Tomato Olya: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

3.02.2018 Tomatoes

The characteristic and description of tomato varieties Olya with a photo indicates its high productivity, unpretentiousness in cultivation and excellent taste. According to the reviews of summer residents, such a vegetable can be grown in any conditions, both on the street and in the greenhouse.According to the description and characteristics, as well as reviews of gardeners, tomato varieties Olya (photo) refers to hybrids. Its final ripening occurs approximately 60-70 days after the seedlings are planted in the ground. If you properly follow all the principles of care and planting, you can get a wonderful harvest for the season.

Characteristics and description of tomato

Olya variety tomatoes are a relatively young plant that was bred by breeders less than 15 years ago. A vegetable is a hybrid, therefore, it includes many advantages, which allows it to be planted in any areas with different weather conditions. Since the plant is not whimsical at all, it is not afraid of low and high temperatures.

In a warm climate, tomato cultivation can be carried out 2 times a year. And if planting is carried out in a greenhouse, then you can use fresh vegetables year-round.

Characteristics of tomato varieties Olya is as follows:

  1. The bushes of the plant are determined, their height often reaches 100-120 cm. The extension of the stems is moderate, there are few leaves. They have a feathery shape, medium size with a pleasant light green tint.
  2. According to the duration of fruit ripening, this plant is classified as early ripe. Harvesting can already be harvested after 105 days from the moment of planting the seeds.
  3. Olya tomato is characterized by its own characteristics, one of which is the formation of three brushes at once. They ripen together, so the yield is very high.
  4. In appearance, the fruits of the Olya tomato variety are determined by bright red color. Unripe tomato has a green tint. The shape is usually rounded with slight flatness. The size is average, the diameter of the fetus does not exceed 7 cm.

According to the reviews of gardeners and gardeners, it was found that the fruits grown on the same bush are all similar in shape, color and are characterized by the same weight.

The plant is not afraid of temperature extremes and tolerates many diseases well. The tomato is especially resistant to mosaics, nematodes, fusarium and some other dangerous diseases.

Note! The mass of the fetus can reach up to 140 g, and with good care, the weight of the tomato varies within 180 g.

Productivity varieties tomato Olya

Olya tomato is a high-yielding hybrid, which explains its wide popularity among summer residents and gardeners. It is believed that with the correct cultivation technique and proper care, up to 25 kg of vegetable can be obtained from 1 m2.

The purpose of the vegetable

The fruits of tomato varieties Olya have a pleasant sweet and sour aftertaste. Therefore, they are widely used for cooking various dishes. They make tasty salads, stews, juices, home-made ketchup, winter preparations and fresh vegetables are also good.

Advantages and disadvantages

The hybrid of tomato varieties Olya has many advantages and almost no disadvantages. The only negative quality is high growth, which requires the use of props and better attachment of plants in the growth process.

The benefits include the following:

  1. Rich yield.
  2. Good tolerance of temperature differences.
  3. The plant perfectly develops in the area where there is a lack of sunlight.
  4. Tomato has excellent resistance to many dangerous diseases.
  5. Excellent tastes of fruits.
  6. It is characterized by good fresh storage and high marketability.

Growing rules

The amount of tomato harvest depends largely on compliance with the cultivation technique and ensuring proper care. Therefore, before planting, it is imperative to prepare the soil, sow the seeds on time and plant the seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground.

Soil preparation

When planting Olya tomato, much attention should be paid to the quality of the land. Such a vegetable prefers loose, light soils, which have good breathability and contain a sufficient amount of mineral and organic compounds.

To prepare the right substrate for planting tomato seeds, you need to mix the following components: peat, wood ash, sawdust, eggshell, greenhouse earth and superphosphate.

Before using sawdust, it is recommended that they be held in hot water first and then rinsed with a urea solution.

The resulting mixture is laid out in special boxes or plastic containers.

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Note! In containers and other containers where tomato seeds will be planted, there must be holes at the bottom so that the substrate is enriched with oxygen and moisture does not stagnate.

