Grapes manicure finger: characteristics and description of the variety

13.10.2018 Grape

Unique grapes include Finger Manicure. The variety was developed by Japanese scientists in the last century, crossing the varieties of Unicorn and Baladi. The final product was memorable both in appearance and in taste. The hybrid was originally grown only in greenhouse conditions, however, over time, grapes began to be planted in open ground. Now the variety has spread not only in Japan, but also in China, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Europe.

Characterization and description of the variety

The berries of the Finger Manicure are simply impossible to confuse with the fruits of another variety. Their color is specific: most of the berries are light yellow, and the tip of the grape has a bright red color. In shape, the elongated berry resembles a finger. Due to this similarity, the variety was awarded its name. The berries have a crispy, juicy pulp with a harmonious sweet taste. Sugars in the composition are not less than 18%, acidity - 6-7 g / l. The berries are medium in weight and size, weighing up to 15 g. The maximum weight of the brush is 1 kg, most often there are brushes weighing 700-800 g. Finger's yield varies depending on growing conditions - up to 30 kg of grapes can be harvested from one plant.

The main purpose of the variety is fresh consumption and cultivation for sale. For making wine and preserving the berries are suitable, but because of the bright appearance they are simply a pity to use. Harvest fruit compotes with whole berries or freeze the fruits.

On a note!
At home, grapes can be stored for up to 3-4 weeks at a temperature of no higher than +10 degrees.

Finger's growing season is 120-130 days. Ripening occurs closer to the fall and lasts 2-3 weeks. The main berry picking is in mid-September. The ripening of berries is very dependent on the climatic characteristics of the region. In the southern strip, grapes ripen quickly and evenly; deviations in appearance and taste are not observed. When planting in an adjacent strip in conditions of insufficient light, rainy weather and night frosts, the color may be less intense, the berries are not red in color, and they are sour in taste.

The frost resistance of the variety is at an average level of -22 degrees. The cultivation of grapes in the open ground is suitable only in regions located in the southern strip. For the Urals, Moscow Region and Siberia, it is recommended to breed culture only under the film. Landing with a recess and on a hardy rootstock is welcome, since the roots often freeze over the winter.

Bushes are characterized by rapid growth, the root system is active. Immediately after planting, they are determined with a garter, it is advisable to use a T-shaped trellis. Form a vine with a wide fan. The shoot formation is quick, pruning is needed 2-3 times for the entire growing season. The best option is pruning the vine for 6-8 buds. Without the formation of a bush, fruiting decreases slightly.

Finger manicure is unstable to almost all diseases. Because of the decorative nature, grapes often suffer from anthracnose, gray rot and a number of fungal infections. Processing is carried out 3-4 times, starting from the time of planting.

The advantages of the variety are:

  • unusual appearance of the fruit;
  • sweet taste and juicy pulp;
  • good keeping quality;
  • transportability.

The disadvantages of grapes are weak immune characteristics. To get a spectacular color, you have to try: with an excess of sun, the berries turn completely red.

Landing Features

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The key to a stable grape harvest is choosing the right place. This may be a slope in the southern part of the site, but with mandatory shading. Trees, shrubs, a fence can cast a shadow. Sometimes gardeners plant Finger with taller grape varieties to avoid sunburn. With this planting, a distance of 2 m is maintained between the plants.

Finger landing is carried out in the middle of spring, when there will be no frost. Otherwise, after planting at night, grapes are wrapped in agrofibre. For grapes, a fertile soil is formed in advance, consisting of peat, humus and other organic substances. Before landing at the bottom of the pit, lay a drainage layer 20 cm thick. The seedling is dug up with earth, tied to a trellis and watered with 10-15 liters of water.


2 weeks after the seedlings are transplanted into the open ground, they are treated with fungicides. Any drug with an antibacterial effect is suitable, it is bred according to the recommendations of the manufacturer and the shoots and the earth are irrigated with a solution. Reprocessing is best done 3-4 days after the first. Timely use of fungicidal agents will help reduce the risk of infection and increase the lifespan of grapes.

Watering the crop should be moderate but regular. It is impossible to say specifically about the norm, but they watered the earth when it dries well. Basically, 4-5 waterings are enough for the period from spring to autumn, while watering should be abandoned during the flowering of grapes and during the formation of berries.

Feeding for Finger is required. For the plant, 2 components are of particular importance: nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen fertilizers are used in the first phase of growing the crop before flowering. Potash supplements are used at the time of formation of the ovaries for laying the future harvest. In addition to minerals, organic fertilizers positively affect the quality of berries, they can be used in cultivation.

The total number of dressings should not exceed 2-3 times a month.

Shelter for the winter

Finger manicure when grown in open ground is prepared for winter from mid-October. Grapes are harvested from the trellis, and the vine is cut from foliage and small shoots. A thick layer of dry straw is laid near the base of the stem. The vine, collected in bunches, is harvested in it so that it is not visible on its surface. Roofing material is laid on the straw or the film is pressed with a load. From one edge they leave room for air, otherwise the grapes will rot.


There are few reviews of the variety due to the fact that grapes have appeared recently in Russia.

Nina from the Krasnodar Territory tells:

“I managed to get seedlings from the online store. Planted three years ago, the color corresponds to the description, without any top dressing for grapes. The variety definitely does not like a lot of sun. Those clusters that were in the sun burned more than half. The brushes located in the shade matured evenly, only the tip of the berries was colored red. ”

Eugene from Volgograd writes:

“I pick berries in the 10th of September. The taste is sweet, but the berry has small seeds, a little, for 2-3 pieces. It is resistant to oidium - another variety was infected on the site, but Finger was not injured. Berries must be pritenit to get a beautiful color. Recently I learned that seeds in the pulp can be eliminated if you treat the culture with Gibberellin. I’ll definitely try next year. ”

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