Characterization and description of pepper-shaped tomato

16.02.2018 Tomatoes

Tomato is a long-time guest at every table, and many successfully grow this culture on their own, because a fruit ripped from its garden is much tastier than bought in a store.

Through the efforts of breeders, many beautiful tomato varieties were bred that met not only different taste preferences, but also adapted to growing conditions in different regions, with different colors and even shapes. One of these innovations is the variety of pepper pepper, in Russia it officially became known in 2001.

Grade Features

From the name it becomes clear that the shape of such a tomato resembles pepper. The flesh of most varieties of this group is elastic, there are few seeds. Coloring is different. Ripening dates are mainly middle and late.

Plant height varies. There are both tall (indeterminate) varieties, and low - no more than a meter.

The very first Pepper-shaped tomatoes were the result of foreign selection, however, they were not quite suitable for the climatic conditions of Russia. Soon a variety was developed in Minusinsk that met the requirements for growing in open ground on different types of soils in most regions of the country.

Further, several varieties of pepper-shaped tomatoes were bred, among which each gardener can choose something to his taste.

Description of varieties

Opens a list of famous varieties "Giant", which was launched in 2005 and registered in 2007. The fruits are very large, weigh 200-300 g and about 15 cm in length, depending on the conditions of cultivation and care. Fully ripened tomatoes have a deep red color. Taste pleasant sweet and characteristic aroma of fresh tomato. Suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for stuffing, drying, pickling.

Tomato pepper-shaped red appeared in 2015. Its fruits are slightly smaller than the "Giant", the rest of the properties are similar. Among the red pepper-shaped tomatoes, several more varieties can be distinguished:

  • Italian Spaghetti
  • "Chukhloma";
  • "Banana";
  • "Scarlet Mustang";
  • "Peter the Great";
  • "Roma."

Tomato pepper-shaped raspberry is considered an early ripe variety - after 100 days you can get the first crop. The fruits have a raspberry hue. Large tomatoes - from 120 to 250 g. They have a pleasant sugary flesh, reminiscent of the well-known variety "Bull's heart".

Important, that this variety is determinant, that is, limited in growth (not higher than 150 cm). It is convenient for a compact garden.

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Another undersized tomato is the variety Pepper-like "Fortress". Its bushes do not exceed 45 cm and have a standard shape. Plants are easy to grow in open ground - they adapt to weather vagaries and pests.

Orange tomato of this group of varieties have beautiful bright orange fruits weighing about 150 g. The highest yield is obtained in greenhouses.

Yellow pepper-shaped tomato is a very beautiful and hardy variety. It has one indisputable advantage - it is resistant to pests and hot weather.

The fruits of striped tomato look interesting: orange and yellow stripes on a red background. Such tomatoes look especially beautiful in a jar - they have a dense skin and are well suited for canning.

Non-standard appearance and tomato "Cuban black." The variety is late ripe, large fruits - over 300 g. At the time of full ripening, the skin is closer to brown-red color.

Gardeners reviews

Pepper-like tomato was liked by all lovers of original plants and breeding novelties. But those who are prone to conservatism, appreciated the taste and other positive aspects of the variety.

Seedlings grow good and do not require special care. Many varieties of this group are resistant to disease and therefore perfect for growing both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

The fruits have an original shape and taste good. Fleshy pulp is ideal for canning and fresh salads.


The yields of pepper varieties are quite high: from 9 to 15 kg per 1 m of planting. The highest results for raspberry tomato - 15 kg per m. Next, follows "Cuban black" and orange.

You should be aware that yield indicators depend not only on the variety, but also on agricultural technology. Pepper-shaped tomato has many advantages, and it is worth trying to grow it on your site.

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