Atos grapes: characteristics and description of the variety, planting and care

15.10.2018 Grape

Athos is sure to appeal to those who want to grow grapes, ripening as soon as possible, the brushes are ready to cut already in July. The hybrid has an increased immunity to diseases and does not require painstaking care. Atos table grape is named one of the most noticeable, the best new cultural products over the past decade, study the description and photos, see for yourself.

Origin history

Atos grapes were bred in Ukraine in the Luhansk region, the author is V.K. Bondarchuk. Such varieties as the Talisman and Kodryanka were taken as the basis. In autumn 2009, Valery Konstantinovich handed over the seedlings of the hybrid for variety testing, in the spring they were planted on an experimental field, after 2 years the bushes gave the first crop.

During the tests, the characteristics declared by the breeder were confirmed, the main emphasis was placed on early ripening and the rich taste of berries. In 2012, Athos grape seedlings were put up for sale. In just a couple of years, the hybrid has become widespread in the south of Ukraine, Russia and the Crimea.

Description and specifications

Athos is an early variety of grapes, berries ripen 95–105 days after the start of the growing season (from the first of July to mid-August). Winter hardiness is above average, under the condition of snowy winters, the bush will withstand a temperature drop of up to 23 degrees. Immunity to diseases is high, wasps harm berries extremely rarely.

Atos grapes are not affected by powdery mildew and mildew; in unfavorable years, gray rot is a danger. The degree of resistance of the hybrid to phylloxera has not yet been established.

Bush and fruit characteristics

The bush is tall, branched, and grows very quickly. The vine is powerful, ripens almost 100%. The flowers are bisexual, fruiting begins in the second, rarely in the third year after planting. Leaves are rounded, medium in size, slightly dissected, pubescent on the back side. The bushiness of the bush is above average.

Bunches from 700 grams to one and a half kilograms, conical, average in density. Berries up to 15 grams, nipple or palmate, dark blue, when fully ripe, almost black with a thick waxy coating. The pulp is very juicy, fleshy, crispy, sweet-sour taste with hints of nutmeg and a light fruity aroma. The skin is dense, but not stiff, when consumed it is almost imperceptible.

Productivity and Use

Atos grapes can be added to other varieties in the manufacture of homemade wines or liquors, to enhance the taste. The hybrid is good for juices, compotes, preserves and assorted fruits, but most often it is grown for fresh consumption. Berries do not deteriorate and do not crumble during transportation; they can be stored in cool conditions for up to 2 months.

In large vineyards, up to 130 quintals of berries per season are removed from one hectare. The number of crops harvested in small farms or in private gardens is difficult to calculate, a lot depends on the method of pruning and the region of cultivation. Studying the numerous reviews of winegrowers from different countries and regions, it can be concluded that Athos is characterized by consistently high productivity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many new grape hybrids are endowed with exceptionally positive characteristics, Athos among them. But the variety has one significant drawback - relatively poor frost resistance.

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Let's move on to the advantages:

  • unpretentiousness and undemanding;
  • simplicity in reproduction - cuttings root well and develop quickly;
  • high commodity characteristics of brushes and berries;
  • good taste;
  • keeping up and portability;
  • productivity;
  • lack of tendency to pea;
  • self-fertility;
  • universality in use.
In central Russia, you can’t do without shelter, and in cooler regions, where snowy winters often occur, you will have to refuse to land.

Another significant plus of the hybrid is that ripe berries do not burst, even with high humidity, do not crumble and do not fade. After full ripening, the brushes can be left on the bushes for up to 30 days, the taste will not spoil, on the contrary, the fruits will gain more sugar.

Growing Features

Atos grape hybrid should be planted in an open, calm place, where groundwater is at a depth of 2 meters. The bush can be placed on the south or southwest side of the site. Landing is carried out in the spring, when the earth warms up well or in the fall 15–20 days before the first frosts. Bushes are planted at a distance of 1, 5–2 meters from each other, a pit and soil for backfilling are prepared in advance:

  • the depth of the hole should be at least 70 cm;
  • crushed stone or gravel (10 or 15 cm) is laid at the bottom;
  • manure is mixed with garden soil 1: 1, half of the mixture is laid in a hole, left for 2-3 months for shrinkage.

The day before planting, the root of the seedling is soaked in water, then each root is shortened to 10 cm. The seedling is placed to a depth of 50 cm, so that 2 growth buds remain on the surface. Immediately after planting, 2 or 3 buckets of water are poured under the bush. To keep moisture in the soil longer, the trunk circle is mulched with straw or sawdust, weeds are removed during the entire growing season. In regions with cold winters, Athos grapes are sheltered every year, in the south until the first fruiting.

Watering is carried out during the flowering period of grapes, immediately after it, several times during the pouring of berries and 3 weeks before harvesting, at least 40 liters of water are poured under each plant. Additional hydration may be required during drought. After watering, the soil is loosened. Fertilizers introduced during planting will be enough for the first 3 years, then the bushes are fed in early spring, during the period of mass pouring berries and before wintering, you can use chicken droppings, manure or vegetable humus. Before and in the first days after the beginning of flowering, the bushes are sprayed with boric acid (gram of drug per liter of water).

The total load on the adult bush should be no more than 35 buds; at the annual pruning of the fruiting vine, at least 6 and no more than 8 buds are harvested. At the same time, no more than 24 shoots should be left on the plant.

In years with wet, rainy summers, thinning of leaves around the brush will be the best prevention of gray rot; the procedure will help ensure optimal ventilation of the bunch from all sides. Copper sulfate will help prevent the development of the disease or cure the bushes:

  • in spring, when the day and night temperatures do not fall below 5 degrees, the bushes are treated with 0, 5 or 1% aqueous solution, consumption - 4 liters per square meter of plantings;
  • after leaf fall, grapes are sprayed with 1% solution;
  • for the treatment of wounds on stems, a 3% solution of copper sulfate is prepared.

Atos grapes are very easy to grow, even a beginner can easily cope with it. With the right choice of place and minimal care, the variety will be pleased with good harvests of early, tasty and beautiful berries. A huge number of positive qualities described by the author, confirmed by reviews of gardeners from different countries, this suggests that the title of the best new Atos deservedly deserved.



Atos grapes were planted 6 years ago, the first crop was harvested in the third year.This season he allowed the bush to be overloaded with shoots and brushes, strangely enough, he withstood it, while the clusters were not less than 900 grams. He took a total of 20 kilograms, the main cut took place in mid-July, left a few brushes until September, the berries did not fall, a little raisins and became very sweet. Resistance to diseases is high, in the Moscow region I cover the bush every autumn.


My Athos was 2 years old and this season already had the first signaling, mainly 300 grams each, the largest brush hung a little more than 600 grams. The berries ripened in early July, the taste and appearance of the fruit is excellent, which is a huge plus for me, as I grow grapes for sale. There were no diseases, wasps and other pests did not attack, but the bush had to be protected from birds. The cottage is located in Stavropol, so there is no need for shelter.

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