
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 11.03.2018

Tomato "Grandma's gift F1": hardy and fruitful

Breeders during their work create varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. Now it is difficult to say how many there are. Each tomato has its pros and cons. Of course, to work on the beds was successful, you need to have knowledge and do everything on time on agricultural technology. We introduce you not only with varieties and hybrids, but with all their indicators and peculiarities of cultivation. Today it is a tomato "Grandma's gift F1", about which good reviews. In the photo you see it. Productivity, fruit quality is very decent.

Tomatoes are large and small. But the leader turned out to be a tomato, which had a mass of 2.9 kg. This crop was able to gather an agronomist from America.

general information

As you can see, there is a “F1” in the title, which means that the tomato is a hybrid. As a rule, such vegetables have great stamina and excellent yield. And if we talk about tomatoes "Grandma's gift F1", then this is true. They brought them not so long ago - in 2010, during this time tomatoes have become very popular. They have decent performance. It belongs to a hybrid LLC "Scientific Research Institute of Greenfield Vegetable Growing" and LLC Agrosemgavrish. Tomato is grown only in closed ground.

Characteristics and description

  • Tall hybrid - up to 2 meters, requiring garters. Stamb does not form.
  • The root system is very powerful.
  • On the trunk there is pubescence, the leaves are green and wrinkled.
  • Indeterminate type. Formation and pinching is required.
  • Large-fruited - up to 300 grams.
  • The shape of the fruit is round and slightly flattened.
  • Skin color - scarlet, it is thin, but dense. There is a slight ribbing on tomatoes.
  • It belongs to medium-late varieties - 120-125 days pass before harvest.
  • It can be used for salads fresh and winter, very tasty tomatoes “Grandma's gift F1” juice, pasta, ketchup.
  • Harvest - up to 6 kg from one bush you can get.
  • It is grown only in warm greenhouses or ordinary polycarbonate.

Here is such a "gift". The indicators are really good, but if there is a minus for tomato, we will also tell you further.

Always read the information on the packaging from the manufacturer. Each variety or hybrid has its own agricultural practices. Also consider the regionality of cultivation.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Big plus of tomato in its high resistance to diseases. This is clearly stated by manufacturers. But insects can harm - scoops, beetles, aphids, and a bear. It is necessary to closely monitor the pleasures and carry out prevention of biological drugs about once a week. You can also use as a neighborhood garlic, onions, fragrant greens that insects do not like so much.

See also: Tomato "Jubilee Tarasenko": very fruitful and equally popular

Advantages and disadvantages

From the characteristics and descriptions of a variety of tomato "Grandma's gift F1" you understand that the hybrid has many strengths, but it has some drawbacks. Pay attention to them.

Advantages of the variety:

  • resilience;
  • tasty and juicy fruits, with light sourness;
  • transportability, but only for short distances;
  • large tomatoes and high yield.

Varieties of variety:

  • the harvest is not stored for a long time;
  • you can not grow a variety on the street;
  • hybrids do not produce productive seeds;
  • long growing season;
  • Tomatoes need attention while growing.

As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid. In general, tomatoes will give an opportunity to get a good harvest, which can be eaten fresh even in autumn, so also to make stocks.

Features of growing varieties

Sowing late tomato begin earlier - approximately from the second decade of February. But immediately it should be noted that the seedlings will need additional lighting. Seeds can not pickle, but for better germination soak them in "Epinay" for 24 hours. After dry. Soil is preparing your or purchased. You can make the composition of equal parts of humus, land from the garden, peat and superphosphate - according to the instructions on your soil volume. After it is poured boiling water, dried and sown seeds.

Seeds deepened by 2 cm, moistened, covered with foil. The temperature is needed high for germination. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the saplings of the tomatoes “Grandma's gift F1” dive in separate cups. After two weeks, spill nitrogen. All the time you need to monitor the lighting - saplings need light up to 14 hours a day.

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The transfer to the greenhouse occurs in mid-May, when the soil is warmed and the temperature inside is about 25 degrees. But it is important to treat the walls and soil from pests with boiling water with manganese. You can plant seedlings in the same composition, only superphosphate is put in each well. Immediately put support, form the bushes in one stem. That is, every week you remove absolutely all stepchildren. Their approximate size is 7-8 cm. When the stem has finished growing, it is pinched at the top of its head.

As they mature, some of the leaves are removed, since the hybrid has a dense crown. Supplements are made every 10 days with organic matter or complexes, you can alternate them. Usually gardeners use chicken droppings, dung or compost. Weeds also insist, can use yeast for feeding.

Complex drugs are sold everywhere, most importantly, remember that nitrogen is needed more at an early stage of development for greenery, and then the emphasis in choosing should be done on phosphorus, potassium. Be sure to well ventilate the greenhouse, loosen. Water only bushes with warm water. Remember and about the prevention of insects, but use environmentally friendly drugs, as they will not harm health.

See also: Tomato Bonsai: a unique tree in your apartment

This agricultural technology will allow to grow excellent tomatoes. The main thing is to do everything on time, and then your landing will bring only a positive result.

Video: How to grow good tomatoes in the open field

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