Cherry Disease: Description with Photos

3.09.2016 Cherry

cherry disease description and photosKnowing the disease Cherries by description and photos, you can notice in time that something is wrong with the tree and choose the most effective methods of treatment. After all, if a fruit tree attacked one of the diseases, this can seriously affect not only the yield of cherries, but also the growth of the tree, and over time, without saving measures, the tree may even die. Not one gardener lost his cherry “plantations” only because of elementary ignorance, therefore, when planting this unique tree in your own area, you need to know what cherry diseases are, their description and treatment methods.


An unpleasant disease with such a complex name belongs to a number of fungal diseases. The most favorable factor for the development of this disease is warm and humid weather, so during such periods you should inspect your tree as often as possible. You can visually recognize the disease if you look at the leaves of cherry. At the first stage of the disease, small brown spots appear in the form of a border on them; at a progressive stage, holes form instead of spots. The disease also affects the fruits that the tree gives, they not only visually become not appetizing, but simply dry out, not to mention the fact that such cherries should not be taken as food. In a severe stage, the disease spreads to the bark, which cracks.

cherry disease, pissing with photos treatment methods

Methods of treating cherry disease (with photos), which, according to the description, resembles kleasterosporiosis, are, first of all, to prevent the fungus from wintering the cold season on a tree. And this means that you need to cut off all the affected areas of the tree and burn them immediately. If the tree bark cracked and estrus started to gum, then this place should be covered with garden var. Fallen affected fruits and leaves should also be burned.


If we talk about the visual characteristics of this disease, it should be pointed out that brown spots appear on the front side of the leaves, and from the outside on the leaf you can find a white-pink coating. Affected leaves stop photosynthesis, completely turn yellow and fall off. Both tree fruits and bark are susceptible to deformation. The danger here lies in the fact that the maturation of the woods stops, and in severe frosts this can provoke freezing of the tree.

coccomycosis cherries, cherry diseases description with photos

If the cherry begins to fall already in August, then it's time to heal the tree. The main method is the removal of all affected areas. In spring, the disease can be prevented by treating the wood with Nitrfen. Spraying a tree with Bordeaux fluid also helps fight the disease.

Coccomycosis is not typical for cherries of such varieties as Lyubskaya and Vladimirskaya.


To be able to recognize cherry diseases, you need to know their description with photos, as well as know how to treat. This is especially true if suddenly the cherry fell ill with moniliosis. The fact is that the disease can spread to other trees. The disease affects tree branches and foliage. Ashes appear on the branches, and the leaves become dry, sometimes it seems that the tree seems to have survived an attack of fire. The fact that the leaves are dried during this disease is caused by the so-called monolial burn.

moniliosis cherry disease opisanie with photos treatment methods
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Since the disease spreads from already affected areas of the tree, all inflamed foci should be removed and burned. This may be a time-consuming process, but this is the only option to “drive” the disease from the tree.


One of the few diseases that primarily affects the fruits of the tree. On cherries, even if they have not had time to ripen yet, a thin coating appears, and if the weather outside is steadily hot, the leaves of the tree may also turn red.

Anthracnose Cherry Disease

The best way to get rid of the disease is to pluck the affected fruits and bury them somewhere further away from the site, best in the wild. Effective, both in treatment and in prevention, will be a solution of Polyram.

Rust cherry

It belongs to fungal diseases and manifests itself in the form of red-brown spots (resembling rust) on leaves of a tree.

rust cherry disease description with photos and treatment methods

In this disease, the tree must be treated with the Hom preparation, which is bred in the amount of 40 grams per 5 liters of water. Since the disease is localized mainly on the front side of the leaves, the treatment of the tree with drugs is not difficult.

Recommended: What to do if the cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit.

Soot fungus

To diseases of the cherry can also be attributed a sooty fungus, the description (with photos) of which can be formulated as follows: the formation of dirty gray spots like soot on leaves, shoots and eventually on the fruits. In the progressive stage, the heel becomes a dense gray coating, which is easily erased by hand, leaving a black mark like soot, which explains the name of this disease.

soot fungus cherry disease description

Effective will be the processing of wood with preparations that contain copper.

Knowing the cherry diseases and their description with photographs, you can not only find treatment methods in time, but also increase the yield of your tree. After all, every plant needs proper care, which includes measures to prevent and treat diseases.

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