Why and how to use succinic acid for orchids

19.05.2019 Orchid

Succinic acid for Phalaenopsis orchids is used to fertilize the plant. It will be useful for beginner gardeners to learn how to properly feed and what gives the use of this substance. The component is useful for flower crops and, in addition to a good effect on the flowers themselves, affects the quality of the substrate. It makes flora better, destroys toxins, accelerates the processing and absorption of necessary substances by exotics.

Purpose of application

Succinic acid - a kind of crystals that do not have color. It is also in all living things that breathe oxygen masses. The component was highlighted in the 15th century. from amber, therefore it has such a name. Today, succinic acid (UC) is also obtained through photosynthesis.

The substance that was obtained by processing amber is expensive, but its composition does not differ from that isolated industrially. The drugs are produced in tablet and bulk form.

Enrich orchids with succinic acid many years ago. Today they are used for the following purposes:

  1. Resuscitation of an exot after a stressful situation for it, for example, after transportation or transplantation.
  2. Increased regeneration of the stem part and foliage that are injured as a result of increased temperature or frost.
  3. Reducing recovery time and eliminating the provocateurs of flower death.
  4. An increase in the overall resistance of phalaenopsis to negative factors - UV burns, moisture deficiency, low temperatures, and waterlogging.
  5. Improving photosynthesis of orchid leaves.
  6. Enrichment of foliage with chlorophyll, which triggers the growth rate and improves the aesthetics of the flower.
  7. Stimulation of root formation, especially in young orchids, that did not form roots and only increase their mass.
  8. Improvement of the soil, normalization of balance.
  9. Faster conversion of fertilizers to bioform.
  10. Starting rooting during cuttings - the use of succinic acid for orchids significantly increases the survival rate.
  11. Increased flowering time due to the most complete metabolism.

After stress, Phalaenopsis quickly recover, form arrows and will bloom for a long time. Using succinic acid is not difficult, especially since there is an instruction for use. If you do the feeding according to the rules, there will not be any negative effects on the flowers.

When to use

Use a solution of succinic acid to stimulate growth and color only during the vegetative period (spring, summer season). It is impossible to irrigate Yak orchids unnecessarily during the dormant period of the plant culture (after color, autumn and winter time), because it is unacceptable to provoke the artificial growth of a room flower.

The use of succinic acid for orchids in different seasons varies in concentration. To prepare a quality solution, 1 tab. to part in 1 liter of not cold water.

Often you can see advice that it is still right to make the most concentrated composition (dilute 0.1 grams of an effective substance in 0.5 liters of water). Since an overdose is impossible, in principle, you can cook it like that.

It is not easy to dissolve the tablet, this process is rather slow, it will be crushed correctly, and only then the resulting powder will be dissolved in 0.2-03 L of water.Field of this add water to the required amount. In the cold, they are not advised to use UC, but it is possible to feed in extreme situations, and the proportions change, dilute succinic acid for orchids in the amount of 1 tab. in 2-3 liters of water. In this case, it should be treated by spraying from a small spray (every 15 days). The solution is important to make right before use. But you can store fertilizer in a tightly twisted glass container for up to 3 days, always in the dark.

When preparing the UC, the correct proportions must be observed, the plant crop simply will not absorb excessive concentration.

With powder, things are much easier. Stop diluting it according to the instructions. On 1 gr. powder requires 1 liter. water. The prepared solution can process the flower. If you measure how much powder you need it does not work, you can use a kitchen knife. Take substances to the tip - this will be 1 gram.

How to use

For inexperienced gardeners, UC treatment will be an excellent assistant in the correct cultivation of indoor plants. However, it has subtleties in application, knowing that even the most inexperienced in breeding florist can grow spectacular orchids. The rules for quality processing are as follows:

  1. Root stimulation. It is necessary to prepare a solution and process the exot before leaving for a fresh place. In order to saturate the roots with oxygen and stimulate survival, it is necessary to treat the root system with a composition of UC. To do this, the roots must be soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. Watering a flower from a watering can. It is necessary to water under the root, carefully, without rushing. As soon as the fluid goes through the drainage, there will be enough water. If the container is without drainage, it is important after 20 minutes. tilt it to remove excess moisture. We must take into account that it is necessary to water the sutra. But, the option of watering at other hours is possible, provided that there are no drafts in the room and the flower is protected.
  3. Wipe the leaves of the orchid with succinic acid. This must be done by applying a disk of cotton wool with the drug. Only process the green part of the flower. Acid should not penetrate the base of leafy plates. Experienced growers are not advised to leave on the foliage - no use. After 2 days, wipe the treated greens with cotton swabs dipped in clean warm water.
  4. If the flower culture does not receive proper care, then during growth it loses the main root mass. To bring an orchid back to life, it must be watered from a spray bottle. However, this composition must be in high concentration. On one and a half liters of water it is necessary to apply 6 tab. Resuscitate daily, better in the morning. According to the instructions for use, a sprayer should be used. You can buy it in the market. Do not be afraid of an overdose. The flower will absorb from it exclusively what it needs. In order for the treatment to give a positive effect, before each spraying of the orchid, you need to wipe the greens, removing the previous composition with a wet swab. Especially useful will be the use of UC for new processes. For preventive purposes, you can put an orchid without roots in the mixture made and keep no more than 30 minutes.
  5. Having processed the seeds, you can significantly improve their quality and accelerate growth. To understand how to dilute UC and how much it needs to be soaked, it is important to know how much seed is needed. Traditional packaging requires half a tablet per half liter of water. Sunflower seeds must be immersed in the mixture for 24 hours, and then perfectly dried. Treated seeds sprout faster. All these indications must be observed, then the orchid will bloom beautifully.UC for indoor plants is a harmless bio-medicine with unique qualities for a plant culture.
Professionals advise applying fertilizer once a month for prevention. With frequent use as a stimulating growth of fertilizer, there is a risk of acidifying the soil. This must not be allowed.

