Tomato Eagle Heart: characteristics of the variety, reviews (photo)

11.02.2018 Tomatoes

According to the characteristics and description of the tomato variety Eagle Heart, this vegetable is classified as indeterminate, since the plant has a high growth. The tomato productivity is excellent, this is confirmed by photos and reviews of summer residents. And most importantly - the fruits have good taste.

To understand what the Eagle Heart tomato is, its characteristic and description is important. According to the photos and reviews of summer residents, such a vegetable has a rich yield, excellent taste, apparently the fruits are neat round in shape and rich in red. Such a plant can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Characterization and description of the variety

Tomato Eagle Heart belongs to the mid-season high-yielding variety. The bush of the plant is indeterminate, often reaches 1.5 m in height or more, depending on the planting location.

Outwardly, the tomato plant is powerful, there are many leaves that traditionally are no different from other varieties of tomato. Their size is medium, the color is light or saturated green.
During flowering, small flowers form with white-yellow dull petals. On the bush, their number can reach 7 pieces. Subsequently, the ovaries develop, the first of which appears at the 7th leaf level.

Interesting! Due to the large size of the fruits, 3-4 tomatoes are formed on one brush of the plant.

Eagle heart tomatoes have good transportability, suitable for storage, but not too long. If you properly observe the cultivation technology and care, you can collect a good crop.


The characteristic of the Eagle Heart tomato is as follows:

  1. The fruits of the vegetable are large with a neat round, heart-shaped shape. The color of unripe tomatoes is green, and in the process of ripening, they acquire a bright pink-red hue.
  2. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the pulp is juicy and fleshy. There are not many seeds.
  3. The taste of tomato is composed of sour and sweet, but the second shade of taste is more predominant, due to the high content of sucrose.
  4. The fruit mass is significantly large. The average weight reaches 400-600 g, and the maximum weight is up to 1 kg. Therefore, on the bush, as a rule, no more than 6-8 fruits develop.
  5. Due to its excellent taste, Eagle Heart tomato is used to prepare many dishes. Including it is perfect for diet, vegetarian and baby food.
Note! The tomato variety Eagle Heart has good resistance to common dangerous diseases.

Tomato productivity Eagle heart

Tomato Eagle Heart is a high-yielding table variety. The number of fruits collected depends largely on the location of cultivation and climate. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a warm climate zone and take care of the plantings in a timely manner.

Since the fruits themselves are quite large, up to 13 kg of tomato can be obtained from one bush.

Advantages and disadvantages

Eagle heart tomatoes are characterized by many advantages and almost have no shortcomings, therefore they are very common throughout the country for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground.

Among the advantages of a vegetable are:

  1. Mid-ripening and long-term fruiting, which allows you to eat plenty of fruits and stretch this moment longer.
  2. Rich yield.
  3. Tomatoes are suitable for transportation and do not deteriorate due to the strong peel.
  4. Excellent taste, which can be maintained for 3 months after harvest.
  5. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests.
  6. Tomato Eagle Heart successfully tolerates temperature changes without harming itself.
  7. It is possible to independently produce seeds and apply them for the next year.
The disadvantages of this vegetable are its high growth, which makes it difficult to care for the bush and to chop, as well as the great need for tomato fertile soil and the systematic introduction of fertilizers.


Growing rules

To obtain a good tomato crop, it is very important to follow the growing technology. The very first thing that starts growing is planting seeds, after the seedlings have grown, they are planted on open ground or a greenhouse. Also, when growing an Eagle heart tomato, do not forget about the preliminary preparation of the soil.

Soil preparation

Tomato varieties Eagle Heart prefers fertile, light and breathable soil so that the plant can receive a sufficiently large amount of oxygen and develop rapidly.
It is allowed to use prepared soils for sowing seeds intended specifically for the cultivation of individual vegetable crops. But many gardeners and summer residents prefer to prepare the substrate for planting on their own.

In this case, you need to purchase all the components, namely turf land, humus or compost, as well as wood ash, which is found in everyone who lives in the countryside or has a fireplace. Ash is very important in the preparation of the mixture, because it has many useful properties, and most importantly, it protects the plant from fungal diseases and prevents the black leg.

As landing containers use special boxes with sides from 6 cm or plastic containers. They, like soil, must first be treated with boiling water, dissolving a small amount of potassium permanganate in it. If it is not, boric acid is also allowed.

Note! Superphosphate can also be used in the composition of the substrate for sowing seeds and as a fertilizer of the soil itself, but it must be added strictly according to the instructions.

Seed preparation

Quite often, substandard tomato seeds are sold in stores, so germination is very weak. Therefore, in order not to waste your time for growing, it is advisable to check all the seed beforehand before planting. For this, a 5% solution of sodium chloride is diluted and tomato seeds are lowered into it. Defective and poorly developed specimens will emerge. The remaining seeds that remain at the bottom are washed in clean water.

Then they can be processed in fresh aloe juice or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If at home there are growth stimulants, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in this solution.

