Description and features of growing tomato "Gary Golden Bear"

24.01.2018 Tomatoes

Tomato variety Golden Bear Gary is suitable only for growing in greenhouses, because from sudden changes in temperature and frosts, the fruits most often die. The height of the bushes reaches 2 meters, the tomatoes are large and have a bright apricot color.

Grade description

Gary Golden Bear Tomatoes are classified as mid-season and can be grown from seeds or seedlings. Ripe fruits have an average weight of about 380 - 490 grams. The fleshy flesh has a balanced sweet taste and a bright yellow-orange color.

Tomatoes themselves are good for making fresh salads and main dishes. They are the demanded ingredients in the children's menu and subject to diet. One of the main features of the variety of tomato varieties Golden Bear Gary is the ability to get delicious aromatic apricot juice.

The leaves of tomato bushes are ordinary with a green color. The shape of the fruit is flat round. The peel is quite dense. After a crop failure, the tomatoes retain their original characteristics for about a week.

The degree of yield of a variety primarily depends on the adequacy of irrigation and soil fertilization. From one bush you can collect about 4 kg of tomatoes, up to 8 - 10 fruits.

Growing Features

The indeterminacy of the variety determines the height of the bushes is about 1.8 - 2 meters. The plant needs to be tied to an additional support, as well as timely pinching (removal of lateral shoots). To obtain the maximum yield on one bush, leave no more than 2 stems.

Sowing of seeds is carried out 60 - 65 days before the planting of future seedlings in the ground. Transplanting sprouts or picking in separate holes is possible only before two whole leaves appear on the stem. When planting in the ground, you must adhere to the rules:

  • if the bushes will be formed in 2 stems, there should be no more than 3 plants on one square meter;
  • if bushes with one stem are formed - they can be planted in 4 pieces on a plot of the same size.


Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the exactingness of plants for the absence of frosts, as well as constant moderate soil moisture.

Additional recommendations

Gary Golden Bear tomato cultivation is best done on loose healthy soils that are not prone to fungal or microbial damage. Planting bushes on soils with a predominant content of sand or clay rocks can affect the taste of the tomatoes themselves. Moderate soil moisture should leave oxygen in the root system.

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During the cultivation of seedlings, it is imperative that the optimum air temperature is observed (about 15 - 17 degrees), as well as enough room lighting, without direct sunlight. If the container with planted seeds is additionally covered with a film or glass, the soil requires daily ventilation for 30 to 40 minutes. As soon as sprouts begin to appear on the surface of the soil, additional shelter must be removed completely.

Planting bushes in greenhouses is recommended at a distance of 45-60 cm. Watering can be carried out using soluble mineral complexes.Additional treatment of bushes from damage by various diseases is necessary if the soils used and the room itself are distinguished by infection by microbes and fungi.

Inadequate lighting, less than 10 - 12 hours, as well as excessive watering, can cause a small number of fruits and their small size. Too dense soil makes the stems thin and weak, unable to withstand the load of the fruits during their growth and ripening.

The first top dressing is recommended for the soil itself, using organic fertilizer, for example, leafy humus or bird droppings, with mandatory digging. The second stage of fertilizer is carried out when planting the grown bushes in the ground. At this stage, mineral complexes are more suitable, which are poured into the hole to the roots of future bushes. Special picking (partial removal of the root system for its better growth) is not recommended, since it is enough that it is lost during the transplantation of germinated seeds into separate holes.


Vladimir, 39 years old

I have been cultivating different varieties of tomatoes for more than 6 years, but this is the first time I have met such a bright beauty and at the same time a fleshy tasty pulp. I tried to plant several bushes in open ground, but after a couple of cold nights, they just died, so I recommend it only for owners of greenhouses and with the possibility of regular watering. Even children were able to feed fragrant tomatoes, which did not work with any other variety. It is a pity that tomatoes are not suitable for preservation, but there is an incentive to take all the best from fresh salads. Productivity is above average, about 7 - 8 large fruits from one bush.


Elena, 42 years old

For seedlings I took wooden boxes. She grew seedlings in a warm pantry, but brought them into the light during the day. We are very pleased with the harvest, because we managed to feed our family tasty and healthy salads. Unusual sweet taste and color is remembered even by children. I recommend for growing in their own greenhouses. After the breakdown, the tomatoes are still suitable for about 7 - 9 days for consumption, then they begin to deteriorate and become watery.

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