Blackcurrant pests? Effective methods of dealing with them

7.11.2016 Currant

smorodina-chernaya-bolezni-i-vrediteli-borba-s-nimiDiseases and pests of blackcurrant require a quick and proper fight against them. Because, if you run the problem, then in the end it can lead to at least a loss of yield, and at the very least - to the death of the bush.

Most often, the development of diseases and the appearance of parasites can be prevented in advance by spending time preventive actions. However, if it so happened that the problem appeared, you need to take the fastest and most correct measures to save the affected plant and prevent the disease from spreading to other crops growing on the site. What kind of disinfection work should be carried out so that blackcurrant grows without problems, pleases with the harvest and does not cause trouble?

Blackcurrant: diseases and pests

Kidney tick

This variety of arthropod parasite lives on currants. First, on the bushes you can see bloated buds that do not bloom in the spring, but simply begin to loosen. If you look closely, but inside such a kidney there will be mutilated leaves, which the tick simply did not allow to develop normally. As a result, the kidneys will dry out and die. Of course, if there are few leaves on the plant, then the result of the harvest will also be few.

The gardener should understand that there will be many ticks in each affected kidney. The tops of the leaves with the defeat of this parasite will become dark already in mid-summer, they are deformed. The specific methods of controlling folk remedies against pests and diseases on blackcurrant can be read in detail in the second part to the description of each problem.

What to treat: It will be necessary to cut out all the affected kidneys and burn them; it is important to carry out the procedure before the buds open. Spraying currants is carried out by ISO or a suspension of colloidal sulfur, 75 grams of the selected product are diluted in a bucket of water. After flowering, spray the bush with a one percent solution of lime-sulfur or use a suspension of colloidal sulfur, also 1%.


You can see aphids on the currant with the naked eye. In this case, the leaves of the plant will be wrinkled and twisted at the very top. On the underside of the leaves there will be many insects of light green color, in fact, of the aphids themselves.


What to treat: Bushes are treated when the aphids are damaged for the first time before the swelling of the kidneys. It is necessary to use a 3% solution of tritraphene. Also suitable for spraying is chlorophos in the amount of 20 grams per bucket of water. At the stage of the appearance of aphids, a solution of anabazine sulfate with soap is perfectly suitable for spraying.

Sheet gall midge

Most often, infection can be seen at the end of May, when disfigured and shriveled leaves are visible on the upper parts of the shoot. Gall midge larvae are inside young leaves and drink their juice, damage the skin. As for the young leaves that are under attack, they stop in development and soon die.

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What to treat: Get rid of the infected shoots, then spray the plant with chlorophos, diluting 20 grams of the product in a bucket and add 30 grams of malathion there.

Spider mite

A common parasite on many domestic and garden plants, including, under favorable conditions for its life, it will feel great on currants. Aggression is especially noticeable before the flowering of the bush, when the leaves become white or bright brown, and on their lower part you can see the tick itself.


What to treat: Burn the affected leaves, dig the soil under the bush.For spraying use a 50% solution of malathion. Spray during flowering, repeat spraying after flowering.


Black currant, diseases and pests, the fight against them photo begins with the definition of a specific pest. This parasite is a caterpillar that feeds on leaves, and orange larvae are deposited under the bark of the stems.

What to treat: Spray the plant, after all the affected shoots are destroyed, using the Spark Double Effect, dissolving one tablet of the product in a bucket of water.

Berry sawfly

This insect is dangerous because it attacks the berries themselves. As a result, the berries acquire a ribbed shape. Shoots can also be damaged, which leads to dry leaves and the bush as a whole. On the video you can see many options for controlling pests and diseases of blackcurrant, the most effective and efficient options are considered above.

What to treat: Spray the bushes with 0.2% chlorophos, and also in the fall, it is imperative to dig the soil under the bush.


Effective folk remedies for the fight against diseases and pests of blackcurrant:

  1. Against aphids helps black belena. Pour a kilogram of dry powder from this plant with three liters of water and put on fire. When the product boils, then allow it to cool and strain. Dilute with clean water to make ten liters of the product and use it for spraying.
  2. Hogweed dissected is suitable for fighting aphids. Ten liters of boiling water is taken per kilogram of leaves or stems, leave everything under the lid for ten hours. Use infusion for processing bushes.
  3. Tick ​​Prevention Is Use black elderberry. It will be necessary to arrange fresh branches of the plant in early spring next to the currant bushes.
  4. Will save from a spider mite red hot pepper. You need to pour pepper with 10 liters of boiling water, insist for several hours and wash the neatly affected leaves with a solution.

Blackcurrant: diseases and pests, the fight against them will help to grow beautiful berries every year without much difficulty. remember, that with proper care diseases and pests do not appear at all behind the plant.

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