Cultivation of canna in the open ground and at home

26.05.2015 Canna

Cultivation of canna in the open ground and at homeCanna is known to many as a heat-loving street plant that winter in the open ground only in southern latitudes. However, undersized varieties feel great in room conditions.









Landing and care

Landing and care

Thick cannabis rhizomes have a branched structure and develop rapidly. Therefore, for growing indoors, you should choose spacious pots or tubs. The flower prefers fertile loose soil, which will pass moisture and oxygen well. Stagnant liquid in the pot threatens rotting of the rhizome.

To keep the canna in the house, sunny places or window sills with moderate bright lighting are suitable. In the shade, the plant will not fully develop. Varieties with heterogeneously colored foliage will lose their decorative appearance. With a decrease in indoor humidity and high temperatures, the flower should be sprayed. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries.

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To canna color at home, she needs to provide a rest period. For two months, you need to reduce the number of irrigation to a minimum and keep it at low temperatures. In this case, the plant can save the crown. Some varieties still lose foliage, but when transferred to a warmer place and the resumption of watering, they quickly grow again.

The flowering time depends on the variety, but basically this wonderful period lasts about 3 months. Faded buds change to new ones, pleasing the flower grower's eye with a beautiful appearance.



Outdoor cultivation of canna

Cannes rhizomes are developing rapidly. Once a year, the plant should be replanted. It is during this period that the root can be divided into several parts, sprinkling slices with crushed coal. It is better to carry out this procedure at a time when the flower is just beginning to get out of sleep.

You can try to propagate homemade cannes with seeds that ripen in tight bolls 2-3 months after flowering. Before sowing, planting material should be soaked in a solution that promotes growth. Ideal would be "Epin." Each seed must be placed in a separate pot to a depth of not more than 1 cm. Shoots appear in a period of 10 to 30 days. It must be ensured that the topsoil in the pot is not dry. The grown seedlings can be transplanted into large pots or planted in open ground. If the crops are carried out in the spring, then by autumn you can get a full-grown adult plant that will bloom in the first growing season.


Outdoor cultivation

Growing canna

In order for the canna to feel safe in the open ground, several rules should be followed.

Rhizomes usually begin to germinate at home, placing them in the ground around mid-March. After the threat of freezing the plant has passed, you can plant it in open ground in a sunny place. In dry periods, it is necessary to provide regular watering and top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers alternately. Tall varieties may need support. Depending on the variety, cannas bloom in the garden from June to September. If there is a risk of night frost, rhizomes must be dug up immediately and transferred to the room. They can be planted in a pot and continue growing in the house. In addition, rhizomes with the remains of the ground part can be dried, cut off the excess parts and left in a cool, dry place until a new planting.


More about flowers for the garden can be read here.

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