Tomato Zhenechka: characteristics and description of the variety, yield, reviews

22.03.2018 Tomatoes

To grow a decent crop in the open field in the Urals is the dream of every gardener. After all, the process depends not only on skills, but also on difficult weather conditions: the difference in day and night temperatures, a short warm period, therefore, the process of choosing varietal seeds for planting must be approached thoroughly. Tomato "Zhenechka" is the right choice for planting in this region.

To grow tomatoes in open ground in the Urals, you must choose varieties with a short growing season of 80-100 days. Tomato "Zhenechka" can be grown both in open and in closed ground.

Grade description

Tomato Zhenechka belongs to the super early varieties suitable for cultivation in areas of risky agriculture of the Urals and Siberia. This variety is suitable for growing in open ground in short summer conditions, during which time the fruits manage to not only form, but also ripen.

Variety Characteristics

  1. The plant is determinant, non-spreading, compact. The height of the bush is 35-45 cm.
  2. Branching and leafyness is average.
  3. Formation does not require.
  4. Super early variety: from seedlings to the beginning of fruit ripening 80-87 days.
  5. Fruiting friendly, stable.
  6. Fruits form close to the stem. Only 3-4 brushes with fruits weighing 80-100 g.
  7. Fruits, fleshy, slightly ribbed to the peduncle, red, rounded.
  8. The flesh of the fruit is melting in the mouth, sweet with a slight acidity.
  9. Productivity of 3-4 kg from a bush.
  10. Resistance to late blight.

Seedling planting dates

For the Urals and Siberia, planting seedlings in the ground, without fear of frost, preferably after June 4-10. Tomato seedlings are ready for planting at the age of 54-60 days. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate the optimal time for sowing seeds on April 6-10.

Note! Before planting, make sure that the future seedlings will be provided with sufficient illumination for 22-24 hours the first 3 days from the moment of seed germination and 12-14 hours the rest of the time until planting in the ground. The air temperature before the emergence of seedlings 22-25 ° C, after the emergence of seedlings and before landing 14-16 ° C.

Features of cultivation and care of the variety

Before starting planting tomatoes, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools.

  1. Directly tomato seeds Zhenechka.
  2. Priming.
  3. Container for planting seeds.

For the emergence of friendly seedlings, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing culling and seed treatment. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in 200 ml of water. salt and drop the seeds. Part of the seeds will drop - they need to be dried and planted, the remaining seeds will float on the surface - they need to be thrown out. Before sowing, the seeds are kept in a solution of stimulants or trace elements for 6 hours.

Soil can be prepared independently from a mixture of turf disinfected land, compost, peat, ash. If the soil is not light enough, add sand or a coconut substrate to it. You can buy soil for nightshade in the store. The growing seedlings in peat tablets is gaining popularity.

Soil substrate for the cultivation of tomatoes Zhenechka, should be moisture-resistant, breathable, saturated with the necessary trace elements with a good lumpy structure

Sowing containers are used differently: they can be seedlings or plastic cups. The container should be well washed and disinfected, especially if reused. Any containers should be with drainage holes, otherwise the seedlings will be susceptible to the disease of the black leg.

It is possible to grow seedlings of tomatoes intended for open ground, as well as other varieties and hybrids. The tomato variety Zhenechka is preferable to grow, bypassing the stage of the pick.

  1. Fill the prepared container with soil and pour plenty of warm water.
  2. Submerge the seeds in the soil by 1-1.5 cm and sprinkle with soil.
  3. Put the pots in a warm, bright place and cover with a transparent material, such as glass or film.
  4. After a week, seedlings appear, the film must be immediately removed, and the temperature reduced to 14-16 ° C.
  5. Additional lighting is necessary to prevent seedlings from stretching.
  6. The temperature is lowered by airing the room, avoiding a draft. Low temperature will not allow seedlings to stretch out and accelerate the development of the root system.
  7. 5-6 days after emergence, the temperature is again increased to 22-25 ° C and the weaker plant is removed.
  8. Care of seedlings consists in regular watering with subsequent loosening of the soil. The moisture content of the soil mixture should be 70-80%.
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Note! Seedlings need to be fed once every 12-14 days with phosphorus fertilizer to form the root system. After transplanting into open ground, potassium fertilizers are added to phosphorus fertilizers, which contribute to early flowering and abundant fruiting.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings are hardened (they are taught to be in conditions close to open ground). In the Urals, quenching begins in early May, eliminating direct sunlight. The air temperature must not be lowered below 10 ° C. During the hardening of seedlings, the soil in pots should be moistened, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and wilted, in the worst case, a black leg may be affected.

