Diseases of the cherry and the fight against them, photo

31.08.2015 Cherry

cherry diseaseThe trees in the garden should be looked after properly, this is not a secret. Only then you can enjoy the excellent harvest, enjoy plenty of ripe tasty cherries, and make supplies for the winter. We will tell you what diseases your trees are waiting for, what preventative measures to take to prevent them, and how to fight if the cherry trees in the garden get sick. So, cherry diseases and the fight against them, we provide photos for better recognition.
See also: diseases of apple trees and their treatment photo.

Cherry Disease Prevention

Initially, we will say a few words about disease prevention, because it is easier to take measures initially than to understand later, what diseases your trees affected, and how to deal with them.

  • Remove the diseased parts of trees and fallen leaves immediately so that the infection is not transferred further along the site.
  • In the fall, cut off in dry, calm weather, so that rain and wind do not spread sores.
  • In spring, unleash the crown and cut off the dried branches. This will give more strength to the tree and access to nutrients.
  • Protect trees from injuries, if they occur, immediately lubricate with garden var.
    Time to lime the trees.
  • Remove gum, process with vitriol.
  • In the spring, take the habit of treating the trees for prevention with Bordeaux 1% liquid - the first time before flowering, the second after, the third time after a couple of weeks, the fourth - after the leaves fall.

Thus, you will be able to avoid many troubles with your trees. But if you already noticed the signs of sores - urgently take action, save your pets.

Red spotting

This sore fungus is caused. It looks like this: on leaves both on top and on the bottom there are yellow spots, sometimes with a red tint, the leaves fall off.
Control measures: mushroom spores lurk in the foliage, so it must be collected and burned as soon as the foliage falls. And in the spring, spray 1% with Bordeaux liquid.



A very nasty and dangerous disease, caused by fungi and bacteria. In wet weather during flowering, scabbers become especially active, and wait for tree diseases, especially if they are still young and weakened. Brown-olive spots appear on the leaves, if the fruits have already appeared - the berries can crack, wrinkle, and stop growing.

How to fight: the very first is prevention. In spring, with nitrafen and a tree, and treat the soil under it. The second - in the period of buds blooming Bordeaux liquid to spray, after flowering - again, and after harvesting, repeat.



Increasingly, the disease has begun to progress in recent years. The sheets are covered with red-brown spots, gradually merging into a pile, on the back of the leaves you can see a white coating with a pink tint. This is a fungal infection.

Control measures: the fungus sits in the fallen foliage - therefore, immediately burn it, treat it with Bordeaux liquid of light composition in 1%.



We are abstrusely called a sore, in which the leaves of the cherry become perforated, ulcers appear on the branches, the fruits are affected to the very core and dry out.
Control measures, as with coccomycosis.

Fruit rot

fruit rot

This infection is capable in the garden of all stone lime. Therefore, we will be especially careful! A rotting spot appears on the fetus, rot gradually expands to the entire fetus. The fungus hibernates very well and in spring sprinkles on young ovaries.

Control measures: destroy infected fruits, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

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Cherry Moniliosis


A very common sore of cherry trees, moreover, affects all its parts. The fruits rot, dry out, fungal spores settle in the fruits.

Control measures - diseased parts of the tree, along with berries bearing fungal spores - destroy immediately, spray with Bordeaux liquid, having prepared 3-4% solution, three times, with a gap of a couple of weeks.

Powdery mildew

powdery mildew

A white coating on the leaves and fruits indicates that powdery mildew has wound up in your garden, you need to urgently take action. Especially the fungus of this disease is rampant at the beginning of summer. Cut off the infected shoots immediately, and treat them with colloidal sulfur three times in a couple of weeks each.

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Gommosis (bacterial burn)


A dangerous disease in which ulcers appear on the cortex, gum begins to stand out from them, the leaves become smaller, dry, the shoots wither. The disease spreads with the tool during pruning, vaccinations.

A non-infectious form of homosis clings to trees in rainy weather, with insufficient access to the roots of the sapling of oxygen, and damage, trauma to the trees.


The cherries began to be covered with barely visible bright spots, and then pink tubercles appeared on them? Your pets picked up anthracnose. In wet weather, it can destroy almost the entire crop.

Control measures: triple treatment with Polyram can save your trees, but they need to be processed three times - before, after flowering, and after 15 days again.

Felt (Chinese) Cherry Diseases

felt cherry

This variety of cherries previously did not hurt at all, but there were adversities on it. One of them is a monilial burn, which is a dangerous fungal disease. It all starts with the wilting of the flowers, then the leaves fade, followed by the entire branch. If measures are not taken, in a year or two you can lose the tree.

Control measures: the shrub must be carefully treated with 1% r-rum rumazol, and cut off all infected branches with a margin.

Also, a felt cherry is waiting for an attack in the form of a root neck warping, if you planted it in a lowland. In winter, there is usually a lot of snow accumulating, and if during the winter thaws occur several times, the plant is damaged at the bottom of the trunk. It seems to bloom normally in spring, and then it will dry out, therefore, to plant Chinese cherries, you need to choose a suitable place in advance.

See also: calendar of the gardener for 2015 for the Moscow region.

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