Tomato "Yamal": characteristics and description of the variety

11.10.2016 Tomatoes

tomat-yamal-opisanieIn the list of tomatoes, which grow well in open ground, tomato "Yamal" takes a strong leading position, being in third place. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and description of the Yamal tomato variety in this material. What is the specificity of the variety, and what feedback from gardeners did the Yamal tomato get?

Characterization and description of the variety

Tomato "Yamal" refers to early ripening varieties, since from the time of planting seeds in the ground and until the ripening of the first tomato takes from 75 to 80 days. The characteristics and description of the Yamal tomato variety, based on reviews, attracted many. And this can also be explained by the fact that the bushes of this plant are compact and low, which immediately removes the need for additional work on the beds in the form of a garter. The average height of the bush of tomato "Yamal" from 25 centimeters to 35 centimeters. Due to such compactness, many people prefer to grow Yamal tomatoes on the windowsill, which is especially convenient for those who simply do not have a summer cottage or a piece of land for growing vegetables.

Other specific characteristics of the Yamal tomato and the description of the variety (photo) include the decorativeness of its fruits. They are round, slightly flattened, as if they came down from a photograph over which food stylists worked long and hard. Ripe tomato has a rich red color and a slightly glossy sheen, while the tomatoes are small - from 90 to 100 grams in weight.

Also, Yamal tomato bears fruit for a long time, has a rich taste and grows well even in places where there is insufficient lighting.

In their application, the tomatoes of the described variety are universal: they can be eaten fresh, made salads with them, canned whole fruits and included in the lecho.


No wonder the reviews on the Yamal tomato are extremely positive. Indeed, among the abundance of varieties of tomatoes and hybrids, it is so difficult to find a more unpretentious honeycomb, which at the same time would be tasty and productive, and universal.

A few words about growing

To reduce the risk of crop loss, most gardeners prefer to grow Yamal tomato seedlings.

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Tomato seeds are planted in special plastic containers, they must first be disinfected.

A mixture of river sand and humus in an equal ratio is suitable as the most successful soil. Before you send the seeds to the ground, you need to warm them up, so they sprout faster. Seeds are laid out on the battery and left so to lie for three days.

After warming up, the seeds of the Yamal tomato should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they are washed under a stream of ordinary water and dried so that there is no excess moisture (just wipe them with a napkin).

Before lowering the seeds into the soil to a depth of 2-3 centimeters, it must be slightly moistened. Seedlings are covered with cling film and exposed in a warm, bright place.

When the first shoots appear, the covering material can be removed, and the plant itself should be sprayed with a small stream so as not to damage the shoots.


When 2-3 leaves are formed, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers. When transplanting seedlings, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with a peat-humic mixture.

Reviews of gardeners

And what do gardeners think about tomato "Yamal" and their reviews tell, do the description and characteristics of this variety coincide with reality?

Tamara, 50 years old: “I grow Yamal tomato on the windowsill, which provides me with a crop of delicious and fresh tomatoes in both winter and summer. “I’ve never encountered any difficulties in growing seeds of this variety, therefore I definitely recommend it to others!”

Valeria, 43 years old: “My opinion on the Yamal tomato is definitely positive. High productivity and excellent taste are what attracts me to it. In this case, I simply have nothing to complain about. “Tomato paste is especially excellent from these tomatoes. Try to make it from this variety, be sure you don’t want to make pasta from other varieties!”

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