
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 3.04.2017

Tomato "Golden Fish" in your greenhouse

tomato goldfish characteristic and description of the variety

Indeed, yellow fruits contain a lot of carotene, they are always sweeter, and dishes where there is not only red tomatoes, but also sunny yellow ones always look bright, appetizing, beautiful in spring. Today you will get acquainted with just such a tomato, it has an attractive name - Golden Fish tomato. As usual, the description of the variety will give you an idea of ​​what kind of fruit you will get, what are the pros and cons of growing this type.

general description

This variety brought agrofirm "Sedek". Tomatoes turned out decent, they have many advantages, although there is a disadvantage too. But cons, most often, there is always and in all. In our case, they do not reduce the merits of the variety, and they consist in high resistance to weather adversities, good returns. Even in cold, rainy summer, this tomato does not reduce its yield, which is what many other species do.

This is a powerful variety, he needs a place, a garter. It grows best in greenhouse conditions, where it can reach up to two meters in height. But if you are not a resident of Siberia and the far north, then you can get a crop in the open ground, too, and even more so you can grow outside in the south. Let's take a closer look at this yellow look.

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Tomato "Golden Fish". Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Refers to indeterminate species.
  • Requires staving, shaping, garter.
  • Resistant to temperature changes, not afraid of shade, high humidity.
  • The fruits have an attractive yellow color, elongated shape and characteristic spout, for which they received their name. They are very tasty, fragrant.
  • It has a universal table purpose, that is, tomatoes are eaten raw, fresh salads are made, canned, processed into juice, sauces, and pasta.
  • Yellow varieties are always more useful, they are more suitable for baby food.
  • Refers to mid-season species. So, you can get the first “Goldfish” in 105-120 days, which depends on the conditions, soil fertility and climate. Sometimes this tomato is described as early.
  • Tomatoes of this variety are compact in size, weighing up to 120 grams. It is convenient to preserve them as a whole.
  • One brush forms six or eight fruits.
  • The flesh is not loose, fleshy, juicy.
  • With regards to disease resistance, this variety does not have absolute immunity, which means fruits and shrubs can be attacked by a pathogenic environment. But not all diseases can affect “Goldfish”, for example, a phytophthora attacks this variety extremely rarely. Average resistance is a minus of a tomato.
  • Fruits are stored under the right conditions for a long time.
  • Long period of fruiting.

Characteristics of tomato "Golden Fish" we clearly showed that this variety has much more advantages than disadvantages. To protect your planting from disease, you need to follow the correct methods of farming, prepare seed in advance, plant the soil in the greenhouse, follow crop rotation correctly, air the room after watering. Let's talk in more detail further about all this.

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Agrotechnics cultivation varieties of tomatoes "Golden Fish"

Of course, the first thing you need to start the process of growing this variety is pre-sowing treatment, because we said earlier about the main disadvantage. She is necessary. Tomato seeds "Golden fish" around the middle of March begin to sow.Before that, they are placed for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese, then washed with warm water, dried. Additionally, you can soak in the "Zircon", it will help future seedlings to develop a certain immunity, improve germination.

In advance you are cooking and a greenhouse. It is impossible to plant tomatoes where previously grown crops that suffer from the same diseases. It is better to replace the soil with a new one, after which you can spill it with boiling water, you can spill it with ashes, of course, they also process the whole greenhouse from walls to the ceiling. In fertile soil, crops are always stronger and more productive, therefore, in advance, bring in and dig the soil, for example, with store fertilizers or with humus, sand, mullein, weeds. They can be harvested since the fall, they will serve as a good fertilizer.

In all other respects, there is no difficulty. Sowing is carried out under the film on the lunar calendar in the total capacity or peat pots to bypass the pick. The soil is sold in a store or made your own from sand, earth, humus, ash, peat. The transfer to the greenhouse is carried out approximately in the middle of May; remember also about the supports.

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On one square meter do not plant more than three bushes, form a variety in one stem, which means that stepchildren you remove everything. This variety can not set fruit for a long time, summer residents sometimes complain about it. To prevent this from happening, feed the bushes 3-4 times. This variety responds well to the introduction of chicken manure, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. You can use and foliar feed.


The optimal combination of leaf and root dressings will give a very good result. The first spend only early in the morning or in the evening from the sprayer.

These methods are all simple, accessible to every summer resident. As a result, you get a great harvest of tasty, sunny-colored fruits.

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tomato goldfish characteristic and description of the varietytomato goldfish characteristic and description of the variety

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