Tomatoes can be grown in one place for no more than 2-3 years, with the obligatory introduction of organic fertilizers of at least 10 kg per 1 sq.m.

The best predecessors for tomatoes grown in the open field are cucumbers, cabbage, onions. It is not recommended to plant them in the garden where solanaceous plants grew before that. Strong, bright green, not elongated seedlings with 7-9 leaves - the key to a good harvest.

Tomato seedlings are ready for planting in the soil with the onset of a stable air temperature. It should be at least + 8 ° C. The optimum soil temperature for tomatoes should be from + 12 ° C. To get an earlier harvest, some gardeners prepare tunnels with covering material or film, especially if there is a threat of night frost. In early June, the need for shelters disappears.

  1. Landing is carried out in cloudy weather or at sunset.
  2. Seedlings are planted on ridges or on a flat surface.
  3. The scheme for planting 70 * 30 cm. For 1 sq.m. stir 6-8 plants. Thicken planting should not be, as in this case there will be insufficient lighting of each bush, and the amount of yield will decrease.
  4. In the holes you need to add rotted manure, mineral fertilizers, ash and spill plenty of warm water.
  5. When planting, the plants are buried, leaving 6-7 leaves, the rest are cut off.
  6. If the seedlings have grown, you need to dig out horizontal trenches, lay the stem in them, after tearing off the leaves. On the surface there will also be 6-7 leaves.
  7. If necessary, plants retrain to form new roots.
  8. Zhenechka’s tomato is tied to vertical supports, otherwise lodging under the weight of the crop is possible.
  9. Forming bushes is not required, however, after the formation of the first brush, the lower yellowed leaves can be cut off.
  10. Further care comes down to regular watering once every 7 days, weeding and top dressing with fertilizers containing minerals and organics. You need to feed plants only after plentiful watering.

The main purpose of the variety and its stability

For salads, stewing, baking and preservation, tomatoes of the variety are best suited, fresh consumption is also possible.

The variety has a high resistance to disease and adverse conditions. Tomato Zhenechka belongs to early ripening varieties, the main yield of the crop occurs at the end of June, therefore, the period of August cold weather is not terrible for him, and therefore late blight will pass by.

The variety of Siberian selection was bred specifically for productive cultivation in the regions of the Urals and Siberia, it is resistant to weather changes. At the risk of infection with fungal diseases, plants are treated with a solution of phytosporin, diluted according to the instructions.

Reviews gardeners

Irina Mikhailovna, 56 years old. Ural:

“I’ve been growing Zhenechka’s tomato for several years in a row, the tastiest for early consumption, a bit sour. He has a very thin skin and amazing flesh. ”

Elena Ivanovna, 67 years old. Samara:

“Taste like in childhood. It is especially pleasant to pluck and eat red tomatoes directly from the bush when they are still green in the greenhouse. Now there are a lot of different varieties, you won’t try everything, so I’m planting several different hybrids for testing (Alsou, Unsatisfied with a nose). Some grow, some not so, but the grade Zhenechka always helps out. With it you will not be left without a tomato, even if other varieties fail. I advise everyone. ”

Vera Lvovna, 71 years old. Sverdlovsk region:

“I read your comments and also want to share. I live in the Sverdlovsk region, so I try to buy tomatoes of Siberian selection, the weather here is unpredictable. I really like the Zhenechka variety from the Siberian Garden, Extreme from Biotechnology and the Monti hybrid from Agros. I especially like Zhenechka. The fruits are even, friendly shoots, no need to pinch. ”

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