Growing seedlings

Tomato seeds are planted in the soil prepared and laid out in boxes in advance, as follows:

  1. The soil is pre-moistened with water.
  2. Make small furrows, observing a sufficient interval between each other.
  3. In the resulting furrows put the seeds piece by piece, it is not recommended to carry out abundant sowing, because the plants will be crowded and they simply stretch.
  4. Fill the furrow with earth.

The first shoots will already appear in 10-12 days. Watering planting is carried out as necessary.

Planting seedlings in open ground

After the sprouts sprouted and matured, the weather was warm on the street, they began to plant seedlings in open ground. This usually occurs in early June. Landing is carried out by the following technology:

  1. Shallow holes are dug in previously loosened soil with an interval between them of 30 cm, and between rows of 50 cm.
  2. The holes are moistened with water and the seedlings are immersed in them until the root is completely hidden. Many summer residents recommend dipping plants to half their growth and forming a bush of 2 sprouts.
  3. Breasts are covered with dry soil and watered again. The amount of water is calculated independently, the main thing is not to overfill, so that rot does not occur.

Care Rules

For intensive and good growth, as well as the formation of fruits, Olya tomato needs timely and proper care. It consists in proper watering, hilling of holes, getting rid of weeds, fertilizing, and also combating diseases and pests.

Watering the plants must be carried out once a day, preferably in the morning or in the evening. Water consumption is up to a liter per well. However, when watering, it is definitely worth considering the weather conditions. If the rainy season is on, additional moisture is excluded and watering is carried out only when necessary, in order to prevent tomato rot.

It is also recommended in case of heavy rains and after each watering spud beds. This will enrich the earth with oxygen, evenly distribute the liquid in the hole and destroy the weeds.

To fertilize in the process of growing tomato varieties Olya preferably 3 times per season. First, this is done after 10-12 days from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse, a greenhouse. After top dressing, they are used during the flowering period of plants and during the setting of the fruits themselves.As fertilizers, organic and mineral compounds are used. These are humus, wood ash, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium top dressing and specialized chemicals.

Pest and disease are controlled through proper care and timely fertilizer application. You can also use a solution of garlic, wormwood or plant dill and garlic near a tomato, since such plants have a specific smell and help scare away some pests.

Diseases and Pests

Despite the fact that the tomato variety Olya has excellent resistance to a number of diseases, it can still be affected by the following diseases:

  1. Late blight is a common pathology in plants. It is caused by the defeat of leaves and fruits. They form small spots of dark color. In the absence of treatment and prevention measures, the plant dies.
  2. Rot - often occurs in many plants. The main cause of the disease is considered excessive watering of the plant, because of which root rot begins. After the fruits and the whole green part are affected.
  3. Brown spotting - characterized by the appearance of small brown and black spots on the surface of fruits and leaves. As a result, the latter begin to dry out, curl and fall off. The plant dies if timely measures are not taken.

Among the frequent and dangerous pests that infect tomato bushes, a bear, wireworm and whitefly are distinguished. They cause severe damage to the plant, as a result of which it begins to languish, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Note! An affordable method of combating diseases and pests are folk methods. So, you can use a solution of garlic, wood ash and other deterrent plants. Or use specialized chemicals.


Nadezhda, 50 years old:

“I like tomato varieties Olya, the fruits grow large, sweet and sour. They make tasty first and second courses, salads and winter preparations. ”

Olga, 37 years old:

“Tomato varieties planted only the second time. Last summer, the harvest turned out to be good, I harvested a lot for the winter, my family ate fresh, prepared salads and even left for sale. “I am very pleased, especially since the plant is not whimsical at all and is not afraid of low temperatures.”

Evdokia, 58 years old:

“Tomatoes grew very tasty, harvested a lot. I liked that the fruits are large with an unusual taste, well stored and resistant to disease. The only difficulty was leaving, because the bushes were large and required high props. And so I'm happy, planted tomato Olya for the third time. ”

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