How to plant a pine from a forest in autumn: cultivation and care, reproduction

25.11.2018 Trees

Proper planting of pine on the site in the fall will strengthen the soil, saturate the air with useful substances - volatile and create a visual accent. Walking in the coniferous forest has a positive effect on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. People who are diagnosed with diseases of the respiratory system are recommended to plant conifers in the area. Seedlings are taken in the nursery. The choice is made in favor of planting material with closed roots. There are no restrictions in terms of variety selection. The only caveat - fans of landscape design take a low-growing grade "Mountain".

Seed selection

Planting plants in spring or early autumn is recommended for seedlings older than 3 years. Three-year-old seedlings are more likely to take root even on “poor” soil. The second option is to plant a pine on the site, which was dug in the forest in the fall. Botanists do not recommend doing this to beginners. It is impossible to independently determine which young tree is in good health.

On a note!
They plant a pine in the middle of September. The beginning of autumn is a time when a stable level of humidity and temperature is outside. The second “plus” - in September, the seedlings will easier to transfer the transplant.

Transplanting seedlings from the forest

The recommended tree height is from 60 to 120 cm. You should not exceed the specified threshold, otherwise it will not work to plant a pine from the forest on the site. They dig a tree with an even trunk. Use a bayonet shovel. It does not damage the root system. The further procedure is as follows:

  • A radius of 50 cm is dug around the tree - it is necessary so that the pine transplant from the forest passes without damaging the rhizome;
  • deepen as much as possible in order to extract the earth with the root system;
  • together with the roots you need to extract up to 20 kg of earth.

Gardeners who want to take pine from the forest should not take “bare roots” for two reasons. The first - the seedling does not take root. The second - you will need 4-5 times more fertilizer.

Self-propagation of needles

Self-planting of pine on a site in the fall is carried out using existing trees. The procedure is as follows:

  • seeds are taken only from healthy trees;
  • for 2 months they are placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer);
  • put them in a container of water, the temperature of which is +35 + 40 C;
  • duration of water procedures - 30 minutes;
  • seeds are planted in a prepared box;
  • there must be constant air exchange inside the tank;
  • placed where they receive a sufficient amount of sunlight;
  • from the moment of planting the seeds and until the appearance of the first shoots, the pots are covered with a film;
  • soil is poured into the box, which is mixed with peat and chernozem in a ratio of 1k1;
  • seeds go underground to a depth of 3 cm;
  • seeds are planted at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

As soon as the ordinary pine sprouted, it is transplanted into the open ground.

Seat selection

A gardener who wants to properly plant pine on a plot draws attention to the composition of the soil. Well, if the sandy variety prevails. Other requirements are as follows:

  • drainage is mandatory, otherwise the root system will dry out;
  • 20 cm of crushed stone are poured at the landing site to ensure drainage;
  • plant conifers only on a slope;
  • 450-500 g of manure are poured into the bottom of the pit into which the seedlings will be placed;
  • 5 cm of soil is laid on top of the manure.
On a note!
When planting, the gardener makes sure that the roots do not touch the manure - the soil layer acts as an airbag. Otherwise, spring rains will provoke an undesirable chemical reaction.

Planting a seedling

Landing is carried out in the middle lane at the beginning of autumn, and in the southern regions in late autumn. The recommendation is not taken as the ultimate truth. Dates are adjusted up or down taking into account the weather.

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The second criterion is the quality of the land. The worse the drainage, the earlier you need to land. Gardeners adhere to the following recommendations:

  • ½ bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit;
  • gently lower the seedling;
  • if the dimensions of the roots with a lump of earth are larger or smaller than the diameter of the pit, then it is increased or decreased;
  • the root neck cannot be deepened - it is located strictly above ground level;
  • as soon as the summer resident completed the planting of pine from the forest, he mulches the soil around the trunk;
  • mulching is carried out using old pine needles;
  • after planting, seedlings are watered with water.

Pine seedlings are watered only with a watering can. If you plan to plant several pines on the site, then you should take a measuring device in your hands. Botanists are unanimous, it is better to plant pine trees at a distance of 3.5-4 m from each other in their area.

Care Tips

Coniferous trees do not need to be inspected regularly. They themselves grow subject to compliance by the gardener with the rules of care. The health of young trees should be monitored:

  1. Landing in late autumn increases the risk of sunburn. Seedlings are insulated with a film. If the planting of pines in its area was shifted to spring, then they are covered with a protective coating from sunlight. An important role is played by watering.
  2. Growing powerful trees will help moderate supply of moisture. The soil should be slightly moist, not swampy. The second rule is that fallen leaves and debris should not accumulate around the basal circle. They are a source of disease. Pests are always found in the mud.

Trimming is a must. As soon as the needles are planted, the summer resident monitors the state of the branches. They should not be dry or with signs of pathological changes. As soon as something like this made itself felt, they were cut off. You can not procrastinate.

Pine - an evergreen tree that is planted on a personal plot. Seeds are taken in the nursery. There you can be sure of its quality. The second possible source is forest. An option for those who have sufficient experience. Phased transplantation of pine is carried out with the earth around the rhizome, otherwise the risk of death of the seedling increases. The second rule - you can not take seedlings older than 3-5 years - a bad sign in all respects. The older the tree, the more painful it reacts to the transplant. If the gardener decides to transplant the pine within the site, then the manipulation is carried out in early spring.

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