Tomato "Verlioka" - productivity, reviews, photo

16.06.2016 Tomatoes

tomato verlioca reviewsThis tomato has many advantages, which we’ll talk about now. So, the theme of the day is the Verlioka tomato, reviews, photos, productivity, growing conditions for a good harvest.

The peculiarity of the variety is its unpretentiousness and resistance to cold, which is why the variety was loved by residents of the northern regions. Usually tomato is grown in greenhouses that are not heated, in the open ground, judging by the reviews, it does not feel very well. The advantages include its unpretentiousness, it is well protected from all sorts of tomato diseases such as fusarium, mosaics and so on.

It does not require any chemical treatments, which is important for the ecological purity of the fruit. The variety is high-yielding, and most importantly - early ripe. That is, having planted in March, after germination in 3 months it is already possible to collect fruits, moreover, they go together, immediately yielding a large number of fruits, which is great for whole preservation, and for salads too. The fruits are tied well, with a high percentage of ovaries.
Helpful information: tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, planting and care.

Cultivation, care

verlioca productivity

The variety requires the formation of 1, maximum 2 stems, requires pinching, the growth point must be transferred to the lateral shoot by pinching. When several inflorescences form on the bush, pinch the top of the main stem; after the third inflorescence, you need to leave the stepson, continue it. In Verlioka, the fruits are not large, only grow up to 100 g, in some areas, judging by the reviews, it grows somewhat watery and not sweet, in warmer areas it accumulates juiciness and sweetness in moderation, has good qualities both in laying and in taste.

Verlioca plus

Now there is on sale its improved variety with the prefix Plus, which has more positive qualities - the fruits are larger, some reach up to 150 g, sweeter, stronger, the bushes are slightly lower - up to one and a half meters.

Planting seedlings

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Count in your region and plant the seeds 40 days before the time when it can be planted under a film shelter. When transplanted into the ground, it has a high survival rate, well-rooted, almost no waste. The main thing is to step in time, removing unnecessary branches. It tolerates poor lighting.

Tomato "Verlioka", reviews

Galina: I have been planting this variety for three years now and am very pleased. For seedlings every time in March I already sow seeds, digging 1 cm into the ground. As the seedlings grow, I dive, I plant each plant in the ground in a square of 50 cm, take root perfectly. Only it is necessary not to overexpose seedlings, because the adult takes root more heavily, can hurt. Yes, seedlings are not watered heavily, otherwise it starts to stretch right away.

Oleg: I have been dealing with this variety for several years, my remarks: if moisture is not enough for the tomatoes, the leaves become velvety, they stretch upwards, and if the moisture is not enough, they turn pale, if the air humidity is exceeded, they can hurt with fungi, and it must be watered carefully so that drops did not fall on the leaves. And yet - if the weather is cold, and watering is intensified - the leaf mass develops strongly, which interferes with fruiting.

Olga: I’m sure to calibrate Verlioki seeds before planting, treat them with potassium permanganate, Epin and then they grow perfectly, do not get sick with anything, I can not boast of this variety. As for seedlings - I replant when the bushes are already up to 35 centimeters tall, strong, 2 tassels with inflorescences already have a dozen leaves. Then perfectly take root.
See also: Russian gardens, raspberry miracle.


The Verlioka variety is unpretentious, but needs additional nutrition, and prefers rich organic soil. It is advisable to prepare, dig up beds in the autumn, leaving the soil in large clods, add phosphorus and potassium, and add nitrogen in the spring, then the crop will be excellent. Also, feed twice a season - 3 weeks after transplanting seedlings, and then after 20 days, when the fruits already begin to be massively formed, this will be of great help to them. It is better to feed with liquid fertilizers, but it is also possible to dry them, dropping them between the rows.

If the lighting is poor, add potassium to them, this will increase the stability of tomatoes, if it is lacking, the leaves may curl. If the leaves begin to acquire a purple color - a lack of phosphorus, you need to add to the dressing.

As you can see, the reviews about the Verliok tomato are very positive, the yield is high, unpretentious and tasty - what proportion of happiness does the gardener still need?


The variety showed itself well if planted after cucumber, onions, cabbage, carrots, zucchini. It grows very poorly and is sick if the predecessors were eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, physalis.
See also: garden and garden do it yourself not like everyone else, interesting ideas.

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