We shelter grapes for the winter in the suburbs: methods

10.08.2017 Grape

Climatic conditions in central Russia make novice gardeners every time think about how to shelter grapes for the winter in the suburbs correctly.

The following factors affect the yield of the vine after wintering:

  • bush age - fruit-bearing shoots are more resistant to a sharp cooling than yearlings;
  • full compliance with agricultural technology during the period of fruiting and vegetation;
  • the presence of diseases and pests on the vine.

During the summer, it is necessary to thin out the bushes, removing excess shoots. This contributes to the emergence of a strong bark on the vine - only lignified branches are able to endure temperature extremes.

Plant preparation

Before you cover the grapes for the winter in the suburbs in the selected way, the vine must be prepared. There are standard methods for preparing bushes for the winter period, aimed at strengthening the stems and accumulating nutrients inside the trunks:

  1. After harvesting, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly before the freezing temperature, up to 10 buckets of water should be poured on each bush. In the first container, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Such a procedure is carried out to accumulate moisture in the root soil, sufficient for the spring, and the mineral substance will prevent its acidification.
  2. As soon as all the berries are harvested, the trunk should be well fertilized so that before the winter test the vine has managed to accumulate in the root system and lignified shoots enough macro- and microelements necessary for a full crop in the future. To do this, mix 4-5 kg ​​of humus with 50 gr. superphosphate fertilizers, with 1 gr. boric acid and 2 cups of wood ash. Feeding should be done simultaneously with digging, the specified amount of the nutrient mixture should be in 1 square. m barreled strip.
  3. At the beginning of October, cut off the remaining leaves and form “sleeves” from the shoots that should be wintered. This is a bookmark for next year, so the branches should have a dense layer of bark. Remove diseased and damaged processes, cut off yearlings. In order for the bush to begin to bear fruit the next year, it is necessary to properly prepare the young shoots. Before you cover the grapes for the winter in the Moscow Region for 1 year of planting, you should select the strongest shoots with the most dense top layer, cut to the desired length - the optimal size of the branches left depends on the plant variety.

[sc name = "info-attention" text = "Be sure to pour a high mound of humus onto the basal zone. Gardeners do not recommend using sawdust or garden soil for these purposes, so that when the humidity is high, the grape roots will not rot. ”]

Expanded clay serves as a good covering material - it allows air to pass through and has low heat and cold conductivity.

There is no exact date for the full cover of the vine - it all depends on the expected weather conditions in each area.

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If the event is held too early, the buds will be vomited and the plant will die; if it is delayed, frost will hit unprotected shoots and the bush will be completely destroyed.

It is necessary to navigate according to the weather - as soon as the temperature drops to -1, it is necessary to cover the bush at night, if weather forecasters promise a decrease to -5, the shelter must be completely closed. Most often, this temperature is set in late October - early November.

How to cover grapes for the winter?

There are main ways to use improvised materials or waste from the manufacturing industry as insulation for grape bushes. All of them have their advantages and weak points, having examined which you can use the best option in each case.

How to cover with polycarbonate?

The mesh structure of the material is ideal for maintaining a constant temperature in vine shelters. This greatly simplifies the process, in addition, pieces of material used for greenhouses or clippings that remain unused after the construction of larger structures are used.

The description and photo will tell you how to cover the grapes for the winter in the suburbs with the help of light and durable building plastic:

  • tie the prepared lashes into one bundle with a wide ribbon - it is not recommended to use a rope for these purposes, it can damage the coating of branches;
  • along the trellis, prepare bedding from any non-woven substrates - spruce branches, reed mats or a thick layer of dry oak leaves;
  • lay the connected lashes on the “mattress”, pin them to the soil with steel wire flyers or special brackets;
  • reinforce the lateral ends of the polycarbonate sheet with wooden slats or planks using a construction stapler;
  • drill several holes in the tree at the same distance from each other;
  • pull a strong cord or rope into the holes;
  • place the structure over a row of bushes laid on a substrate;
  • pull the sheet with a rope so that an arched tunnel is obtained;
  • fix the screed by tying its ends to the columns dug into the ground.

Along the side walls of the obtained shelter, it is necessary to dig grooves to drain the water - this will protect the plant from roiling in the rain or thaw. From above, the frame is covered with any type of insulation - spanbond, roofing felt, film. At the same time, the northern ends of such tunnels must be covered with a double layer of insulation, the southern ends should be left open until a stable minus temperature sets in. Do not forget prepare roses for winter!

Method number 2: polycarbonate

Do not throw away scraps of material if they are difficult to shape when bent and crack. There is a method that allows you to apply long strips of polycarbonate without having to give it a semicircular shape:

  1. Cut a long strip of old linoleum, an old tape for an industrial conveyor or rubberized rug or any other strong material.
  2. Using a construction stapler, connect two suitable pieces of polycarbonate at right angles to each other using a construction stapler.
  3. Cropped vine branches tie into one large bunch with a wide ribbon in several places.
  4. On the ground along the entire length of the trellis, lay a substrate of reed mats, spruce branches, dry raspberry stems or large sawdust (dried).
  5. Bending gently from above, attach bound grapes with special flyers.
  6. Cover the bush row with a “house” of bonded polycarbonate, securing it along the long sides with a heavy stone or simply digging it lightly into the soil.
  7. From above, it is better to cover the entire structure with agrofibre or spanbond - this will help reduce the intensity of sunlight during the thaw or early spring.
  8. As soon as the mercury column on the thermometer is set to -5 degrees, close the end openings of the “house” with a double layer of any insulation, pour sawdust on top or spruce fir branches.

The video shows how to cover the grapes for the winter in the suburbs so that the wintering for this heat-loving culture was safe and comfortable.It is important to properly remove the shelter in the spring - the early sun and daytime thaw can provoke the rapid growth of new leaves and shoots.

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