Description and description of tomato "Surname"

16.03.2018 Tomatoes

Many gardeners and gardeners prefer to plant only those varieties of tomatoes that are well established or tomatoes whose seeds are harvested with their own hands. However, such novelties appeared on the market that you can safely plant in your own plots.

Such varieties include a hybrid from the partner farm - tomato Surname.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Surname is a very early, indeterminate, pink-fruited hybrid. It has a high yield and excellent tomato flavor. This hybrid is also very resistant to the many diseases that tomatoes are usually susceptible to. Since the surname is an indeterminate hybrid, it has unlimited growth and requires formation in the growth process.

Fruits of medium size, of a beautiful flat-circular shape and around the peduncle have characteristic wave-like “frills”. Tomatoes have a crimson red color. The weight of tomatoes is from 150 to 200 grams. Moreover, the fruits are one-dimensional, which indicates the high quality of such a hybrid. Productivity varieties can reach about 6 kg per bush.

In the context of a tomato has 4-5 chambers. The pulp is fragrant, very tasty, sweetish with sourness. The fruits are not hard. At the same time, the tomato is dense. So, it will be well transported and stored. Tomatoes of this variety are universal. They can be consumed fresh in salads, and also used for preservation - pickling, salting.

Tomato Surname: features of cultivation and care

Such a hybrid is resistant to temperature extremes. Fruits are well tied both at very high and low temperatures. However, in conditions of central Russia, it is recommended to grow this variety in greenhouses or hotbeds. In the open ground, the crop that a hybrid can produce in greenhouse conditions will not work. And the declared yield is about 18 kg per square meter when planting four plants in this area.

For cultivation using the traditional seedling method. Seeds for seedlings are recommended to be sown two months before planting. When the seedlings will have from two real leaves, it can be peaked. The period from seedlings to the appearance of the first fruits is approximately 90 days. The plant is very tall, in height reaches more than two meters. Therefore, given that most gardeners have greenhouses no higher than two meters, it is recommended to form plants during the growth process, it is better if the formation is in two stems. This increases the yield when growing tomatoes in low greenhouses and greenhouses.

Surname is a very resistant variety to diseases. Experts say that tomatoes absolutely resistant to late blight do not exist. This is facilitated by weather conditions, irrigation and other factors. However, there is a peculiarity in that very early varieties of late blight are much less susceptible. And tomato Surname is just such a variety.

The basic rules for growing a good crop are: top dressing (with mineral and organic fertilizers), providing ventilation and lighting, moderate watering.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Hybrid Surname is characterized by several of the following advantages:

You may be interested in:
  • early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • taste great tomato;
  • marketable condition;
  • keeping up and portability;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • universality in use.

This variety has no drawbacks, but there are several features. The surname is a hybrid of the first generation (F1), but they do not collect seeds from hybrids, and it will not be possible to form their seed stock. In addition, like all indeterminate varieties, bushes require formation and garter.



Partner is famous for its seeds. We monitor their news constantly. In addition, we use their advice when growing their plants. The surname was planted in 2017. Grown in a greenhouse. The variety was pleased with the harvest. Yes, and I liked the taste.


Inessa Pavlovna

Very attractive novelty. I'll try to plant this season. Seeds have already acquired. It is a little embarrassing that the bushes grow strongly in height and how to form them correctly.



Indeterminate varieties are planted constantly. The main thing is to timely tie up the bushes so that they do not break under the weight of the crop. And he will certainly be. Our surname has taken root. She gave a good early harvest and was not sick at all. True, they fed tomatoes regularly. And they got gorgeous tomato clusters.

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