Aralia Manchurian - medicinal properties and contraindications, the use of tinctures in bodybuilding

22.03.2019 The trees

Aralia is an ornamental tree native to Asia, known for its healing properties. The healing effect of the plant on the human body is recognized as traditional medicine, and there are also many folk recipes using various parts of this tree.

Aralia is rightfully recognized as a medicinal product for its rich biochemical composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, various acids, as well as complex organic components. Preparations from Manchurian Aralia have a wide range of applications, and due to their medicinal properties and the minimum number of contraindications, they are becoming increasingly popular today.

They are known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, the ability to directly affect the brain, stimulate the immune system and participate in cleansing the body and improving blood flow.

The chemical composition of the plant

Aralia is a valuable medicinal plant, and for therapeutic purposes use its bark, roots, as well as foliage. To understand the specifics of the action of aralia, one should consider its chemical composition, which includes:

  • essential oils - have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • starch - helps digestion, speeds up metabolism;
  • proteins - are a source of energy;
  • carbohydrates - are necessary for the life of the body;
  • alkaloids - have an effect on the nervous system and the state of blood vessels;
  • linoleic and octadecene fatty acids - participate in the structure of cells, perform a protective and adaptive function;

    Useful properties of Aralia Manchurian
    Useful properties of Aralia Manchurian
  • saponins - increase physical endurance;
  • glycosides - have a therapeutic effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • organic acids - maintain balance in the body;
  • flavonoids - help the work of the circulatory system and heart;
  • tannins - have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Anthocyanins - have a sedative, stimulating and antioxidant effect;
  • B vitamins - protect and strengthen the nervous system;
  • retinol - contributes to the development of endurance;
  • ascorbic acid - is a natural antioxidant;
  • trace elements: potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, tungsten affect the formation and functioning of various tissues and systems.

Due to such a diverse composition, the plant has a lot of medicinal properties and is used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Therapeutic properties and indications for the appointment of Manchu Aralia

Different parts of the plant have different healing properties:

  • the roots are suitable for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures;
  • leaves are often used for poultices and tea;
  • bark can be used for decoctions and tinctures.
Plant parts
Plant parts

Based on the biochemical composition of the plant, we can distinguish its following useful properties:

You may be interested in:
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic local action of the leaves can be used to heal the skin, relieve spasms;
  • decrease in blood sugar;
  • liver cleansing;
  • strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and normalization of the heart muscle;
  • protection of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • laxative effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • anti-aging and antioxidant effects;
  • sleep improvement;
  • sedative and antidepressant effects on humans;
  • activation of brain functions;
  • restoration of strength after prolonged exertion, both physical and psychological;
  • reducing the risk of cancer by removing free radicals from the body;
  • prevention of nervous disorders;
  • normalization of blood pressure.
Aralia root
Aralia root

The range of uses of aralia is quite wide. The use of drugs and infusions based on this plant is applicable for such diseases of various body systems:

  • circulatory: anemia, VSD, rheumatism;
  • respiratory: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, increased immunity;
  • nervous: depression, asthenia, fatigue, sleep disturbance;
  • cutaneous: healing of wounds, cuts, dermatitis;
  • endocrine: diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, improved metabolism, elimination of toxins;
  • digestive: disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, poor appetite;
  • reproductive: impotence, irregular cycle in women, genital inflammation.
On a note!
A decoction of the roots is used as a hypotonic and hypoglycemic agent. Drink 40-50 ml before meals in the morning. Aralia is also part of many drug collections, helping to normalize metabolism and strengthen immunity.

It is better to use folk remedies or drugs that are sold in pharmacies only as directed by a doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage in the process of their use, so that this plant benefits the body and improves health.

How to cook and apply alcohol tincture of aralia?

Aralia-based drugs are sold in pharmacies, but can also be prepared at home.

Reception of tincture is shown in such cases:

  • with hypotension;
  • to increase the overall tone of the body;
  • for dental procedures;
  • to normalize metabolic processes;
  • with skin problems;
  • to enhance immune defense;
  • with anorexia;
  • with diabetes;
  • with vegetovascular dystonia;
  • with impotence.
Very popular is alcohol tincture made from the roots of a tree.

