Tomato Cardio: description of the variety, yield, reviews (photo)

23.02.2018 Tomatoes

Some assure, relying on the characteristics of the variety, that they can grow Cardio tomato and get a crop earlier than its term if they plant seedlings in early spring, but forgetting that normal growing conditions are necessary for it - light, heat, humidity without excess. Before you grow this tomato, you need to read the reviews of those who have been planting this crop for a long time. You need to know how to increase the yield of a variety; the description of the variety will tell about all this.

Many gardeners grow Cardio tomato in their plots. To get a good harvest, you need to know the features of the variety. If the temperature degree becomes a little higher and there is a lack of lighting, then the sprouts will immediately stretch upward, become thin and weak, which will lead to their death. Planting tomato seeds in February often contributes to the death of sprouts. According to the reviews and description of the variety, it is known that seedlings planted at the end of winter begin to bloom already on 71 days, and in early April - on 41 days!

Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Kardio - brought to us in Russia, was bred in Italy. Therefore, it is commonly called the Italian variety. More recently, the large-sized Cardio tomato variety of medium-late ripening has become popular in Russia. The plant is very leafy, up to 180 cm high. It has raspberry-colored fruits that are heart-shaped (the weight of one fruit is 200–400 g). The tomatoes are fleshy, sweet and very tasty. Friendly ripening in the hands is noted, fruiting is extended.

Tomatoes are consumed fresh, used in cooking for the preparation of vegetable salads, stews, tomato juice, assorted. The variety grows well both indoors and outdoors. According to gardeners, this tomato is not easy to produce, and super-yielding, giving from 1 bush to 6-7 kg.

Cardio (Cardio) - a tall bush (over 2 meters). This is a fruitful variety of tomatoes of medium maturity. Fruits are large, heart-shaped (some flat-round), pink in color. They are very tasty. Can be grown in 2 stems. The variety is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Features of cultivation and care of the variety

In each region, gardeners begin the planting season based on their climate. Usually this period begins in early April. In some areas, seeds are immediately planted in the soil of an unheated greenhouse. Heating gives a positive result only if there are no frosts, the temperature does not fall very below 0.

It is important to know the basic rules before boarding:

  1. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked until swelling.
  2. After they are etched for 20-30 minutes, a strong solution of manganese.
  3. The seeds should be stirred periodically while they are in solution, and then thoroughly washed with tap water. After the whole procedure, they are dried and sent to a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  4. In the greenhouse, a place is prepared for the seeds and they are planted on smooth, even soil.
  5. Wells are made shallow (1 cm deep) with a distance of 10 cm from each other. Seeds ready for planting are planted in each well.
  6. After the hole, gently fall asleep with a thin layer of earth of 5 mm, which helps not to deepen the sowing much.

At the first watering, they use a spray, because with the usual method of irrigation, the seeds move from place or they are simply washed off the surface and they die. But after rainfall, watering is carried out using a watering can.In the initial period, watering should be daily until the first shoots, as the soil dries quickly without retaining moisture. At the same time, a dense crust forms on its surface, which inhibits the appearance of sprouts.

When seedlings appear, removal of diseased plants is carried out. During this weeding, leave 1-2 cm between seedlings.

As soon as the seedlings begin to grow, then 2-3 times it is necessary to pour between the rows a little earth with a layer of 3-5 cm, which inhibits the growth of seedlings, stimulating the formation of additional roots. With all this operation, the stems are strengthened in height. They take root well after transplantation.

Do not get involved in top dressing with strong seedlings, and if the sprouts at the time of transplantation have not grown stronger and have not grown to the desired size, then top dressing is necessary. It is important to know that when grown in greenhouses or greenhouses, the soil should be better than in the nursery. This is necessary for good growth and flowering.

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What you need to know when planting seedlings

Certain rules must be observed:

  • Planting in the finished soil is necessary only if there are no frosts that can occur in mid-May. Usually, landing is carried out somewhere in 20 numbers. Rows for tomatoes are marked with a stick according to a special pattern.
  • In each row, bushes are planted lower with an interval of 30–40 cm, and high growth - after 40–50 cm. At the same time, trellises of 2-3 tiers are pulled on stakes for garter.
  • With a similar planting scheme, the bushes are aired, which is a good prevention against many diseases. Thus, increased resistance to disease develops.
  • Tomatoes especially do not like cold, hot and arid places. In them, they quickly weaken and die.
When in uncomfortable conditions, the yield of tomatoes decreases markedly. Therefore, it is important that the seedlings provide comfortable conditions, and for growth and increase immunity, the soil near the roots needs to be mulched using special materials. For this purpose, needles or wood chips are more often used.

Resistance to the negative effects of various factors

It is important to know that a tomato of this kind has a quick addiction to any drugs and becomes immune to them. Therefore, the funds used for processing should be periodically changed. Before planting seedlings in the soil in advance, within 5 days the place is treated with a fungicide (Quadris or Phytosporin) from a sprayer.

Unfortunately, seeds are highly susceptible to diseases such as Stolbur or Phytoplasmosis. Cicadas, whiteflies, bloodworms or aphids often transmit this type of disease.

The column is transferred using the tool used for cultivating the land, clothes. Thanks to timely measures taken to process the crop, it is likely to preserve the crop.

To combat tomato diseases, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Planting tomatoes needs to be done further from households. buildings where cattle and other domestic animals live.
  2. Fight insect pests.
  3. Weeds attract cicadas, which are virus carriers. They need to constantly weed.
  4. 8-12 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is necessary during the growing season to carefully deal with cicadas and aphids. Places of tomatoes are sprayed with a preparation of the Fas type (non-toxic) to protect plants, effective in controlling pests of crops. This tool maintains mild hygiene and environmental conditions without harming the plant.
  5. It is recommended to plant fragrant plants next to tomatoes that cannot be tolerated by insects, such as Tagetes.

Reviews of gardeners and those who planted

Ilya, 55 years old. Moscow region:

“I am engaged in gardening in my country house. Recently I tried to develop a variety of tomato Cardio. Interesting in itself.I wanted to pick myself one that was profitable. Last summer, the result of my labors exceeded all expectations. This variety can be grown in open ground. It tastes a bit sour, but just right for the juice. I liked".

Mikhail Vasilievich, 49 years old. Ufa:

“I noticed this tomato variety for a long time and decided to experiment a bit in my country house. The result pleased. The fruits are very fleshy, with a slight tinge of acid. Their size is different and the shape is round. The harvest is very good, I collected about 5 kg from one branch, although, according to friends, more often up to 7 kg. It is a pity, however, a little prone to some diseases, but it is not so scary. And so a great variety. "

Larisa Alexandrovna Usova, 61 years old. Novosibirsk city:

“I decided in our climate to plant tomato Cardio. At first she was afraid that she would not take root, but in vain. Since we have a cold climate and late spring, and summer is short. Tomato grows well in a greenhouse. One bush can reach up to 2 meters, and the crop pleased. Pets also like it, because of its sweet taste. It goes well in salads and assorted. "

Anastasia, 30 years old. Rostov Region:

“I had raspberry-colored tomatoes; from one bush there were many fruits. I myself decided to stock up on its seeds and next year I plan another planting of culture. I really liked the variety because of its productivity. ”

Galina, 49 years old. Listvyanka:

“A neighbor advised me this tomato variety. She has magnificent bushes of this plant. I really liked the plant and last year I myself began to grow this variety of tomatoes. They do not taste bad, though the pulp, although fleshy, is firm. But this is good, because the fruit does not crack. This year I will plant Cardio again. ”

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