Subsequently, the processed tomato seeds are well dried and can be used for planting.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing tomato seeds Eagle heart is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. The soil before sowing seeds is pre-moistened.
  2. Shallow furrows are made in a previously prepared container with earth.
  3. Spread seeds into furrows infrequently.
  4. From above they fall asleep with dry soil and again water the soil.
  5. Tanks with planting should be put in a bright and warm place, so shoots will appear faster.
  6. The temperature at first should be maintained within 25C °.

With the advent of the first tomato sprouts, the air temperature is lowered slightly so that the seedlings do not stretch and are strong. At night, temperatures up to 10 degrees are allowed, in the daytime - no more than 15 degrees. But lighting throughout the entire period of growing seedlings must be maintained at altitude. Water the seedlings of tomato varieties of the Eagle Heart variety in moderation as the soil dries.

When 2-3 true leaflets appear on the Eagle Heart tomatoes, the first pick is carried out.

This procedure is important for improving and strengthening the root system of tomatoes.

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The technique of planting seedlings in the ground

After sufficient growth of tomato seedlings, it is planted in open soil or a greenhouse. The best time for a transplant is early June, as warm weather sets in and there are no night frosts. If the transplant is carried out under shelter, it can be carried out a little earlier.

Tomato plants are considered ready for planting, which have 6–9 full leaves and a height of 25 cm. Or transplantation begins 50-60 days after sowing the seeds.

In advance, 2-3 weeks before the intended planting, tomato plants must be tempered, so that later they acclimatize faster and begin to develop in a new place. To do this, young bores are taken out to the street, gradually increasing the time they spend in the fresh air. After the seedlings successfully carry the day on the street, you can start transplanting.

On prepared, excavated soil, shallow holes are made with a distance of 30 cm from each other and between rows of 50 cm. They should be well moistened and then seedlings are planted, immersed in soil until the root system is hidden. From above the holes are covered with earth.

Some time after planting a tomato in open ground or a greenhouse, it is advisable not to water them. This will help to eliminate the development of rot, black legs and prevent other diseases. But in any case, you should be guided by weather conditions. If the summer is very hot and there is no rainfall, watering the plantings at first is also necessary.

Note! Transplant tomato seedlings Eagle heart is necessary in warm, clear weather.

Care Rules

Tomato care should be carried out from the initial stage, as soon as the seeds were planted. At this time, if necessary, moisten the soil, remove weeds and systematically dig up the soil.

But as soon as the seedlings are transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse, plant care increases many times over.

In general, Eagle Heart tomatoes are not whimsical at all, so observing simple traditional rules of care will help to grow healthy, strong plants and subsequently get a good harvest.

Any tomato feels comfortable when there is room and fresh air, so be sure to weed the beds and regularly loosen the soil.

It is desirable to carry out watering systematically, but to avoid excess fluid and its stagnation in the hole.

Watering tomatoes is recommended with warm water under the root system, avoiding contact of water with the upper part of the plant.

After the tomatoes have taken enough, carry out the formation of a bush. To do this, use special props and attach a plant to them.

Important! You should regularly pinch tomatoes so that the fruits grow large and juicy. Otherwise, all nutrients from the soil will only contribute to the growth of greenery.

Binding when growing a tomato Eagle Heart is also important. It can be carried out in various ways:

  1. Tieing bushes separately.
  2. The binding of the top of the plant.
  3. You can use stakes and set them around the perimeter of tomato planting. A wire or strong thread is pulled on them, stems are fixed on the tomato. So, the plant will have a strong support and it will not break under the weight of large fruits.

It is also equally important for the successful growth and development of the tomato variety Eagle Heart - this is the timely application of fertilizers. During the entire cultivation, it is recommended to carry out at least 3 top dressings. For this, mineral and organic compounds are used. Mullein, bird droppings, potassium, phosphorus and boric acid are believed to be excellent fertilizers.

Note! It is advisable to fertilize the tomato in warm, clear weather, when there is no precipitation. This will ensure good absorption of nutrients in the soil and well saturate the plant with them.

Diseases and Pests

The tomato variety Eagle Heart, according to reviews by gardeners and gardeners, is resistant to major dangerous diseases, but without preventive measures, you can not do. They will help to better protect plantings from pests and diseases, and provide rich productivity.

Common diseases of a tomato are the black leg, mosaic, rot, late blight, spotting.

Pests include aphids, wireworms, whiteflies and some other insects.
To protect the plants, you can cultivate the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate before planting seedlings.

It is also advisable to periodically spray the bushes with phytosporin, copper-containing and other preparations.


Olga, 53 years old:

“Eagle heart is a great tomato variety. The fruits grow large, very tasty, well stored, do not deteriorate during transportation, and the plant is not a hybrid. Therefore, it can be used to independently obtain seeds. "

Raisa, 45 years old:

“I have been planting Eagles heart tomatoes for a long time. I really like this variety, I have not found any flaws. The fruits are perfect for any dishes, have excellent sweet taste and unpretentious in growing. "

Vladislav, 56 years old:

“Tomatoes Eagle Heart is a wonderful table, high-yielding variety. I have been growing such a vegetable for 5 years, I am pleased with the results. The taste is wonderful, long-term fruiting. With proper care, the crop is the same both when planting in open ground and in the greenhouse. ”

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