
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 18.01.2018

Strawberry f1 Cherry Tomato: High Tastes and Stable Yields

Among the incredibly huge variety of tomatoes of different height, shape, color, weight, taste, size, there are very small and distant tomatoes. They are really remote: they are famous for their unique taste, wide field of application, variety of shapes and colors. The name of all these different kids - cherry. Among these babies, most varieties are hybrids created by enthusiastic breeders in different countries.

The “Strawberry F1 F1” tomato stands out in this group, its characteristics and description reveal the outstanding qualities of the variety, which is confirmed by the photo of this baby, reviews of those who have already grown it in their beds. This variety is especially interesting for those who like to put a tomato in the mouth the size of a grape or a strawberry and enjoy such a dessert. Cherry love children very much - this is a wonderful delicacy.

Characteristic and description

To choose the desired varieties of tomatoes, any gardener-gardener carefully studies the characteristics, descriptions of many varieties, in order to then buy the seeds he liked, sprout them, plant on the site, then collect the expected crop.

Tomatoes "Strawberry Cherry F1" endowed with outstanding qualities:

  • determinant;
  • early: tomatoes ripen in 95-105 days from emergence of shoots;
  • srednerosly: grows to 1 m-1.2 m, therefore, needs tying up;
  • it is better to form a bush in 1-2 stems;
  • tomatoes ripen on long brushes;
  • on one brush grows from 25 to 30 tomatoes;
  • the yield is not very large: 1-2 kg of fruits can be harvested from a bush, but the taste of tomatoes is compensated by not very large quantities;
  • differs in plentiful and amicable fruiting;
  • differs in high decorative effect.

The original fruits of this hybrid are impressive:

  • these tomatoes are surprising - in the shape of a heart, reminiscent of strawberries;
  • color is bright red;
  • the average fruit weight is 25-30 g, individual specimens can gain weight up to 40-45 g;
  • two-chamber;
  • high solids content - almost 7%;
  • the flesh is very sweet (high sugar content), juicy;
  • the skin is rather dense, practically does not crack;
  • the taste is excellent.
Appointment salad, for the fresh use, since they are not stored for a long time, they are mainly processed for whole-canning. But the juice or pasta from Strawberry is unlikely to be obtained - the reason for this is a high content of solids. Tomatoes are an excellent delicacy for children and adults.

This remarkable hybrid was bred by Russian breeders; in 2011, it was introduced into the State Register as a species that can be grown both in closed and open ground. Cherry Strawberry F1 tomato - a hybrid of the first generation; The originator is SeDec agrofirm.

You cannot get seeds from the fruits of hybrid varieties, from which you can grow the same variety.

Hybrids are obtained as a result of crossing different varieties, because anything can grow from the seeds of such fruits - as the saying goes: “not a little mouse, not a frog, but an animal that is unknown”.

We must also take into account that the hybrid "Strawberry F1 F1" is better grown in the open field in the warm regions of the country. In the northern he can freeze, not to give a big harvest.

Disease and Pest Resistance

"Strawberry F1 F1" is quite resistant to diseases typical of tomatoes. Therefore, timely preventive maintenance will save the plants from the risk of getting sick and will save the crop without loss.

See also: Tomato "Snow White" - description of the variety


This cherry can suffer from a few diseases of the nightshade family:

  • late blight: can affect bushes due to excessive moisture, especially if tomatoes are grown in greenhouses. It is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the soil, air, and regularly air the room in greenhouses. Diseased parts of the plant must be removed. And it is good to spray bushes with fungicides like Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin and others;
  • apical rot: for prevention it is useful to add 1 tbsp to each well before planting seedlings. calcium nitrate and wood ash;
  • brown spot: for prevention, it is advisable to periodically spray Fitosporin on the bushes;
  • powdery mildew: a fungal disease, often affects plants in greenhouses, especially in glass ones.

For prevention, it is necessary to disinfect greenhouses and soil before planting seedlings. Seeds before sowing should be soaked in solutions of Appin or Immunocytophyte (for instructions attached to the preparations). Shrubs should be periodically sprayed with Humate solution (0.01%) or other fungicides.

To prevent plant diseases, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, monitor the level of humidity and light, regularly air the greenhouses, do not plant dense, it is necessary to observe the planting norms.


Do not bypass the tomato and pests:

  • Colorado potato beetle: appears more often on tomatoes, if other solanaceous grows (potatoes, eggplants, etc.);
  • still tomatoes can affect mites, slugs and aphids.

Plants belonging to the same family should be planted at a great distance from each other, because they have common diseases and pests. Therefore, the possibility of mutual infection or damage by pests increases.

From pests help regular spraying of insecticides. However, for prophylaxis, we should regularly weed between the rows, follow the rules of agricultural engineering.

