What perennials just grow in the garden

20.03.2015 Flowers

Perennials for gardeningI always want that in the summer cottage there was not only a lot of harvest, but also just beautiful. In the morning and in the afternoon there is always a lot of work, and in the evening, the eyes want to rest on something. It is here that the flowers for the garden will help: perennial photos with names that can simply be grown at home.

If there is no free sunny place on the plot, which happens when growing large quantities of vegetables, fruits and greens quite often, you should pay attention to the shadow corners. Moreover, there are shady perennials for your garden that will delight you with flowering, regardless of the presence of the sun in the sky. The presented flowers, including, can be grown not on chernozems, which is also a big plus. And you can grow a rose at home and then transplant the bush into open ground.

What perennials to grow in your garden

Aconite (wrestler)

Many people call this plant "elf's shoe". It is clear that such a name comes from an interesting appearance. The plant is completely undemanding to the soil, and often reaches a meter in height. It will bloom in June, and if you cut off the blossoming flowers, they will decorate the room for a long time. It is important to remember that these plants are poisonous and for the winter it is imperative to trim the upper part.



In the shade it will grow extremely well, loves moisture. The height reaches a meter, but more often lies within 50 cm. Flowers always look elegant: blooms with panicles in July, and the panicle length reaches 30 cm.



It will delight not only with flowers, but also roundish large leaves with a diameter of more than 30 cm. Under the trees in the orchard it will grow well, but also loves sunny places. The soil should not be moist; flowering can be enjoyed as early as May. Flowers are represented by purple leaves on a sturdy peduncle. Winter pruning of leaves is not required.



These flowers for the garden perennial pics with names for Siberia are ideal. They are distinguished by blue flowers, which in their shape resemble familiar forget-me-nots. The height of the plant is small, only about 40 cm. The soil can be any, but the plant will bloom until July, then the leaves will quickly dry out and the flower will lose its visual appeal.



It can grow in the sun, but will also feel great in the shade. It does not require any special soil and tolerates moisture well. Ordinary varieties in height can reach two meters, and dwarf varieties - only 40 centimeters. Finding the latest species for home growing is quite difficult. Decorativeity persists until winter even after the end of the flowering period.

What flowers to grow in the country


The heat-loving look of perennials for the garden, which can also be successfully grown in partial shade, decorativeness will not be lost. Leaves can have not only green, but also yellow or purple, maroon color. Even without flowers, the flower looks spectacular. But, when the peduncle appears up to 60 cm in length, the plant acquires a special charm. The flowers look like pinkish bells and bloom all summer until September.

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The plant is stunted with a maximum length of 25 centimeters. In culture, a flower is light and does not require special attention. True, it also blooms modestly: small blue flowers in May and June.

Flowers for the garden: perennials


In nature, this plant calmly blooms in the thick of the forest. So, for him there will be a fairly remote corner at your summer cottage.The flowers are white bells, which you can enjoy in early May. In some ways, the arrangement of flowers and leaves resembles lilies of the valley, but the height of the purchased is often 150 centimeters. Over time, the flower grows and forms dense thickets.


In drought, the flower will need additional watering. Height is 30 centimeters, blooms in May with flowers that look like bells. Depending on the selected species, the flowers may be lilac, blue or white. The leaves have a characteristic spotty color.

Lungwort for a summer residence


It tolerates drought, but the bouquet actively grow exclusively in drained soils. Depending on the variety, the maximum height is 45 centimeters. The flowers can be red, purple or white. You can admire them in May. In one place, the perennial grows to twenty years.

Moroznik to the country


It is best to plant in the shade, because the sun often begins to wilt due to insufficient moisture. The composition of the soil for cultivation is not important, the most popular are low-growing species (up to 25 centimeters), although, depending on the species, the plant can reach a height of 80 centimeters. Flowers that show off on a plant in May can be white, yellow or red.

Primrose perennial


Refers to flowers for the garden perennials blooming in the middle of summer. In particular, the flowering period begins in June, but lasts until September. The height is 20-50 centimeters, and the flowers are collected in beautiful brushes, which are 15 cm above the bush. The whole plant because of this arrangement of the peduncle looks delicate.

Trialler perennial


She loves moisture and shade very much, extends up to 30 cm and is good because she will enjoy flowers all summer. True, the flowers themselves are no more than 5 centimeters in diameter, but they can be white, and purple, and lilac.

Garden tradiscantia

Even if you plant at least a part of the listed perennials in your summer cottage, it will delight you with its beauty and brightness throughout the entire garden season. Someone for their summer cottage chooses petunia.

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