How to cook mushrooms mushrooms and how much time is needed (+18 photo)?

18.01.2019 Mushrooms

Fans of a “quiet” hunt find it difficult to walk past small mushrooms with round hats growing in groups, and this is not surprising, since honey mushrooms are very fragrant and tasty mushrooms. They won the heart of not only mushroom pickers, but also cooks, as their delicate taste goes well with many products and can easily add originality to the simplest dish. But in order that the taste of the dish did not disappoint, you need to know how to cook and fry mushrooms mushrooms.

Features of the view and useful properties

Honey mushrooms belong to the Fizalakrievye family and have several species that differ not only in their external characteristics and place of growth, but also in taste. But despite some differences, all species have common features:

Structure Description

In young mushrooms - hemispherical and covered with small scales.

In mature mushrooms - smooth and umbrella-shaped.

Leg Thin and flexible. It can reach 15 cm in length.
Growth type In groups.
Smell Delicate and pleasant mushroom aroma.
Records Cream or yellow-white.

The hue of the hat depends on the place of growth of the honey agaric and varies within the cream and red colors. Autumn mushrooms are very popular among culinary experts, because this particular species is considered the most delicious and fragrant of its family. Also, varieties of the genus include winter, summer and meadow openings.

The fruit body contains many useful trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, as well as valuable amino acids and fiber. In addition, the product contains B vitamins and vitamin C, E and PP.

Mushroom cooking time

Due to the fact that mushrooms are a rather complex food for the stomach, they can not be eaten raw. Therefore, even before baking, freezing, pickling and other types of processing, it is recommended to cook them.

Preparation of mushrooms for heat treatment

Before proceeding directly to cooking the product, it must be sorted, removed rotten and worm-affected specimens.

Mushroom picking
Mushroom picking

If on the fruiting body there are minor spoiled areas, then they can be cut off, leaving a healthy part. It is also recommended to trim the long leg a little, especially with regard to the part that was immersed in the ground. For more thorough removal of debris from the surface, the product can be carefully cleaned with a knife, removing only dirt.

Mushroom processing
Mushroom processing

Next, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed under running water. If after washing all the garbage has not been removed, the fruiting bodies can be soaked in water with the addition of salt. Since honey agarics are quickly absorbed by water, they should not be kept in water for a long time, soaking for 20-30 minutes is enough.

General principles

Many are interested in the question, how long does it take to cook mushrooms so that they do not lose their pleasant taste. If after cooking the product will not go through another type of processing, then it must be cooked until cooked, which on average takes 30 minutes.

Cooking honey mushrooms
Cooking honey mushrooms

The “harvest” washed and cleaned of dirt is immersed in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Then the water is drained, and the product is washed under running water. Next, honey mushrooms again must be placed in clean boiling water with salt for another 25 minutes.The foam that forms during the cooking process must be removed.

Before frying and baking

Before frying, it is recommended to cook the product for 20 minutes, in two stages, where the first stage takes 5 minutes and the second takes 15 minutes. Between stages it is necessary to replace the water with clean water, and rinse the mushrooms. In this case, there is no need to cook the mushrooms until fully cooked, since later another heat treatment will follow. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced by 10 minutes.

Fried mushrooms
Fried mushrooms

Before baking, mushrooms are cooked as well as before frying. Since the product will be baked, it can be boiled until half cooked, so 20-25 minutes will be enough.

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Before pickling

Before salting, the product requires thorough heat treatment, so the cooking time is delayed by 45 minutes.

The honey agarics are placed in boiling water with salt and boiled for 5 minutes, after which the water is drained and the product is transferred to clean and cold water. In the second water, the "crop" is cooked for 35-40 minutes. Once the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan, they can be removed from the heat.

Before freezing

Before freezing a product, it can be boiled in two ways. The first method is no different from the method of cooking before pickling, but the second method has its own characteristics.

To do this, the main ingredient is placed in a container with cold salted water and brought to a boil over medium heat. After that, it must be boiled for another 60 minutes.

How to cook mushrooms?

Many housewives who have not previously encountered cooking mushrooms are interested in the question of how to properly, quickly, and most importantly, deliciously fry this product and cook other dishes from boiled honey mushrooms.

We fry mushrooms in a pan

For cooking you will need:

  • boiled mushrooms - 700 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • butter for frying;
  • salt and other spices to taste.

Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.

Onions are cut into small cubes and fried in oil until golden brown. The main ingredient, in turn, is fried in a separate pan, in butter for 5 minutes. After that, the contents of 2 pans are combined, mixed and fried for another 5 minutes. After turning off the fire, salt and other spices are added to taste. The dish is ready to serve.

Fry the mushrooms until fully cooked for 10 minutes. For cooking, it is better to choose a deep frying pan, because during the cooking process excess moisture comes out of the product.

Fried mushrooms go well with potatoes, rice and pasta. Some housewives, after frying, recommend stewing the product in sour cream with the addition of garlic and other spicy spices. Sour cream will make the taste of the dish softer and fresher, and garlic will add spice and piquancy to it.

Popular boiled fruit dishes

To prepare mushroom salad you will need:

  • boiled mushrooms - 300 g;
  • boiled chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • eggs (pre-boiled) - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt - ½ tbsp. l

Honey mushrooms and chicken should be cut into large cubes or slices. Next, cut eggs into cubes.

Salad with honey mushrooms
Salad with honey mushrooms

After all the boiled ingredients are cut, you can start chopping walnuts (should be crushed to a crumb state). A coffee grinder or blender is perfect for this. In the absence of these devices, you can use a rolling pin and literally roll out nuts. All crushed products are seasoned with mayonnaise, salted and mixed. The dish can be served on lettuce.

Answers to Common Questions

How to cook mushrooms before frying?
Before starting to fry the product, it is recommended to boil it in salted water for 20 minutes.5 minutes after cooking, it is necessary to replace the water with clean water and boil for another 15 minutes. However, it is worth remembering that fresh mushrooms before frying are immersed exclusively in boiling water.
Do I need to soak the mushrooms before cooking?
As such, there is no need for soaking, but such manipulation allows you to get rid of hard-to-reach debris. In addition, short soaking does not affect the taste of the product.
How to cook frozen honey mushrooms?
Frozen mushrooms are placed in a container and filled with cold water, so that it covers the product a little. After that, salt (1 tbsp. L / kg) is added to the water and gently mixed. Mushrooms are recommended to cook for 10 minutes after boiling, be sure to remove the emerging foam.
Is it necessary to cook mushrooms before freezing?
Cooking mushrooms before freezing is not necessary. Many housewives prefer to boil them before freezing for their own safety, since repeated heat treatment makes the product better digestible.
How many minutes to fry mushrooms in a pan?
As a rule, early boiled honey mushrooms, it is necessary to fry on medium heat for 10 minutes. This time is sufficient for complete evaporation of the liquid and the appearance of a blush on the product.

Honey mushrooms are fragrant mushrooms that will become a delicious decoration for any table. From them you can cook soups, salads, casseroles and other healthy dishes.

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