Options for soaking onions before planting

22.07.2015 Onion

what to soak onions before plantingIf the question arises, what to soak onions before planting, then the gardener has already burned himself in the planting of unprepared bulbs. Or, a person simply does not want to make a common mistake. Many people think that it is enough just to plant the bulbs in the ground, and an excellent harvest is provided. But here, as with planting any culture, preliminary preparation is needed.

First of all, medium-sized bulbs are selected. From them you need to remove the top layer of the peel. Next, soak the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate. This is the first, most common way to prevent diseases and parasites. Soaking in potassium permanganate not only increases the immunity of the culture, but also increases productivity. Do you know how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way?

Important! If a family onion is planted, then it is necessary to first ensure that it starts the roots. To do this, you need to remove the bulbs from the boxes where they were stored, put them in a bright place, after wetting them (you can just put the bulbs on the windowsill).

About the right preparation

When it comes to onion sets, it needs to be soaked right before planting. But other types of onions will need to be germinated in advance so that they take root. But this does not require ways to soak the onions before planting in the spring. You just need to put the onions in a bright, warm place and leave for several weeks.

preparing the onion for planting

Within one week, the onion will grow if the room temperature is from 25 degrees Celsius and above. Such conditions can be achieved if tubers are placed on the battery, next to the gas stove. Sprouted onions are ready for planting in open ground.

Bulbs are susceptible to various insects and fungi. So, be sure to disinfect the upper layers of the bulb before planting. Soaking solutions can be prepared independently. For example, to prevent nematodes, seed is soaked in normal saline for three days. A bucket of water is taken on three glasses of salt.

Mineralization of seed

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Those seeds that will be planted in one sitting should be equally ready for sowing. To ensure this, you need to pre-assemble in a mesh all onions and put the net in the water with the mineral fertilizers dissolved in it: dissolve a small spoon of copper sulfate on a bucket of water. Leave the bulbs for two days, and rinse thoroughly before planting.

how to soak bulbs before planting

Advice! The best neighbors for onions are garlic and carrots. In addition, these plants will scare away the onion fly, which means they will increase the yield of a neighboring crop.

Do you need antiseptics

Copper sulfate is a longtime friend of gardeners and it is used not only for soaking onions. In addition to the method of soaking, you can make a special bath with this solution, which has an antiseptic effect. Dilute the liquid to make it bluish. Water should be warm, somewhere 60 degrees warm. Put the onion in the solution for just a couple of minutes, then remove and rinse. Such a bow will be ready for planting in five days. It is now reliably protected from pests and other local diseases.

To the bow did not rot in the process of growth, a solution of wood ash will help. Somewhere 500 grams of ash should be diluted in a bucket of water. Put the onions in the net, and send the net for a couple of hours in the solution. Then dry the bulbs in the sun and you can begin to plant them.

Also, various growth stimulants, which are sold in garden shops, will save from rot.When using them, it is important to dry the bulbs well afterwards. Such a crop will be strong, it will be stored for a long time.

soaking onions before planting

Options for soaking onions before planting from pests:

  • Plain water with a temperature of 50 degrees heat. Leave planting material for ten minutes, and then plant. This method will help disinfect the bulbs.
  • A solution of nitrate. It will take 70 liters of warm water, somewhere around 40 degrees Celsius. In it, dilute a small spoonful of nitrate and soak the tubers for a quarter of an hour. Such a soaking activates the appearance of roots, disinfects. But the method is suitable only for onions, which are planted at the very beginning of the garden season.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate. This method has already been described in the material. Leave onion in the solution for literally 15 minutes, you can use cold water.
  • The drug "Epin-Extra." Dissolve the capsule in warm water, lower the onion for ten minutes. Accelerates the process of the emergence of roots, as well as a green feather.

These are common and proven options for soaking the onions before planting. Soak planting material must be, at least in plain water. This will accelerate productivity and significantly increase it.

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