How to get rid of moles in a summer cottage with folk remedies

7.08.2015 Diseases and Pests

how to get rid of moles in a summer cottageWhen fresh knolls dug up by moles appear throughout the plot, experienced summer residents, knowing what awaits them, urgently begin to look for measures to get rid of moles in the summer cottage by folk remedies. This is at first. And since folk ones do not always turn out to be effective, then purchased scarers are used, and then poison, harmful to the whole garden. Therefore, let's deal in order, starting with the most humane methods, and if it helps, there will be no conscience in destroying cute babies, let them live for themselves, but not on our site!

Folk remedies for moles

First, let's understand - the moles of the little animals, though small, are painfully smart and smart. If they wandered to your site in search of food and shelter, it’s unlikely that you will be able to spend unexpected guests without pain for yourself and for them. They can easily figure out your moves and figure out traps, so we approach the matter seriously, with the necessary training, armed with knowledge.

Scare the sounds

sound repellers

For moles, the hearing aid works like a clock, you know, if nature deprives one means of touching the world, it compensates doubly for another. So blind moles hear perfectly and have a wonderful sense of smell. This is what you need to use. First we try to crush with noise. And not just noise - but noise vibration that will be heard in the ground. This is the only way to scare them and push them away from your site. To do this, pipes buried in the ground with tins mounted on them will fit - the main thing is that they make more noise and do not bother you too much.

If the noise did not lead to a result, we proceed to the action on the second organ of sensation - a seduction. Moles have a wonderful scent and simply can not stand all sorts of sharp nasty smells, they are so tender. And this is in our hands. The following measures can be taken:

You may be interested in:
  • Smelly fish - bury it at the entrances to the mole passages.
  • Rags moistened with ammonia, kerosene and other smelly liquids are the same application.
  • Plant legumes and onions with garlic on the plot - moles cannot stand them and run away from their presence.

These are such easy, simple means that may not help. But if you want to be thoroughly protected from moles for a long time - enclose the area with a net that needs to be dug to a depth of 60 to 120 cm, and another half meter to rise above the area. Then for no reason moles can penetrate this barrier and you can sleep peacefully, your crop will remain intact. At least from the moles. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures than to torment yourself later, how to get rid of moles. Yes, it is laborious, but for a long time and effective.

Special appliances


If you didn’t succeed in getting rid of the animals from your own hands, and they, dirty tricks, have already plowed the whole plot and harvested the crop, do not rush to poison them - this is not humane, and poison everything on the site, as well as dogs and cats in addition. Now you can buy all kinds of repellers at an inexpensive price of a domestic manufacturer such as "Anticrot", which are very effective.

And also - if your friends have a hunting burrow dog - ask them to come to you to hunt. The dachshund, for example, will crush bones with great pleasure, catching moles in minks. She has fun, you benefit, and while you drink beer in the shade with a friend, drink while watching the hunt.

If nothing helps

mole trap

Well, if all the folk methods we have described for ridding moles from the garden have not yielded any results, and you don’t have any strength, and you are ready for everything, only to get rid of these vile animals - then radical measures remain. It is necessary to resort to poison or home-made traps that are installed at the entrance to the minks, and once they fall into them, the animal can no longer exit, such a trap turns out to be a mole. You can also try to catch a small animal from a mink. But it will not help - then only poison. . Although this is a very undesirable way, because not only will the animal have to be killed, your site will also suffer, animals and birds may be poisoned. In general, the method is not very good, it is better to try to cope with the first methods described. Good luck

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