Tomato "Intuition": variety description, reviews

10.05.2016 Tomatoes

Tomato Intuition reviews, photos, productivityIf you pick the wrong one variety of tomatoes, then the gardener will have to work hard to grow such tomatoes on his territory. Each variety is also different in its care, for example, some tomatoes need frequent and timely watering, while others can do without water for a long time. One of the very popular types is called the tomato "Intuition" (reviews from the crop yield photo), the company that displays this hybrid assures customers that this type of tomato tolerates different types of diseases, this tomato does not crack when ripe, and each fruit matures at one time.

What appearance do tomatoes have

This type of tomato has a round and beautiful shape, the company is one of the most popular for the sale of this particular tomato variety. High sales figures are due to the fact that tomatoes show a very high yield, another plus of these fruits is that they can maintain their freshness and shape for a long time. That is why many people use Intuition tomatoes for sale, as they can be transported and stored for a long time.

It is worth looking in more detail at the Intuition tomatoes (reviews from the photo), who planted these tomatoes respond very well about them. This variety ripens from mid-July to the very end of August, so tomatoes are considered the fruits of medium ripening. The bushes of this plant are very tall, they cannot be planted in a small greenhouse, since they need a lot of space, one bush of this type of tomato can reach a height of up to two meters, and this is a fairly tall plant, so you will have to build a fairly large greenhouse.

The foliage of this plant has a rich dark color, the leaves do not shine, but have a more matte finish. If you plant such undersized tomatoes in the greenhouse, you don’t have to take special care of them. Since this type of tomato is a bred hybrid, it fights well with diseases that tomatoes can attack, which is why many gardeners love hybrid varieties of tomatoes.

Tomato Intuition reviews, photos, productivity

The first fruits of Intuition tomatoes (reviews from the photo of the bush) begin to ripen only 100 days after the first seedlings were planted in the soil. These tomatoes can bring a wonderful crop; more than thirty kilograms of tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter. After ripening, the fruits acquire a very bright and rich red hue, they have a round shape, and their size can reach one small apple, while their weight will be no more than 100 grams.

How to prepare the soil for planting seedlings

Not many regions of our country can please gardeners in the early and warm spring, which is why gardeners very carefully select tomatoes that can grow and develop normally in the conditions where they will be planted. Such a variety of tomatoes as “Intuition” (reviews from photos of productivity and agricultural technology) is best grown in a greenhouse, and for the shoot to be of the highest quality, you need to sow the seeds earlier so that they can germinate, only from seedlings you can get good sprouts.

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Previously, seeds were planted in large boxes, but for this reason many seedlings were infected by diseases from each other, which led to the death of all seedlings completely. Today, these boxes have been replaced with disposable containers in which several seeds can be planted, thereby reducing the risk of infection.Even if the gardener decides to pick up disposable containers, they will have to be disinfected to eliminate all microbes and bacteria from the surface, and the next year, before planting, the containers are washed and disinfected, this is necessary so that the seedlings do not become infected with old bacteria and fungi. In order for the container to be suitable for growing plants in it, it must have a height of not eight centimeters for me.

Tomato Intuition reviews, photos, productivity

To make the soil suitable for plants, it would be better to buy it in a horticultural store, such soil is best suited for growing seedlings in it, it is enriched with all important substances, so the plants will grow strong and viable. Such a variety as "Intuition" is best planted in mid-February or early March, so that the tomatoes give the first seedlings, bloom in time and give a big crop. Since each region has different climates, it is necessary to choose the right time for sowing seeds, in the southern regions, planting can take place in February, but in the northern regions, planting will take place in March. Before planting seeds, every gardener should pay attention to sowing calendar of the gardener for 2016.

Tomato Intuition reviews, photos, productivity

How to properly prepare seeds for planting

Some seeds are sold in ready-made form, they can simply be planted in the soil, if the seed was collected from tomatoes, then it is better to select and properly prepare them. To seed well sprouted, you can simply stimulate them, for example, one of the most popular methods - heat and cold. To begin with, the seeds are lowered into a thermos with enough hot water for fifteen minutes, and after that they are placed in gauze and sent to the freezer for a day. When the seeds are aged in the freezer for 24 hours, they are pulled out of gauze and planted in the ground.

Tomato Intuition reviews, photos, productivity

How to plant seedlings

A small seedlings can be planted in open ground only if the street is warm enough, but if the street is cold enough, it is better to plant this type of tomato in a greenhouse. If desired, the sprouts can be transplanted from the greenhouse under the open sky.

There are many reviews on the Internet about this type of tomato, such as Intuition, and many of them say that tomatoes have a great taste, perfect size for spinning, and excellent fruitful qualities.

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