Tomato dinner plate: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

3.02.2018 Tomatoes

Tomato dinner plate quickly became popular in Russia. Farmers choose this variety because of the high yield, incredible taste. Grow this tomato plant under the power of any gardener, despite his experience in growing tomatoes.To grow large and juicy fruits, it is enough to adhere to several rules for growing a dinner plate. Patient and attentive gardeners will be able to enjoy the best qualities of delicious and fragrant fruits.

Description and characteristic

The development of fruits, their full ripening takes up to 90 days. Variety Dining plate, as described, belongs to the group of tomatoes Solanumlycopersicum. The plant is great for outdoor cultivation. In regions where stable warm weather cannot be expected, young plants can be placed for their further development, formation and ripening of fruits in the greenhouse. The plant produces heavy fruits.

Large tomatoes are heart-shaped. Some sources describe the variety as round, slightly flattened on top. The weight of one fruit is large on average from 200 to 300 grams. One slice of such a tomato can easily fill a dinner plate. Hence the name of the variety. Tomatoes have an incredible taste with sourness. Ideal for sandwiches, salads and slices. Great choice for home gardens.

The plant is able to grow up to two meters in height. On each bush, many large curly leaves are formed, for which a pronounced saturated green color is characteristic. Due to the size of the bushes of the Dining plate, many gardeners in the reviews, it is advised to make several supports for the bush at once. Given the weight of the fruit, without a garter, it is likely that the branches will break off and deform. In order for the tomatoes to ripen on time, they need a sufficient amount of sun.

You can transport the dinner plate crop over long distances. The fruit has a dense peel, and the flesh is fleshy, has a rich red color. Strong plants will bear enormous results if planted in good soil. To many, this variety looks like Bull's heart tomatoes. But this is their only similar trait, otherwise the variety is different.

Farmers plant a variety of dinner plate, taking into account the characteristics of the fruit, for table purposes. For commercial purposes, fruits of this variety are rarely grown. It is an ideal material for those who like delicious tomato sauces. This tomato has an alternative name for "Dinner on the stove."


Up to 4 bushes can be planted per square meter. This planting scheme will be optimal for those who want to grow healthy and strong bushes with good tomatoes. It takes up to 90 days to mature. But if the seeds were pre-treated with growth stimulants, then the growing season is shortened. Sometimes it can be reduced to 75 days.

  1. The place in the soil where the plant is transplanted should be 5 cm deeper than the depth of the pot. Planting tomato varieties A dinner plate deeper in the soil will contribute to the formation of additional roots.
  2. Soil must be pre-watered.
Important! This identinant tomato variety is characterized by continued growth and fruit production until the plant is destroyed by frost.


A plant of tomato varieties Dining plate, given all the recommendations of experienced farmers, watering is required twice a week. Uneven watering can create the basis for rotting, causing cracking of the fruit.A poorly watered plant absorbs calcium from the fruit and sends it to shoots to support growth. Along with uneven humidity, excessive nitrogen and high soil acidity contribute to tomato rotting. Dinner plate.

Most gardeners have the secrets of growing a tomato variety. Dining plate.

  • Some use chopped eggshells when planting or some Epsom salt.
  • The best fertilizer for the Variety Dining plate is a liquid fertilizer with the addition of seaweed or fish emulsion.
  • Alternatively use compost.
Advice! The use of nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided if the plants do not have yellow leaves. Too much nitrogen will cause the growth of lush foliage, but will give few fruits or not lead to their formation. If the leaves on the plant are purple, this is a sign that the dinner plate needs more phosphorus. It is an important nutrient for fruit production.

Gardeners should not forget to mulch tomatoes! This helps to preserve moisture and prevents the spread of spores associated with soil diseases that pass to plants. There are many good mulches to choose from:

  • black plastic;
  • straw;
  • shredded leaves;
  • mowed grass;
  • a thick layer of newspaper.

It was found that red plastic increases the fruiting of tomatoes by 12-20%.

If these tips for caring for a tomato variety dinner plate seem complicated, don't be scared. These tomatoes are one of the easiest to grow. After all, a small homemade tomato is better than bought in a store.

Grade problems

The main disease of the Variety of dinner plate, according to the description of specialists, is caused by the fungus Phytophthorainfestans, which causes a similar disease in potatoes. The first signs are brown marks on the leaves, which are growing rapidly. If left untreated, any developing fruit begins to turn brown and rot.

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Tomato is threatened by aphids (black and green). How to prevent a problem? Marigold planting attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs and butterflies. They like to eat pest. Spraying plants with water helps flush aphid larvae from the plant. Where none of these methods work, you should turn to the use of spray.

There are many varieties of the mosaic virus that can affect tomatoes. They can be identified in the early stages. Leaves that turn yellow, then bronze are the first sign that a tomato dinner plate is infected with the virus.

Harvesting and Storage

Collecting dinner-grade tomatoes, according to the recommendations, is necessary as soon as the fruits ripen. To enjoy the best taste of the fruit you need to eat immediately. If at the end of the growing season the plant begins to be threatened by cold, the fruits can be harvested unripe. Tomatoes can ripen on the windowsill.

Before storage, wash and dry the tomatoes. If the gardener does not plan to use tomatoes for a week, then the windowsill is perfect for storage. If vegetables are used in the next few days, low temperatures will help preserve the fruit. Long-term storage in the refrigerator is not recommended, as low temperatures can reduce the taste and cause softening of the fetus.



“With a tomato of the Dining plate variety, you can achieve good results if you use mulching and do not forget about loosening the soil. In my opinion, these are two important factors. At least it was they who helped me grow excellent fruits even when the weather was far from perfect. ”


“I tried the dinner plate with a neighbor. She knows this grade well. I grow tomatoes for sale and I think that the variety is not suitable for these purposes.But for fresh consumption it is ideal. ”


“I prefer canned varieties. In winter, we cannot live without canned tomatoes with our family. Despite this, I decided to grow a one-year dinner plate. I can say that the variety bears fruit and is gorgeous in taste. ”


“The bushes took root a bit, apparently, low-quality material for sowing came across. But those that have taken root allowed in the summer until the first cold weather to enjoy large tomatoes with perfect taste. ”


“The spouse was the initiator of the cultivation of the dinner plate. I don’t really like such large tomatoes, but I was surprised that this variety has such a great taste and few seeds. ”


“I bought seeds this year, I will plant a dinner plate for the first time. My brother makes a lot of good tomatoes from this variety. ”

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