Instructions for use of the drug "Profilactin" for the garden

10.10.2016 Fertilizers and preparations

profilaktin-dlya-sada-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu-otzyvyReviews and instructions for the use of "Prophylactin" for the garden of many gardeners sets in a cheerful mood. This inexpensive and affordable tool helps to cope with many problems of a gardener in time. It is recommended to use a 1% solution, although some reach the concentration of the drug up to 3%.

It must be said right away that this drug is quite new and therefore there are not so many reviews about it. It is suitable in order to rid the garden of ticks, aphids, leaf flies. These insects are dangerous for the garden because they lay eggs in the fall, they winter, and in the spring they begin active work to destroy the garden.

Important! Processing is carried out when the air temperature is already set at four degrees heat. The remedy is best suited for fighting with leaflets, pseudo-scavengers, and copper flakes, but, for other garden pests, it will also not give a chance for survival. One spray of funds for 300 rubles is enough for 4-6 buckets of solution for processing.

About active substance

Buying "Profilactin" for the garden, you should study the instructions for use and reviews. The main active ingredient of this agent is malathion. It is toxic to insects, but not to humans, an organophosphate pesticide. It was synthesized in the middle of a century, and many gardeners know this substance under the name "karbofos".

Since the middle of the last century, this substance constantly appears in contact insecticides. Because, for the warm-blooded, it is slightly toxic, while it does not accumulate in the body and can be easily excreted in the urine, even if it enters the body. Alkali is a natural antidote to this remedy. Preparations containing this substance are suitable for quick and effective treatment of the garden from insects and diseases.


But, why do you need to use "Profilactin" for the garden, if its active substance is already available in other old drugs? The thing is that the prolonged use of other drugs for spraying leads to the fact that they cease to act. Insects eventually learn to synthesize an enzyme that blocks the action of the drug in its already known combination in other means for treating the garden.

How long does the protection last

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If “Profilactin” is used, then the main active substance is used in a new form and in a new combination with other components, the insect enzyme does not work and, as a result, the agent gives a great effect.

It is necessary to pay special attention, this is often found in reviews that the main active substance of the agent in question in the environment is unstable. This explains its low toxicity, but at the same time high efficiency (even with a single use).

Protection of the garden after treatment occurs within a week. But, there is a trick here - if you add liquid paraffin to the preparation, it is not washed off by rains. But, getting on the body of the insect, the drug stays there for a long time and the insect can no longer be cleaned from it, and as a result of exposure to toxins, it quickly dies.

How to apply

The instructions for use give clear instructions on the use of this tool. There is the most complete information on how and in what quantity to breed the product in order to get positive results when processing plants.


Please note that this is an oil concentrate.That is, vaseline oil is added to the active substance due to which the agent remains on the plants for a long time, as well as on the body of the pest, which leads to its death.

Important! A 500 ml bottle is diluted according to the instructions in a bucket of water. This solution is oily, so do not get upset if it does not dissolve well in water. To make the process go better, water needs to be taken somewhere under twenty degrees of heat. It is recommended that you first dissolve the contents of the solution in a small amount of liquid, and then pour it into water.

Use the solution after diluting it within one hour! The drug will help get rid of all pests of stone fruits and pome trees in the garden. Profilactin is also suitable for the treatment of gooseberries, currants and other shrubs. It is important to carry out the treatment until the buds open - it is during this period that the overwintered parasites crawl out from under the bark. Features spraying trees in the garden from pests.

"Prophylactin" for the garden: instructions for use, reviews are discussed in this material. An oily base is an important advantage of this drug. Thanks to it, the active toxin is not washed off by water and destroys insects quickly and effectively.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    Judging by the article, the tool is excellent, but the price is poor

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