Characteristics and photos of tomato Phoenix yellow, reviews about the variety

21.03.2018 Tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes - a chic Italian recipe for an unusual dish. To prepare such a product, you need: spicy spices, olive oil and, of course, small, juicy tomatoes. Such a dish can be consumed as an independent food, but you can also add it to salads or make sauces from it. This dish is very loved by the inhabitants of Italy, Greece, Spain. Recently, it has become very popular in Russia. Simply fine tomatoes for small varieties are suitable for curing, one of which is "Date Yellow".

Characterization and description of the variety

Date yellow is a semi-determinant, medium-sized, small-fruited classes of tomatoes. This is a type of late hybrid tomato, a universal variety, suitable for growth in a greenhouse, as well as in an open space. In addition, Phenicia yellow can be grown even at home in large pots. Plant height ranges from 90 cm and ending with an impressive size - 150 cm.

This variety is a decoration of the garden. It resembles a tree with small tangerines or yellow dates. The view of these small tomatoes is very loved by children. Perfectly used in baby food.

Date yellow is considered a late variety. This type of tomato planted in the ground only in early June, when the soil warms up a bit. And the first fruits appear in early July, about 120 - 130 days. Date yellow is resistant to not prolonged frosts. But when the growth of tomatoes takes place in warm time, their productivity is much higher.

This variety is well established in all areas, but it is better to avoid growing it in northern areas.

Tomato brushes contain 7-9 fruits, but there are so many tomatoes that almost no leaves are visible.

This type is ideal for decorating different dishes, cooking fresh salads, sun-dried tomatoes and thousands more items.

Due to the large number of fruits, he really needs a garter stem.

Fruit Description

Tomatoes Finik yellow have a smooth, oblong shape. After ripening, their color becomes saturated yellow. Despite the small size of the fruit, their pulp is very fleshy, sugar. Fruit weight approximately - 20 g.

The peel of these tomatoes is elastic, does not crack. Due to its density, tomatoes are transportable.

These tomatoes are well suited for long-term storage, they can maintain their marketability for several months. Perfectly used in baby food.

You may be interested in:
Grade name Yellow Date Tomato
Destination Fresh use, drying
Peel Resilient, yellow
Fetal shape Oval, slightly elongated
Weight 1 vegetable 20 g
Bush height Up to 1,5 m
Ripening period 130 days


Any kind of vegetable or fruit has its own growing technology, and Date yellow is no exception.

The standard procedure for preparing seedlings is the proper preparation of seeds, their disinfection and dressing with nutritious mixtures.

Seed disinfection is carried out using a weak solution of manganese. In this solution, the seeds are soaked for 20-25 minutes. After that, for better seedling growth, the seeds need to be fed with nutritious mixtures, soaking them in the product of your choice.

Interesting! For feeding seeds, there are many horticultural mixtures that are sold in stores. But you can also cook these mixtures yourself, for example, from aloe juice or potatoes.

While your seeds are sanitized and saturated with nutrients, you can prepare the soil for seedlings. For high-quality seed germination and further seedling growth, you need to mix the soil, diluted mullein and you can add a little wood ash. Then in the prepared soil we make pits with a depth of 1.5-2 cm and sift the seeds.

To prepare seedlings for transplantation on open soil, it is necessary to harden the plants. 14 days before the transplant, seedlings need to be taken out into the fresh air for 20-25 minutes daily.

Planting in the open soil of plants is carried out 65 days after sowing seeds, somewhere in early June. The best distance between the bushes is at least 70 cm for this variety.


This variety, although it is considered small-fruited, but due to the large number of fruits and high growth of the bush, needs special care.

One of the main aspects in caring for such tomatoes is their garter. To do this, you can use as a support: vertical sticks, peaks, trellises.

This type of tomato needs good impregnation with water, weeding of weeds, fertilizing with fertilizers and growth stimulants. You can pinch this look to the first brush, but you can not do this.


Svetlana: “I have long wanted to try the Italian recipe for sun-dried tomato. For the preparation of this recipe, I chose the date yellow variety. After preparing the desired dish, I was pleased with the result. Real jam".

Antonina: “After the introduction of complementary foods for my son, my grandmother decided to grow a tomato“ Date yellow ”for him. Now the boy is already 5 and still yellow, small tomatoes of ours by anyone. We love to decorate our little son’s dishes with these tomatoes. ”

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