Ways to get rid of aphids on cherries

7.08.2016 Cherry

Aphid on cherry looks likeOf course, cherries are the favorite of many gardeners, not only because it gives tasty and juicy fruits, but also because they bloom beautifully and enchantingly fragrant. But, such an oil painting can pretty much spoil the invasion of aphids on cherries. Small parasites of black color not only stick to twigs and young shoots, but also harm foliage, drink the sap of a tree, depriving it of the opportunity to fully develop. Read about what diseases can attack cherry.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of aphids on cherries in autumn, spring, and summer. The task is complicated by the fact that the pest multiplies simply with cosmic speed - up to 14 generations in just one season! It is impossible to count on the fact that the tree can cope with the problem on its own. Without the intervention of the gardener, the affected leaves will dry up, begin to die, and the tree will also be affected by the sooty mushroom, which needs sticky aphid excrement for development and life.

Fight options

Many gardeners do not even try to figure out how to get rid of aphids on cherries (photo), believing that this pest is quite common, and not so dangerous. But, this opinion is erroneous, since aphids cause such damage to the tree that in the next season it can not only not bear fruit, but also die.

The basic principles of combating aphids on cherry:

  • Cleaning the area from bedding and other weeds, which can become a refuge for parasites;
  • Spraying cherries with special infusions from plants aimed at destroying aphids;
  • Spraying cherries with ash infusion;
  • Moderate feeding of cherries (if you overdo it with fertilizers, or vice versa, do not get enough cherry to feed, then aphids, like
  • a lover of weak and overfed plants, will appear right there);
  • Fight with ants;
  • Attracting ladybugs to the site, which are the aphid's worst enemy;
  • With strong foci of defeat, cherries can not do without toxic chemicals.
Aphids on cherry

For prevention against aphids, as well as directly in the fight against it, it is better to perform all these works in combination. An integrated approach to the question of how to get rid of aphids on cherries is a guarantee that the pest will leave the tree completely alone and not dare to attack it again. Tips on what to do if cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit.

Aphid Spray Procedure

If the aphids have not yet had time to breed, and attacked only part of the cherry, then you can resort to using spraying products based on garlic and onions. To do this, dissolve 20 grams of soap in 5 liters of water and add 120 grams of chopped onion and garlic. With this tool, you need to spray the cherry three times, dividing the breaks between the "therapeutic shower" in 10 days. To cope with the invasion of aphids will help and such infusions, red pepper and celandine. The principle of preparation of funds from these plants is the same as in the case of garlic and onions.

Another option, how to get rid of aphids on cherries, is to use tobacco (shag). 100 grams of dried tobacco should be infused in 10 liters of water for 24 hours. At the end of time, the infusion should be boiled for 2 hours. Further, the infusion is filtered, cooled. Add 20 grams of soap to it to enhance adhesion. Cherry is sprayed three times at intervals of 10 days.

To scare aphids from cherries, as well as get rid of it, you can use wood ash. 350 grams of wood ash must be sieved, diluted in water, boiled for 10 minutes. Before you start spraying the tree with a solution of wood ash, you need to add more water to it to bring the volume to 10 liters. Depending on the degree of neglect of the problem, the cherry is sprayed every 10 days. The minimum number of sprayings should not be less than three times.

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Aphid on a cherry - how to get rid

In order to increase the effectiveness of the fight against aphids on cherries, you can use a solution of wormwood, stepson of tomatoes, celandine and wood ash. These plants are folded into a bucket, filled with water to the edges of the container and insisted for 3-4 days. Further, the solution is filtered and mixed with a solution of wood ash. Such a mixture should be sprayed with cherries once a week until there is not even the slightest trace of aphids.

We plant enemy plants

For aphids, growing plants can become a big threat. Therefore, another way to get rid of aphids on a cherry is to plant those plants next to the tree that will become real enemies for aphids. The main threat to aphids is:

  • Thyme;
  • Parsley;
  • Carrot.

Planting spices near the cherry will also be beneficial. Spicy greens are the best place for wintering ladybugs, and the more they will be on the site, the better, because it’s ladybugs that are aphid eaters, you can’t imagine the best treats for pretty insects.

Disposal of aphids by pesticides

Since aphids reproduce very quickly, it is sometimes difficult to detect at the initial stage of an attack. And if you miss this moment, you will have to connect heavy artillery in the form of toxic chemicals. How to get rid of aphids on cherries using pesticides?

From the best side, such means as:

  1. Inta-virus (one tablet of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water);
  2. Decis (one ampoule per 10 liters of water);

Important! If toxic chemicals are used, the wood processing procedure should begin at least half a month before harvesting.

Aphid on a cherry - how to get rid of it

Methods to get rid of aphids on cherries are suitable for any season. It will be appropriate to apply infusions for spraying and pesticides in autumn, spring and summer. But, in the summer period, you should be careful with pesticides. Yet summer is the season when cherries bear fruit, which means that toxic chemicals can destroy not only aphids, but also crop weight.

It is important to know how to get rid of aphids on cherryso as not to give the tree the opportunity to get completely sick, but as a thank you, the cherry will bear juicy, healthy fruits and will delight you with its beauty and health for more than one year!

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