Step-by-step instructions on how to plant cherries in autumn

19.11.2018 Cherry

Cherry - a tree that is distinguished by a variety of varieties. In total there are more than 150 different species. Despite this, gardeners prefer the steppe and felt cherries. Both species took root well in the Middle lane - for example, a steppe variety can often be seen in the suburbs. They are also successfully grown in the Urals and Siberia. These are the most stable varieties of cherry trees. Most often carried out planting cherries in autumn: a lot depends on when and how to plant a tree so that it takes root and bears fruit from year to year.

Autumn planting of cherries, its advantages and disadvantages

When to plant cherries in spring or autumn? There is no definite answer to this question, but in spring, seedlings are subject to many dangers:

  • return frosts;
  • strong winds;
  • sudden changes in temperature.
When planting in spring, the seedling has a short dormant period. This is not enough to root.

Autumn seedlings there are fewer dangers than in spring. Their root system is well rooted. They develop much faster than trees planted in spring. In addition, long winter rest stimulates the healing of injuries. The tree receives minor injuries during transplantation into the open ground.

During the winter dormancy period, the kidneys of cherries do not grow, and the root system actively develops underground. In the spring, when the buds begin to awaken, a powerful root system contributes to the active growth of green mass.

Before buying seedlings, you need to keep in mind the features of their storage in nurseries. If nursery sells materialdesigned for spring planting, it is dug up and stored throughout the winter. Despite the observance of storage rules, this method violates the natural development of the tree. Sapling roots or its structure may be damaged. In appearance, it is difficult to determine.

In the fall season, there are more chances to buy material with healthy roots. Planting cherry seedlings in the fall is simple: no additional work, other than sheltering the trees for the winter, is required. Rains will moisten the earth, and the root system will grow to a stable decrease in earth temperature at -4C.

On a note!
In autumn, nurseries sell a lot of planting material, so it costs less.

With the autumn planting of cherries, a number of disadvantages must be taken into account. If the temperature is very low, the roots and the aerial part of the seedlings may freeze. Heavy snowfall can also harm the seedlings, so you need to take care of their reliable shelter.

Preparing the site for landing

The life span of a cherry tree with proper planting and good care is between 18 and 25 years. When choosing a landing site, several factors are considered. First of all, this is lighting. It is better to plant cherries on a hill. If the site has only gentle slopes, choose the one that faces south or southwest. Also, the site should be protected from cold wind and draft.

The ideal soil for cherries is loam or sandy loam with a neutral alkaline reaction. At the same time, the groundwater level should be no more than 1.5 m in depth. If the site consists of a peatland with an acid reaction, such land for cherries is not suitable. Its top layer is replaced by 20 cm.

Digging the site must be done carefully, freeing it from all weeds.

Before planting seedlings, the following fertilizers are applied to the soil:

  • from 8 to 10 kg of manure or compost. In autumn you can make fresh manure;
  • 60 g of superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride.

The number of components is indicated per 1 m2 of soil.

When preparing the landing fossa, several nuances are taken into account. In the hole should fit the root system of the tree in a straightened form. The depth of the hole is 45 cm, the diameter is about 60 cm. The earth that is dug during the preparation of the hole is evenly laid out on the sides. After planting, the roots of the tree are gently poured with it.

The correct landing dates

The timing of planting cherries depends on the climate in a particular region. There are several general rules, compliance with which will allow you to grow healthy and strong trees:

  • cherries are planted 2-3 weeks before the first frost so that the roots take root. If this rule is neglected, the roots will be weak due to constant freezing and thawing;
  • in the Moscow Region and other regions of the Middle Strip, trees are planted after all leaves have fallen. The planting season lasts until the second half of October;
  • in the south, cherries are planted in early October. The landing season lasts until November 10-15.
In the Urals and in the Northern regions, cherries are planted only in spring.

An exception is also made for trees with a low level of frost resistance. They are also planted in the spring. If the gardener missed the favorable autumn time, planting is postponed until spring. Seedlings are stored in the prikopochnoy trench, placing them in a hole at an angle of 30 degrees. The root system and the root neck are covered with earth. The shoots must be bent to the ground and fixed with the help of cargo.

A selection of good seedlings

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Many varieties of cherries do not have the ability to self-pollination, so you need to buy three or four seedlings. They must be of different varieties. So, they will be able to pollinate each other, and the first fruits will appear faster on the trees. Also, gardeners practice the combined planting of cherry varieties capable of self-pollination. This increases productivity many times over.

When choosing a seedling, you need to focus on such indicators:

  • annual length - from 70 to 80 cm;
  • two-year length - from 110 to 120 cm;
  • development of the lobe of the root system - from 25 cm and above;
  • whole, ripe wood.

Do not buy too high planting material. This is a sign of overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. Such trees can die in cold weather.

If you got seedlings overgrown, it is better to plant them in the spring.

As already mentioned, there are root varieties of cherries that can bear fruit without the help of pollinators. However, grafted varieties enter the fruiting phase earlier.

Disembarkation process

Before planting, all seedlings are inspected. If their root system is damaged, it is carefully trimmed. All foliage is removed from the material so that moisture does not evaporate. The roots should be moderately moist. If they are dry, they are kept in cold water for 12 hours. Sometimes on sale is planting material with dried trunks. It is immersed in water for a third and held for 12 hours.

3-4 hours before planting, the roots can be immersed in heteroauxin. It is an organic growth promoter that promotes good root survival.

There is a step-by-step guide for planting young cherries:

  • set the stake with the direction to the north (stick length - 2m);
  • at the bottom of the hole to make a knoll from the nutrient mixture;
  • distribute the roots on the knoll;
  • fill the roots of the seedling with soil;
  • compact the surface of the earth and the near-stem circle;
  • pour the closed seedling with warm water. For one tree, from 2 to 3 liters will be enough.

The neck of the root should be left above the top layer of soil by 3-5 cm. As it shrinks, it will gradually compare with the ground.

Further care of seedlings

Typical diseases of cherries are:

  • expiration of gum;
  • freezing of flowers;
  • heating of the cortex and basal neck;
  • early drying out of shoots.

Planted trees need proper care.This will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

In dry summers, a small hole for irrigation is dug out near the trunk circle. With the onset of cold weather, it must be buried so that the liquid does not stagnate in it.

Before the cold weather, the space near the trunk circle is mulched with sawdust or peat. The mulch layer is from 10 to 15 cm, after which the tree is carefully spudded. Shoots need to be tied to a peg. To do this, use soft types of materials. After mulching and garter, you need to tie the trunk with a spanbond and lay a garden net on top. The structure is covered with spruce branches in several layers. So, cherries safely overwinter, and it will not be afraid of frost.

A special mixture is prepared to scare away rodents. It consists of cow dung and clay. It is applied to the tree stem. The smell of such a mixture is unpleasant and sharp, which causes rodents to bypass the tree.

With the onset of spring, winter shelter is removed. The cherries are completely unlearned and preventive treatment for fungal spores is carried out. Do not forget about spring pruning: the main shoot and each branch is shortened by a third. Spring pruning adjusts the correct ratio of the root system and the aerial elements of the cherry.

With proper planting, the cherry will become resistant to diseases and harsh climatic conditions, and after a while the gardener will please the gardener with large and sweet fruits.

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