
Tips 29.05.2019

The most frost-flowering shrubs for the garden

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs

Shrubs allow you to make the territory cozy, bring harmony into the landscape ensemble. They are planted in large parks and cottages. For the middle band is characterized by difficult weather conditions in winter. For this reason, when choosing a shrub that will serve as a garden decoration, one must take into account not only its decorative qualities. The plant must be frost-resistant so that it can easily endure a little snowy winter or a long cold snap.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs

In areas of risky farming with frost on bare soil, abrupt onset of severe cold weather, the cultivation of heat-loving plants is a very labor-intensive process. Particularly relevant problem for the cottages, the owners of which come there from time to time. A solution that allows you not to waste time on shelter / opening and decorate the garden flowering shrubs, there is. Enough to pick up winter-hardy plants.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubsThere are many undemanding ornamental shrubs. However, it is worth highlighting the most unpretentious in terms of winter temperatures.

Table. Top 10 most popular shrub plants


Short description

Spirea Unpretentious plant that blooms profusely and long. It can grow in partial shade, on relatively poor soil. The height of winter-hardy bushes varies from 0.5 to 2 m, depending on the species.
Hydrangea Non-capricious plant that is covered with flowering inflorescences during flowering. Feels great in the northern regions. Shrubs tolerate shading well, love moisture and fertile soil.
Bloodroot Typical species can withstand temperatures as low as -40 ° C. Drought-resistant shrub that develops well on nutrient-rich soils. During the flowering period, which lasts all summer, the bright green crown is covered with small flowers.
Green apple leaf It is decorative not only during flowering, as it has bright golden or purple foliage. Frost resistant Height - up to 3 m.
Snowberry The white variety survives well in the harsh climate. The width reaches 2.5 m. In the absence of pruning forms thickets. It feels good in sunny areas and in dense shade.
Weigela Frost-resistant shrub that loves fertile soil. It can also develop in partial shade, delighting annually with pink, ruby ​​or white inflorescences. Needs annual pruning, stimulating pomp and flowering.
Henomeles It grows both in the shade and in the sun. The soil composition for it does not matter. After a plentiful spring flowering in the fall, yellow fruits resembling lemons are poured.
Barberry The most decorative view of Thunberg. In addition to flowers, it is distinguished by leaves, the color of which changes with the change of seasons. It grows well in areas of risk farming, without requiring shelter.
Lilac Unpretentious shrub, pleasing lush flowering and sweet aroma every spring. Unpretentious. The main conditions - the annual pruning and removal of root shoots.
Forsythia Shrub, blooming even when all the snow did not come down, loves moisture. This is the only "whim" of an unpretentious plant. The color of the foliage changes during the growing season.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs


Long-blooming paw prunes are often used as borders that help to separate the garden zone from other areas.

Ornamental shrubs in the garden

Gardening is a tool that allows you to make the territory well-groomed, beautiful, cozy. Making the garden, the owners often resort to the use of shrub plants. They can be planted as a tapeworm on the lawn with lush greens, in rockeries and alpine hills, decorated with the help of ornamental shrubs the entrances to the gazebo.

Choosing a landing site

Creating a composition when using shrubs, should not only consider the harmony of the ensemble. Important nuances:

  • requirements for soil composition, soil structure;
  • tolerance to close groundwater deposition or spring warming;
  • shade tolerance;
  • pomp and height of the crown.

Features of growing

Winter-hardy shrubs may not need additional shelter. However, to maintain their decorative plants should be cared for, observing certain agrotechnical requirements. Important activities that all shrubs need in varying degrees:

  1. Top dressing - even a plant with spirey, undemanding to soil composition, will not bloom abundantly on depleted soil. In early spring it is better to feed plants with organic nitrogen content in an accessible form. And before budding, phosphorus is introduced into the composition.
  2. Watering - if there is little natural precipitation, moisten the tree trunks, avoiding overflows. Plants do not like stagnant moisture in the roots.
  3. Trimming - even compact bushes need to be shaped, giving the desired look to the crown. In addition, each spring before the start of sap flow, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing the frozen shoots growing inside.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs - the decoration of any garden, regardless of style. They fit perfectly in rabatki, divide the territory into zones and hide unsightly corners.

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Frost-resistant flowering shrubsFrost-resistant flowering shrubs

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