It is good to plant medicinal plants next to the bushes: marigolds (tagetes), calendula, mustard, snakehead, parsley and other spicy cultures.

Bushes of tomatoes should be periodically inspected in order to have time to prevent the reproduction of pests. If they appear, you need to spray the bushes with insecticides or solutions of herbs (nettle, dandelion, etc.) and other folk remedies.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the websites, in the press there are different reviews about Strawberry Cherry Tomato. And mostly good ones. Strawberry tomato, like any other plant has its advantages and disadvantages.


Anyone who has grown this variety already knows how good it is:

  • fairly stable yield, although not very high;
  • remarkable decorative effect: not only will delight you with excellent tomatoes, but will also decorate the beds;
  • ripening is very close;
  • early ripeness: it is possible to regale on sweet tomatoes very soon;
  • high taste of fruits;
  • undemanding and carelessness in cultivation;
  • strong immunity to diseases of the nightshade family.

You can still list what strawberries are good for, but it’s better to grow them and just enjoy the bright sweets.

See also: How to feed tomato seedlings to be plump?


It should be noted that the tender fruits of “Cherry Strawberry F1” and are asked to be eaten immediately, because:

  • they are stored for a short time - keeping quality is below average, therefore “Cherry Strawberry” should be eaten immediately or canned immediately;
  • transportability is also low, but this is offset by excellent taste and early harvest;
  • yield is not very high;
  • in processing, they are suitable only for solid canning, but in winter such a tomato can be immediately thrown into the mouth and not be afraid to splash yourself and your neighbors on the table with a cracked tomato-berry;
  • not suitable for the preparation of tomato juices and pastes due to the high concentration of solids;
  • in the middle lane and further north the Strawberry can be grown exclusively in closed ground, in the open it successfully grows and bears fruit only in the south.

As for the shortcomings, it can be noted that for long storage there are many other varieties of tomatoes, as well as for long-term transportation.

Features of growing varieties

In order for the tomato Strawberry Cherry to grow healthy and strong, and then enjoy the excellent harvest of sweet, tasty fruits, it needs to be properly grown, even with all its undemandingness.


Growing seedlings is a very important period in the process of tomato growth:

  • seeds can be sown in the third decade of February (for the middle zone of the Russian Federation);
  • first soak the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30-40 minutes;
  • then for a day - in clean water, which is changed every three to four hours;
  • dry the seeds slightly (you can on a paper napkin);
  • planted in boxes or other containers to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, otherwise the seeds will be difficult to germinate;
  • the distance between the seeds is about 2 cm;
  • sow the seeds need, spreading them on wet soil, then sprinkle with earth to the desired height;
  • Cover containers with a film, which is regularly lifted to prevent the formation of moss, mold, etc .;

As soon as the small shoots seem, remove the film, water carefully and gently so as not to knock down the tender, weak shoots.

In order for the seedlings not to be pulled out due to the lack of sunlight, it must be illuminated, preferably with special fitolamps, the light of which is similar in composition to that of the sun.
  • grown seedlings are useful to gradually accustom to open air, sunlight, harden;
  • on warm cloudy days, containers with seedlings should be taken out into the open air, gradually increasing the time it is outdoors;
  • if the seedlings still stretched out, when picking or during landing in the ground, it needs to be buried a little. By the way, this will contribute to the formation of additional roots;
  • in open ground, seedlings can be planted only when the soil warms up to 16o-18oC, and the nights will be stably warm, when the threat of severe frost is over;
  • in the greenhouse seedlings can be planted before;
  • when disembarking, immediately next to each bush you need to dig a peg for tying, in order not to damage the measles when installing the support;
  • Strawberry cherry bushes need to be formed into one or two stems;
  • Shoots that appear below the first ovary need to be cleaned. They can be rooted and get extra bushes.
It is impossible to put young plants at once into bright sunlight: tender, weak leaves and stems can get burned, or even die.

See also: Tomato "Pervoklashka": universal, with healing properties

Watering and feeding

Watering should be moderate. Waterlogging, as well as preventing the drying of the soil can not be.

Fertilizers are best mineral fertilizers, compost, humus. You can not get involved in nitrogen fertilizers or increase the dose of any additional fertilizing - in this case, the plant begins to "fatten": to increase the green leaf mass, rather than to form fruit brushes.

Cherry Strawberry F1 tomato is quite simple in cultivation and care. It is important: regularly inspect the plants for the appearance of the disease or pests, water and moderate the water on time (if tomatoes grow in greenhouses), weed, feed them little by little and - don't forget to harvest!

Good weather and excellent harvest!

Video: Caring for tomatoes. First important steps

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