Simple ways to get rid of moles in a summer cottage

9.05.2015 Diseases and Pests

How to get rid of molesSummer residents are always looking for how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way. After all, these animals on the site are dangerous. They can damage the root system of seedlings and help reduce overall productivity. Moreover, moles feed on worms, beetle larvae. Worms and larvae loosen the soil from the inside, without damaging the plantsso that the soil produces additional oxygen.

In general, mole dacha owners are long-standing enemies. For each summer resident, the question of folk ways is relevant, how can I get rid of these annoying and harmful animals on the site.

Interesting! Moles have poor eyesight because they live underground. But, this is compensated by the subtlest hearing, as well as the sense of smell. Means against moles aimed at these senses will help with proper use.

Folk remedies for moles in the country

To choose the best and most suitable way, how to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way (video), you need to understand that these are smart and inventive animals. If you remove them for a long time and without success, then they can even begin to take revenge on the gardener.

Therefore, to remove animals from their site, it is recommended to use several methods at once for greater efficiency. Having driven away the mole successfully and the first time, the owner will be able to calmly engage in the garden on his site and no longer worry about the underground trenches that this animal can leave.

Moles on the site
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Sound exposure options:

  • Turntables that you can do yourself. A metal pipe about two meters long is taken. It will be necessary to dig it into the ground by 50 centimeters. Put a tin can on top and make cuts in it. I.e. The blades should come out. Moving along the pipe, the bank will create noise and vibrations that will scare away the mole. It’s great if you can make such turntables around the perimeter of the entire summer cottage.
  • You can make wooden bayonets at a distance of two meters from each other around the perimeter of the site. They should be dug into the ground and fastened with a rope, connecting all the bayonets. Hang on each segment 2-3 cans (of course, empty).
  • If you can figure out where the animals have your main passages, then you can dig in empty bottles (at an angle of 45 degrees). Let the bottle necks look in different directions to catch the wind any day. As a result, the tunnel will have a constant noise of the wind, which will scare away the moles.
mole removal in the country

Impact on the sense of smell:

  • Plant any bean plants around the perimeter of the garden. It can be peas, lupins. The fact is that scientists have found that moles, for unknown reasons, do not tolerate this smell.
  • You can put a fish head in front of each entrance to the tunnel. Moles from this "aroma" go crazy. But, remember that the head will also smell unpleasant to you, and also collect flies around you.
  • Ammonia, as well as kerosene also show good qualities in the fight against moles on the site. Soak the cloth in a liquid and put it on the entrance to the mole tunnel.

What else to do

It happens that none of the methods described helps or does not suit the owner of the site. In this situation, there is nothing left but to get rid of moles with the help of the most stringent measures. It can be special traps and self-arrows. You can lure moles with minced meat, in which to add poison.

Fight against moles

Important! Many just try to flood the mole’s tunnel thinking that this method will work.This option of getting rid of moles on the site will not bring anything good: only the appearance of dampness and new tunnels. Moles can bypass flooded areas quickly and easily, so this is definitely not an option.

Even if you found an optionhow to get rid of moles in the country in a simple way, and it worked, you should not celebrate the victory. Moles, sometimes, disappear during the war with them, and then tend to return, moreover, as a whole large family.

As soon as the moles stopped appearing on the site, you need to enclose this place with a fine mesh: worms will pass through it, but the moles will not break through it.

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Comments on the article: 6
  1. Avatar


    Yes, moles can be difficult to get rid of. But there are ways in which they will never return. Still, the 21st century. :) We now have a device, called an eco-sniper. Small, inexpensive and efficient. Taiwanese made. It acts through sound and vibration. You can not be afraid that someone will suffer - these are not poisons, not chemistry and not other harmfulness. For people, beneficial insects and pets, it is completely safe. But the trick is that the moles leave and do not return, because this sound is very disgusting to them. Of course, the device should constantly work, but this is not a problem.

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  3. Avatar


    I had a snake in my country house, I accidentally watched it last summer. Moles are gone.

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  4. Avatar


    I use the sititek led ultrasonic mole repeller myself. It’s good that they came up with such devices, because in the country there isn’t much time for traps or turntables from moles. The device is already designed for a certain range, does not require maintenance and is no less effective than home-made devices.

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  5. Avatar


    I also do not have time to build traps and traps. Are you satisfied with your sititek repeller? I want to buy something similar for myself this season.

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  6. Avatar


    Yes, we also have a repeller installed. Here is EcoSniper, and he is also almost inaudible, but he drove away the moles quickly enough, two or three weeks, probably.

    To answer

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