How to water the Phalaenopsis orchid at home: tips

21.12.2017 Orchid

Today, the variety of flowers is very large, but despite this, the Phalaenopsis orchid will not leave anyone indifferent. But so that she is pleasing to the eye and always be healthy and beautiful, you need to know how to properly water the phalaenopsis. These flowers are very delicate, so proper watering is the key to the beauty of a flower.

How to water Phalaenopsis at home

Watering for any flower is vital. All colors are individual. Therefore, the needs of all are different. So, phalaenopsis, for example, although it is a tropical plant, but does not require frequent watering. Sometimes, the roots of this plant are better to dry than to constantly moisturize. With constantly wet soil, the roots will rot and die. There are enough ways to water Phalaenopsis at home, the main thing is to remember and follow the basic rules. And the rules are simple: do not flood, let the roots of the plant and substrate dry out.

How to water phalaenopsis during flowering

As soon as buds appear on the phalaenopsis, watering the plants should be increased. This is due to the fact that drying at this time is accelerated. During flowering, the soil should be constantly moist. Also during flowering, an important point is the penetration of air to the roots. To do this, make sure that there are gaps in the substrate. This can be well controlled if the dishes for phalaenopsis are selected from glass.

Watering dates and times

In order for the flower to not disappear, you need to water it only when the roots and substrate have dried. This rule should not be neglected. Drying lasting several days will not harm the plant. This is better than pouring a flower and letting the roots rot.

When watering, you need to consider the environmental factor. If the sun is outside, then, naturally, drying will be faster than on a cloudy or rainy day.

The main thing to remember is that a long stay of phalaenopsis in a wet substrate will lead to its death. If the substrate does not dry for a long time, it is recommended to replace it with a larger one.

Answering the question: “how often to water the Phalaenopsis orchid”, it is worth noting that in hot periods, watering should be done about 3 times a week, and in autumn and winter 1 time in 7 days is enough. But this watering schedule is not a rigorous guide to action. All conditions and climate in which the plant is grown should be taken into account.

Having understood how to water Phalaenopsis at home, let's move on to consider methods of watering.

Watering Methods

If we talk about watering phalaenopsis, or rather, about its methods, then, we can say about two main methods. The first method is based on immersion of a pot with a plant in water, and the second on watering using a watering can.

Using the first method, it is good to water non-flowering plants. To implement this method, you need a basin or bowl in which you should lower the pot with the plant. The bowl or basin should be filled with water. Such watering can last about 30 minutes, if the soil has dried out well and summer is outside. If the weather is wet and rainy or winter is outside, then 5-15 minutes will be enough. After irrigation, the phalaenopsis pot should be removed and allowed to drain excess fluid.

If phalaenopsis blooms, then it is better to use the method of watering with a watering can. To do this, you need some capacity in which you can put the plant and the plant itself.

What water is suitable for watering phalaenopsis

Watering for phalaenopsis is very important, but, in addition to how and when to water the plant, you need to know what water should be irrigated.

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Water from the tap is not suitable, because, in its composition there are usually many different unnecessary impurities and rust. Therefore, you can use distilled water, but it should be remembered that in such water there are no trace elements necessary for the plant. Therefore, if such water is used for irrigation, then it is worth thinking about fertilizers.

Filtered and boiled water is also suitable for irrigation. Such water will be softer than tap water, and will not have harmful components.

If hard water is used for irrigation, the roots will be covered with a white coating that needs to be washed off. You can wash it off with kefir or lemon juice with water.

Also, water for irrigation should be saturated with oxygen. To saturate water with oxygen, it must be transfused from one container to another.

Another important factor in irrigation is the temperature of the water. Water must be at room temperature, or a few degrees warmer. The main thing to remember is that you can not water the phalaenopsis with cold water.

What will happen if you do not water the phalaenopsis

Although phalaenopsis does not require frequent watering, you should not forget about it. If the plant is not watered at all, then gradually the leaves of the plant will begin to wither and completely fall off. The roots will dry out. After that, the flower can no longer be saved. Therefore, watering is required. The main thing is to comply with all the rules and not to overdo it.


Victoria, 26 years old

I really love this flower. At first, she made mistakes in caring for him, and he did not really please me with his beauty. I had to study a lot of information about watering phalaenopsis. Today my flower is beautiful and full of strength. I want to share with all my recommendations. First, I water the flower before dinner. Thus, by evening, the substrate already manages to dry. Secondly, after watering, I wipe the remnants of water on the leaves. And the most important thing is that the water should be warm and soft. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to want to grow a beautiful flower, and then everything will turn out.

Anna, 32 years old

They gave me an orchid recently. After reading that in winter you need to water it no more than 1 time per week, so I started to do it. But as it turned out, this is not enough. My orchid began to fade. Later, I came across an article in which it was said that if the apartment has individual heating and is warm enough, then watering the flower is a little more frequent. Now, with my flower, everything is already fine. I wrote my review in order for people to understand that the watering schedules given may be incorrect. It all depends on the temperature in the room, on the lighting and the location of the flower. This should be remembered.

Ekaterina, 38 years old

Something bad happened to my plant. Later, having visited all sorts of forums, I realized that these were swelling on the leaves. As it turned out, this may be because the flower is often watered. I watered it 2 times a week. The temperature in the room was approximately 20 degrees. As it turned out, if the room temperature is below 22 degrees, watering should be done less often. And frequent watering can lead not only to edema, but also to rotting of leaves and roots. A similar pattern is observed at high temperatures in the room. That is, if the room is above 30 degrees, often watering the flower is also not worth it. The consequences can also be disappointing. I could not save my flower, so I want other owners of this plant to not make such mistakes as I, because phalaenopsis is very beautiful and unusual.

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