Tomato Orange elephant: variety description, characteristics, reviews

2.02.2018 Tomatoes

For those who are tired of the ordinary on the beds - the tomato variety "Orange Elephant" comes to the rescue. These are vegetables of saturated orange color, medium size, with excellent taste. The shape of a tomato resembles the head of an elephant - hence the name of the variety. The taste leaves no one indifferent, the juicy pulp of the vegetable is not solid, they have a thin film in the fruit itself.The orange elephant belongs to the group of tomatoes, which is called "Elephants". These tomatoes are varied in color, but our article is devoted specifically to the Orange Elephant. This variety got its name due to the shape of the fruit, which resembles the head of an African animal. The tomato variety bears fruit well and is resistant to disease, which is good news for vegetable enthusiasts.

And how much orange tomato contains vitamins and minerals! Everyone knows the benefits of tomatoes for vision, due to vitamin A. And vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in tomatoes of any kind, perfectly protects the human immune system.

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of the Orange Elephant tomato variety, study the care recommendations and ways to protect against possible pests.

Characteristics and description of tomato Orange elephant

The orange elephant is one of the most beloved varieties among gardeners. For a number of advantages, tomatoes are grown in almost all regions of Russia. We list the main characteristics of this variety:

  • a tomato bush often reaches 70 cm, and if it grows in a greenhouse, it can grow up to one meter in size;
  • fruits appear presumably 120 days after germination;
  • can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses and hotbeds;
  • this tomato variety bears fruit for a long time, and this allows you to regularly collect vegetables from branches;
  • one bush, with proper care, is able to produce about five kilograms of ripe tomatoes;
  • since the fruits grow quite large and heavy, the bush must be tied up, otherwise it can break under the weight of tomatoes;
  • from one bush of the Orange elephant you can collect up to seven vegetables;

The Orange Elephant variety tomato has a bright orange tint and an uneven, oval shape similar to the shape of an elephant's head. From here the name of tomatoes was born.

The tomato grows large, the weight of the average vegetable can reach 300 grams, but if you carefully take care of the plant, feed it, it will thank the vegetable grower with the fruit and in half a kilogram.

To taste the vegetables are sweet, dense in texture, such varieties are also called "fleshy". The pulp is tender and juicy. The skin of a tomato is thin and smooth.

Representatives of this variety are eaten fresh, most often cut into salads. It is rare that this species is harvested for the winter, since when they are preserved they lose all their taste and useful properties.

Often, tomato juice is prepared from the fruit. The taste is excellent, which can not be said about the unusual orange color for a drink.

Advice! An orange elephant looks very impressive in a vegetable cut, in tandem with vegetables of different colors.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of tomato from the garden. This and a high content of carotene, vitamin A and C. These useful trace elements are very necessary to maintain the body in good shape.

Pests and possible diseases of the variety Orange Elephant

A representative of this variety, although it has good resistance to various diseases, and has good immunity to temperature extremes, prevention is still necessary.

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To avoid the attacks of insect pests and rodents, the following must be taken:

  • the necessary distance between the bushes should be observed - do not plant the crop closely to each other, as this will complicate the care of the tomato, and exclude the ventilation of the bushes;
  • regular watering is the key to a good harvest;
  • do not forget about timely top dressing;
  • the ground between the bushes with tomatoes must be loosened, rid of weeds that prevent the culture from growing;
  • the tops should be sprayed with insecticides to avoid the attack of pests.
Advice!Insect pests that do not mind eating tomato leaves can not stand the smell of cloves and parsley. Therefore, safely plant these plants next to the tomato beds!

Landing Orange Elephant Indoor

If you plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, counting on a good harvest, then you need to follow some recommendations:

  • greenhouses need to be washed well and disinfected before planting seedlings;
  • it is not recommended to plant one culture in the same place;
  • plants planted by pests are next to tomatoes;
  • Gently ventilate the greenhouse regularly and maintain optimum temperature conditions.


Tomatoes of the Orange Elephant variety are deservedly one of the favorite among Russian vegetable growers. On the Internet and gardeners magazines you can find a lot of positive reviews about this culture:

Nadezhda, 59 years old, Stavropol:

“Orange Elephant variety tomatoes are really very similar in appearance to an elephant’s head. The pulp is very juicy, fleshy - eating such a vegetable is a pleasure! ”

Timofey, 76 years old, Rostov-on-Don:

“I like such varieties, since there is less trouble with them and a vegetable of impressive size grows. For a change and for harvesting for the winter, I grow red tomatoes. But to eat right away, fresh - I love yellow. ”

Angela, 64 years old, Moscow Region:

“I have grown different varieties of tomatoes - our whole family loves this vegetable. But it was the Orange Elephant that made the best impression. They grow large, and the taste is saturated. The pulp is tender, but at the same time dense. The tomato does not fall apart in your hand when you bite it. The pulp does not spatter, as is usually the case. The aroma is simply indescribable!

Ekaterina, 51 years old, Vladivostok:

“I liked the Orange Elephant because it does not require special care. Enough elementary actions: watering, fertilizer and weeding. But at the same time, its productivity is on top! One course gives me many good fruits, and all of them are like picks. Although they have a strange shape - they resemble the head of an elephant, that’s where the name comes from, I think! ”

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