veranda for the whole day.

Planting seedlings in the ground

It does not matter where the further cultivation of Ducati tomatoes will take place, in the open ground or in the greenhouse, in any case it is important to properly prepare the land for the beds. Tomatoes grow well in light fertile soils, and therefore you need to lighten the dense soil by adding sand. With reduced acidity, lime is added for digging. In spring, when planting beds, it is necessary to decontaminate the soil - treat the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate.The final stage of site processing can be considered the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers.

For tomatoes, 10 cm deep holes are closed. Between the holes leave 35-40 centimeters, the row spacing is 70 centimeters. The seedling is transplanted into the hole, carefully removing it from the container in which it grew all last month. It is important not to damage the root system, and therefore it is worth planting tomatoes by transshipment - taking out from the dishes together with a lump of earth and lowering it into the hole.

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Tip: The ground into which tomatoes are planted must be well spilled with water.

Seedlings are covered with cotyledon leaves and covered with earth. Tamp the soil a little and watered. A prerequisite for the cultivation of the Ducati variety is to establish supports near the bushes and tie the plants 2 weeks after planting.


The first week it is better to leave tomatoes alone and not even water. It is better to wait a while for the roots to gain a foothold in the soil and continue their growth. Next, tomatoes are watered 1-2 times a week, teaching watering during sultry periods. Every day, plants need up to 3-5 liters of water. And during intensive ripening of water fruits, plants need several times more.

It is necessary to monitor the soil - it should be constantly moistened, but not wet, water should not accumulate on it. If this happens, then the soil is too dense and it needs to be helped - to loosen it and ventilate. To prevent stagnation of water, as well as drying out the land, it is better to mulch the area under the bushes with straw or grass. Such covering material will contribute to the long-term preservation of moisture in the earth and lesser weed growth.

Tip: Watering the tomato bushes is necessary only under the root, preventing water from getting on the stems and leaves. Wet foliage can most often lead to the development of the disease. Watering is better in the afternoon, so that the water evaporates less.

Top dressing

Tall tomatoes are especially in need of top dressing, since the roots spend a lot of energy on the constant growth of green mass, as well as on the formation and ripening of fruits. 10 days after planting, the first fertilizer is applied. The bushes are fed with a mixture of mullein and nitrophoska.

Re-make more after 20-25 days. This time, the composition of the nutrient mixture is slightly changed, adding chicken droppings, as well as minerals such as superphosphate, potassium sulfate. The second stage of fertilizer occurs during the flowering period of the bushes. At this time, for better fruit setting, plants need potassium and phosphorus, but the amount of nitrogen must be thoroughly reduced.

A third recharge is necessary during the ripening of tomatoes. In order for them to fill with juice, become large and acquire a uniform color, under the bushes make another portion of the nutrient mixture, which consists of the same components as in the second feeding.

Tip: Before each fertilizer application, be sure to water the tomatoes so that the aggressive components of the fertilizer do not burn their roots.

Tomatoes respond well to foliar top dressing, which can be arranged between the main fertilizer receptions. 3-4 times a season, bushes can be sprayed with a solution of urea and potassium permanganate, thereby protecting plants from diseases. In hot summer, it will not hurt to treat the bushes with boric acid diluted with water.


Variety Ducati is indeterminate, and then has the property not to stop its growth throughout the season. Often, cultivating this variety in a greenhouse, gardeners get plants up to two meters or more. Stretching to such a height, the bushes form up to 8-10 brushes, each of which is loaded with fruits.Tomatoes tend to have and constantly grow vegetative mass randomly, which interferes with the normal development of the fruit, and naturally the crop. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to form a plant, that is, remove excess parts of the bush in order to concentrate the plant's work on creating fruits, not tops. It is best to tall bushes in one stalk or a maximum of two. Formation into a single stem is simple in the manipulation itself and in further care, and therefore it is a more acceptable option when growing very tall plants. The formation procedure is reduced to the removal of all lateral shoots (stepsons), leaving only one central trunk. Thus, getting rid of excess branches, you can increase the quality and quantity of fruits at times.

The main part of the fruit-bearing brushes is left on the main stem, and the tip is pinched. This manipulation will stop the growth of the bush. Now all the nutrition will go to the ripening of delicious and juicy tomatoes.

Tip: pinching should be done a month before the start of frost, so that all formed tomatoes have time to ripen by the deadline.

The formation of bushes is reduced not only to the removal of stepsons, but also not necessary leaves. First of all, this is the lower foliage, which obscures the area under the bush and contributes to the development of fungal infections. Therefore, all the lower leaves up to the first fruiting brush must be mercilessly torn off. It is impossible to remove all unnecessary parts of the plant at once, otherwise it will not survive such a serious and vulnerable operation. It is better to trim once a week, removing two or three leaves and the same number of stepsons. It is better to do this in the early morning, so that in the evening all the wounds have time to heal.

Naturally, a tall tomato like Ducati is not impossible to grow without a garter. It is best to tie the plants to the trellis - this is the most optimal and less time-consuming type of support.



I cultivated this hybrid in my country house. Planted in the open ground. In height, the bushes did not rise very high, just above a meter. The trunk really grows very powerful, holds branches and fruits well. All the same, you need to tie it to the support, since the tomatoes themselves are heavy, and sometimes the branches seem to break off. She formed bushes in one stem, since this method is much easier. There are many stepchildren; they constantly have to be removed. The fruits turned out to be very tasty, juicy, sometimes it was even difficult to cut, since the juice poured from them. The crop went well for salting.



The yield of the variety is good, even very. 2.5 kg were collected from one bush. All tomatoes are large, identical in appearance. Very pleased with the taste. For fresh salads are simply amazingly suitable.


My opinion about the Ducati variety is mixed. Yes, tomatoes are really tasty, there are a lot of them. But they are too soft. I prefer more dense grades. Later we got accustomed, removed from the bush immature and ate them like that. I even liked the taste of the unripe tomatoes, it is not so watery. Of course for tomatoes, pickles - a godsend. The bushes themselves are not particularly troublesome, although I was worried that growing tall tomatoes is a laborious task. It turned out to be easy to tie, as the bushes do not branch much.



A good tall tomato variety. I’ve been planting it in a greenhouse for the second year in a row. Bushes grow 130 centimeters tall, not a lot of foliage. I remove the extra sheets, stepson. The variety is demanding on watering, so I do not add up to this matter. It is also worth remembering that such a powerful plant needs constant nourishment. They are my most primitive - mullein and superphosphate. Fortunately, the bushes do not get sick, grow strong from the seedlings. Not a single plant has been lost this year. The tomatoes themselves are of very good quality, tasty, fleshy. Very fragrant. I advise everyone to this variety.

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