Fertilizer compatibility

The drug is well used along with other top dressings for exotics, however, it is not necessary to process it together. For the prevention of UC is used no more than 1 time in 21 days. For orchid therapy - every day, for a week and a half. What is good and harmful? The use of a fertilizer composition for a flowering plant is enormous. Top dressing is a great helper for all colors. Yak has the following advantages:

  1. Activation of growth and formation of root mass.
  2. It makes the formation of ovaries better - increases the number of flowers and the duration of the color (to put it another way, activates flowering).
  3. Helping plant crops more actively absorb beneficial elements and protection against toxins in the soil from the substrate.
  4. A positive effect on orchid cuttings, that is, increases the likelihood of their rooting and further development of the young flower (similar to the use of heteroauxin or root).
  5. Enhancing the immune system of a transplanted flower (used as a remedy for stress).
  6. It makes it possible to return to life a dying exot or to rehabilitate it after an illness.
  7. Help in the fight against negative conditions and inferior care (heat, frost, excess water and drought).
  8. Application to increase seed germination (for processing before sowing).

The benefits and harms of feeding orchids with succinic acid lurks for any kind of plant culture. But, a solution is not a harmful and not powerful drug, but a biological activator. Therefore, he will not be able to harm the orchid, in fact, the composition does not accumulate in the flower and substrate itself, since decay occurs in air and light. On this basis, with a solution of UC, special protection is not required.

However, although it is not harmful, it is still an acid, therefore, the solution must not be allowed to penetrate inside. When processing the plant, you must put on your hands medical gloves and glasses. It is necessary to protect from the acid of the child and pets, keep it away from children. But, as you know, UC also has disadvantages (characteristic of all biological preparations). You should not expect from the use of the composition of a very rapid and miraculous effect. The substance is rather weak, but effective. Frequent use of the drug is bad for the soil.

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UC is not particularly dangerous. However, sometimes, when penetrating the skin, allergies, redness may develop. In case of contact with acid in the eyes, rinse them as soon as possible. If, during the work of the UC, an allergy or irritation in the throat develops, you must visit the clinic.

In order for the treatment to bring proper efficiency, it is important to ensure that the substance does not penetrate the sinuses of the foliage. So stagnation will not form.

When mixing, certain rules should be followed. Wear protective equipment when handling. If the composition gets into the mouth, eyes, rinse the affected area with a large amount of liquid. UC with proper dilution is important for the full growth of orchids. Even prophylaxis based on UC will give a good effect, but subject to care measures and the dose of the drug.


People who have tried succinic acid leave reviews about it.

Christina, 45 years old.

Kimry.I got acquainted with the drug when my favorite orchids began to die. I studied the global network and found information on succinic acid on the Exot Scouts forum. It is used as a stimulant. It can be taken both to restore the crop, and fertilize when watered.

Olga, 22 years old.

I would like to warn that the drug is not diluted in cold water! Therefore, I crumbled and diluted in boiling water, then added cool, to get 0.5 liters (1 liter can be) and spilled orchids. Of the 15 wilting orchids, 12 have been reanimated! New foliage and roots went. I bought store chemicals, but the most effective was acid! I tried to use succinic acid for orchids only in tablets.

Olga, 41 years old.

Irkutsk I get the drug at the pharmacy, the price of the drug is low. Dissolve 1 tab. to a half-liter can (I have a spray bottle of such a volume). I spray my favorite orchids in the spring twice a month. Flowers with acid are easier to tolerate transplantation and transshipment, and fresh, only planted rooted cuttings more actively adapt and grow fully. I really liked the remedy, so I recommended it to my friends who are cultivating orchids.

When applying, it is important to understand that acid has an auxiliary effect. Its solution is not a miracle and will not be able to replace other, required flower crops, fertilizers and care procedures. But the proper use of succinic acid will make it possible to maintain exotics.

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