Tomato Fidelio: photo and description of the variety, its yield

21.03.2018 Tomatoes

To date, the seed market is represented by many varieties. However, breeders are constantly working to develop new varieties of tomatoes that will certainly delight gardeners with their crops and taste. Such varieties include the development of Russian breeders - tomato Fidelio.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The harmonious name of the variety "Fidelio" has its own history. This tomato has no relation to the beautiful and only opera of Ludwig van Beethoven. But since, according to breeders, this variety was obtained by many years adapting Cuban seeds to our rather harsh conditions, the cultivated variety is named after the famous Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Tomato Fidelio is a mid-season, indeterminate vegetable plant. The variety is quite productive, suitable for growing both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in open ground. Breeders claim that the bush is medium-sized, but it has been experimentally proven that these indeterminate plants are quite tall and require formation during growth.

The fruits are large, in shape a bit like a heart. A feature of this plant is that on the same bush there can be fruits of various shapes. Thus, in addition to the heart like a tomato, the bush can also have fruits of a flat-rounded shape. Ripe tomatoes are raspberry pink, sometimes closer to red. The average weight of the fruit is 400 grams or more.

Productivity varieties can reach about 6 kg per bush. The tomatoes are fleshy and juicy. Few seeds. Tomatoes are used in salads, fresh and are used to make juice and sauces. For conservation in banks are not suitable because of their large size. When salted under oppression, they may crack.

Tomato Fidelio: features of cultivation and care

Tomato bushes reach a height of one and a half meters. Therefore, in the process of growth, plants need timely garter so that the bush does not break under the weight of the crop. Shrub formation is recommended in two stems. In this way, we help a fairly powerful plant to distribute the crop. The plant also needs to be stitching so that the plant's energy is not spent on the leaves.

Tomato Fidelio is grown in the usual seedling method. Seeds for seedlings are planted in pre-prepared soil, as a rule, two months before planting. But the first fruits of tomatoes can be obtained within three and a half months after the emergence of seedlings. Breeders claim that these tomatoes have excellent immunity. However, preventive treatment for diseases and pests is still necessary. It is also necessary to periodically feed the plants with mineral and organic fertilizers. A feature of this tomato is its ability to ovary even at high temperatures.

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Plant care is usual - timely watering, cultivation and removal of weeds. But with watering, you need to be careful, given the juicy pulp of a tomato, from excessive moisture, the tomato can simply crack on the bush.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Tomato Fidelio is characterized by a number of the following advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • large fruits;
  • juicy pulp;
  • good taste;
  • universality in use;
  • an opportunity to form your seed fund.

The disadvantage of this tomato is that, like all indeterminate varieties, the plant requires constant attention for formation and garter.



I plant the indicated variety for several years. I grow in the greenhouse. Harvest is good. Yes, and tomatoes are large. I recommend.


Good grade. We plant only a few bushes of Fidelio, we don’t need any more, since we eat them exclusively fresh, in salads. Great taste. The pulp is moderately juicy.


The bushes turned out powerful and tall, barely managed to tie up. Tomatoes are large, tastes sweetish. Harvest grade.

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