The procedure for its preparation consists of several simple steps:

  1. Take 40 grams of dried tree roots.
  2. Pour them with 200 ml of 70% alcohol in a glass container.
  3. Insist for two weeks in a cool, darkened place.

After that, an amber tincture will be obtained and it can be used for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to take 35 drops of tincture three times a day during meals, the course of treatment should be 15-30 days. For people with hypertension, the dosage should be reduced to 10 drops twice a day.

Regardless of the purpose of taking such a home medicine, you should consult a specialist before starting such a course of using aralia.

The use of drugs from Aralia Manchurian in bodybuilding

Since the plant is known for its tonic effect, and also promotes the synthesis of proteins and helps the body increase stamina, tincture from aralia has been widely used in bodybuilding and bodybuilding.

The drug is used at the stage of carbohydrate loading, it allows you to increase the body's resistance to various infections and viruses and at the same time gives the necessary charge of energy. The well-known property of Aralia to activate the central nervous system and keep the brain in good shape allows bodybuilders to train more and quickly restore strength, building muscle mass. Tincture improves appetite, making it possible to consume the products necessary for energy production in large quantities.

In addition, this tool helps to focus on a specific goal and improves the emotional state, which is also an important factor for successful training. Some athletes use this tincture as a substitute for anabolic steroids to stimulate hormonal growth.

The permissible dosage per day is 10-30 drops, depending on individual characteristics. Reception should be divided in two and do not use the drug for more than 1 month. The advantages of tincture is its environmental friendliness and low cost in comparison with other drugs for bodybuilders. And also it can easily be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. It should be replaced that detailed studies on the effectiveness of the influence of aralia on muscle building in athletes have not been conducted.

Contraindications to taking aralia and possible harm

Aralia is not a toxic plant, in practice there have been no fatal cases due to the use of drugs based on it, but side effects can be quite severe. The use of the plant in any form is contraindicated in the presence of the following violations in the body:

  1. Epilepsy.

    Aralia can cause an increase in seizures due to its stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  2. Hyperactivity syndrome.
  3. Chronic hypertension The medicine helps increase blood pressure, which can lead to a worsening of the condition.
  4. Hyperkinesis Under the influence of the drug, an increase in seizures and the appearance of spasms are possible.

Do not take drugs containing aralia also to people who have an individual intolerance to at least one of its components and if an allergic reaction to the use of a plant is detected.

The plant is completely prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. In the first case, an increase in the tone of the uterine muscles is possible, which can lead to miscarriage, and in the second, a negative effect on the central nervous system of the baby is noted.

It is important to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, using aralia as a therapeutic agent and not to change the dosage on your own, since with an overdose, vomiting, dizziness, nausea and general intoxication of the body are possible.

Common questions

Is it possible to eat the fruits of aralia in food?
Small black berries have a decorative purpose rather than being used by a person for any needs. It is not recommended to use aralia berries, they have a slight toxic effect and do not have any beneficial properties, are inedible, so you should not experiment and include them in your diet.
How to prepare medicinal raw materials?
The roots of the tree should be dug up in September or in the spring months, it is enough to cut a piece with a size of 3-5 cm, which can then be used in folk recipes. And you can also collect tree bark. Leaves are best harvested before flowering, or immediately after its completion. All types of raw materials require careful drying in the presence of a stream of fresh air. A standard dryer is also suitable for this purpose, a temperature of 60 ° C is required.
Can I drink tincture at night?
No, eating it just before bedtime activates the brain and this leads to insomnia.
Are Aralia drugs prescribed for pregnant women?
The use of any drugs that make up this plant is not recommended during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
How long can I use tincture?
The drug should be used for a month, and then take a break, with prolonged use, tincture can cause a general deterioration in health.

The spectrum of useful properties of a small tree, originally from Manchuria, cannot but attract attention. A single plant contains many useful elements for a person that facilitate the work of almost all systems and organs with the correct use of infusions, decoctions and teas made from leaves, bark and roots of aralia.

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