The most popular top dressing for indoor plants

10.07.2019 Fertilizers and preparations

Regular care is a necessary procedure when growing all types of indoor flowers and plants. Its important component is top dressing, which must be done to strengthen, improve growth, accelerate flowering and supply nutrients. Use natural fertilizers for this to create only benefits, eliminate harm and possible side effects.

Indications for dressing

Usually plants need to be fed at the moment when they are under stress - after transplantation or before flowering. There are several more factors that indicate that the plant needs additional nutrition:

  • growth retardation;
  • weakening of stems;
  • leaf wilting;
  • lack of flowering or small buds;
  • disease - the appearance on the green mass of any defects;
  • pest damage.

The best period for fertilizer is from the beginning of March to the end of May, when active growth and flowering of a plant culture is noticed. Do not fertilize it from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter, during this period it is at rest, it is not worth disturbing.

10 natural fertilizers

The best fertilizer is on a natural basis. It does not contain chemicals, easy to use and prepare, it is always at hand. And if not, you can buy it in a store at an affordable price. In addition, it is still effective and safe; it brings an indoor plant exclusively benefits.

Granulated sugar

The sweet product contains 2 healthy substances - fructose and glucose. They provide the plant with energy, and improve the course of all its life processes. Feed your plant in one of two convenient ways:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar in 0.5 liters of water. Shuffle. Pour the flower under the root with the resulting solution.
  2. Distribute on the ground near the root system of the plant 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Water it abundantly.

After the fertilizer, the plant culture comes to life, the root system gets stronger, more greens and buds appear if this type of plant blooms. But, feed her, thus, no more than 1 time per month. From an excess of glucose and fructose, the root system dies.

A sweet product is well absorbed only when interacting with carbon dioxide. Therefore, fertilize the indoor flower along with EM preparations that are sold ready-made in stores for gardeners and gardeners.


When interacting with coffee granules, the soil becomes loose, therefore, the supply of plant crops with oxygen and the acidity of the earth improves, both of these factors have a positive effect on the development of the root system. Once every 30 days, pour the drunk coffee under the azalea, lily, rose and any evergreen plant.

Citrus peel

Waste from oranges, lemons, tangerines will enrich the soil in the pot with useful trace elements, due to which the green mass will grow better, the flower will look lush and beautiful. Grind citrus peels, fill them with a third of 1 liter cans and fill the container to the top with boiling water. Infuse the solution for a day, then strain, dilute with an equal amount of clean water and water your favorite flowers. Feed this 1 time in 20-25 days.


The product resulting from the combustion of wood is a source of iron, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. The ash contains all the necessary substances needed for the full growth of any plant culture. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon this substance in 1 liter of water and mix thoroughly. Water the houseplant once every six months with liquid top dressing.


Dry or fresh yeast product - growth stimulator for all types of flowers. Vitamin B, phytohormones and auxins contained in it contribute to cell division and improve differentiation. 1 g of dry or 10 g of fresh yeast, dilute in 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Infuse the fertilizer for 2 hours, then dilute with clean water at room temperature in a ratio of 1 to 5. Water the plant no more than 1 time in 45 days.


A tear vegetable-based cocktail is another simple top dressing that stimulates growth and strengthens the root system for almost all types of flowers and green plants. Dilute 50 g of onion husk in 2 l of hot water and boil the solution for 10 minutes. Insist 3 hours, filter and spray the indoor plant before flowering.


A cattle or bird droppings is a nutritious and readily available top dressing for indoor trees - palm trees, ficuses, citrus fruits or monstera. Dilute 10 g of humus in 3 l of water, mix. First, pour the soil in the pot with plain water, then fertilize so that the soil remains slightly moist. Fertilize the plant, thus, no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Neither the barn or bird droppings are suitable for fertilizing small and fast-growing flowers, it is able to completely burn its root, which will lead to death.


After cooking the first or second dish, do not rush to throw peeling potatoes, zucchini, leftovers from cabbage or cucumbers. Rinse and boil the waste thoroughly, then cool and strain. Pour homemade flowers with the resulting solution to supply them with nutrients. So fertilize every 2 weeks.

Aquarium fluid

If there are fish in the house, then the water in which they live can be a source for stimulating plant growth. To use it is washed away only in the spring and in the first half of summer, when active growth of leaves and shoots begins. Irrigate the soil with aquarium water only 1 time per flowering. With over-feeding, the soil will become acidic or green.


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Indoor plants, like any other plant crop, need calcium to strengthen the root and trunk. In its natural form, it is contained in an egg shell. To make top dressing, grind it and add to the soil or insist it for 3-4 hours in boiling water, then cool, strain the solution and pour. Enrich the soil with calcium once a year.

A home plant or flower will always delight the household if it is properly fed. Use only natural fertilizers for this purpose, which will saturate the soil with nutrients and become useful for it. Carefully observe the dosage and regularity of the fertilizer so as not to harm the crop.

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