Frozen dill for winter

30.06.2017 Winter blanks

Not a single dish can do without dill even in winter. But in the cold season, one has to be content with what is in stores - bags with dried dill, which has fewer vitamins than fresh or frozen. How to freeze dill for the winter in the refrigerator? Here are some ways.

In ice cubes

This method is good in order to then easily defrost it and get it out of the container. To freeze dill for the winter in the package was successful, you need to take:

- bag;

- 2 bunches of greenery;

- glass of water.

It is easy to do. You need to chop the dill finely, then put it in water. Pack together with water in containers, then put in a bag and in the freezer. Greens frozen in such a way in molds are easy to remove and thaw. Why do they need to be put in a bag? Everything is simple. Water with dill will absorb various odors. To prevent this, containers with herbs and then put in a bag. Then you can easily get it out of the refrigerator and cook various dishes with it in the winter.

Here's another way to freeze dill in the freezer so that it turns out to be tasty and suitable for use in winter.


To do this, you will need a few plastic jars from under the sour cream. Here's how to freeze dill in a container to make it tasty and fresh in winter.

Have to take:

- a bunch of dill;

- 2 glasses of water;

- 2 jars of sour cream.

Finely chop the greens and remove the stems. Then pour water and put in glasses from under sour cream. Top with a bag and tie with an elastic band. Put in the freezer so that the glasses do not turn over, then wait until the water becomes solid and put everything in the freezer. In winter, you will need to carefully remove the elastic, then a bag and put on the table. The glass will need to be broken and put on the table. When the dill unfrosts, it will need to be put in a container and used in cooking.

What is better in bags or ice cubes

Many people use regular sachets in freezing. However, this method of freezing dill for the winter has several disadvantages.

First of all, holes may appear in the packages, and the contents may leak out at the most inopportune moment. The second disadvantage of this method of freezing is to get dill and cut it, then it becomes very inconvenient. In the finished meal, pieces of the bag appear that may not be visible during defrosting. Therefore, it is better to use special molds filled with water for ice. They are inexpensive, but they allow you to conveniently and easily freeze greens in cubes. Taking it later is easy and simple. Here's how to make dill with ice at home at home.

To make dill, you will need:

You may be interested in:

- mold for ice;

- half a glass of water;

- a bunch of dill.

The greens need to be cleaned and the stems carefully removed. You can grind it to make it convenient to freeze. Then mix it with water and put in the freezer. It is frozen and the frozen mass is easily portioned from the refrigerator. At the same time, you will get ice cubes without polyethylene and they can be easily used to prepare various dishes.

There is an interesting recipe for dill oil.This method is good if you want to make a delicious butter with dill, which can be added to various dishes or spread on bread.

How to make dill oil

For cooking, you need to cook the following products:

- butter;

- 2 bunches of dill;

- oil wrapper or container.

To prepare the butter, you need to chop finely greens, remove or chop finely and then mix with semi-frozen butter until smooth. Put everything in a form, put it in a container or paper on oil, then in the freezer. In winter, you will get delicious dill oil, which can be used in the preparation of various dishes.

There is another way how to cook delicious herbs in a container or in a plastic glass. It quickly freezes and takes up little space in the refrigerator. The ice on the top helps you clean the top of the glass to lay a clean dill on the surface of the dish.

Dill in containers with ice crust

To cook delicious greens, you need to take:

- a bunch with dill;

- 2 glasses of water;

- container or lid for closure.

If you freeze greens in 500 gram plastic cups, you first need to put 2/3 dill in them. Then freeze the water and, when you get cubes of water, you need to put the ice on top and close the lid with a glass. You can use paper, film and fasten with an elastic band. Then refrigerate and freeze. When defrosting, it will be very convenient to remove the lid, remove the ice, and then take out the dill without film and polyethylene.

And here is how to freeze greens in a container in a similar way. To do this, you need 2 bunches of dill and 2 glasses of water. Water must first be frozen so that it turns into loose ice. Then you need to put in a glass, finely chopped dill. After that, you need to pour water from above and then close the container with a lid and put it in the freezer. In winter, you will get beautiful frozen dill, almost dry, which can be used to prepare various dishes, including salads.

Greens, frozen in the winter, goes well with various products. Unlike dried in bags, which can be bought at any store, it stores many vitamins and nutrients in almost original form. You can add it to various salads, dishes using cucumbers, tomatoes, but best of all, its aroma and excellent taste are revealed in the preparation of hot dishes - soups, warm salads, pizza and other dishes, especially baked, fried and boiled. Then its aroma is revealed in full force, in contrast to the packaged dried. Therefore, it should be frozen for the winter, even in small quantities.

Also on our site you will find other interesting blanks for the winter.

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