How and when to plant hyacinths in the open ground in autumn, timing

28.11.2018 Hyacinth

With the end of summer heat and the arrival of autumn freshness, it is time to plant hyacinths. Planting and care in the open ground in autumn takes place in several stages, starting with the selection of "planting material", the place of planting, as well as the preparation of the soil itself, and ending with the warming of the flowerbed during frost. Properly selected and planted bulbs will shoot the first sprouts in spring and will soon please with their flowering.

Why autumn planting of hyacinths is preferable

In the natural habitat, hyacinths actively develop in the spring, thanks to precipitation, and then because of the summer heat that dries the soil, they fall into sleep before the onset of autumn. Therefore, we recommend that it is the autumn planting of the plant so that its bulbs become stronger, gain strength and successfully germinate in the spring.

Hyacinth planting dates

When planting hyacinths in open ground in the fall, planting dates are: end of August-October. The temperature of the soil should be kept at 5-10 ° C. A more accurate landing time depends on the weather conditions in the region.

In different regions

We recommend planting hyacinths in the fall in the suburbs and in the middle lane in the second decade of September and the first decade of October. In Siberia and the Urals, these periods are “shifted” to the end of August and the beginning of September due to the colder climate. As for the southern regions, October is the most suitable time for planting hyacinths.

The right time for planting is the key to successful rooting of the plant. Planting too early in the fall will cause the flower to sprout and the shoots to freeze during frost. Too late - landed hyacinth bulbs do not have time to take root and also perish.

If after planting a sharp deterioration in the weather occurred, we cover the planting of flowers with a layer of spruce branches or dry foliage.

According to the lunar calendar in 2018

Suitable days for planting hyacinths according to the lunar cycle:




3-7, 18-23


2-6, 18-20, 28-30

Do not plant hyacinths on the following days:




9, 25


9, 24

Stages of planting hyacinths in the fall

To properly plant hyacinths in the winter, you should adhere to the basic rules for the selection and preparation of bulbs, as well as soil. Additionally, take our recommendations into account when calculating the depth of planting and deepening hyacinths into the ground.

The choice of "planting material"

When buying, we give preference to dry, clean and healthy, without traces of damage and any diseases of the bulbs. They must also be dense and resilient.

Additionally, pay attention to their size. Bulbs 4-5 cm tall will bloom more abundantly than very small ones. And very large ones will soon have to be changed, because they are already old.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting hyacinths in autumn in open ground, their bulbs must be decontaminated with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 30 minutes. The second is bred in water according to the instructions.

Landing place

Hyacinths prefer warm and dry places, so we choose the sunny and calm part of the garden, in which water does not stagnate.We also take into account that in the middle of the day it is desirable for flowers to be in the shade so that the sun does not burn them. When planting flowers next to trees, remember that they absorb a large amount of nutrients from the soil.

Soil preparation

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The most suitable soil for planting flowers is sandy loam, because the plants feel comfortable in loose, well-permeable soil with neutral acidity. We also select areas where other bulbs did not grow before, since they absorb all the beneficial components from the soil.

Before planting hyacinths in the fall, you need to prepare the soil. We do this in advance for 30 days, so that he has time to settle. Dig it 40 cm deep and fertilize it with organic matter (compost, humus or peat), as well as mineral components (superphosphate and potassium elements). For example, on 1 m2 we use:

  • superphosphate - 60-80 g;
  • potash fertilizers - 20-30 g;
  • magnesium sulfate - 15 g.

We dilute heavy clay soil with sand, and acid soil with limestone flour.

When planting bulbous plants, in no case do not use fresh manure. It can provoke damage to the bulbs by the fungus and their decay.

Planting hyacinths

We plant flowers in the fall in the open ground in several stages:

  1. We select a place for planting, dig it, and then fertilize.
  2. We prepare and process onions.
  3. The depth to which hyacinths are planted depends on the size of the bulb itself. We multiply the height of the bulb by 3 and get the depth of planting. That is, if the size of the "planting material" is 3 cm, then the depth will be 9 cm.
  4. Bulbs themselves are planted from each other at a distance of 10-20 cm, depending on their size.
  5. Pour sand drainage with a layer of 2-3 cm per hole.
  6. Put “planting material” on the drainage layer, sprinkle it with a small amount of sand and fill it with soil.
  7. Water the landing site if the soil is dry. We use water with the calculation of 1 watering can / 1 m2.
  8. Mulch with a layer of peat or sawdust.

Hyacinth transplant in new soil

We recommend growing hyacinth in one area for no more than 4 years. We transplant it to a new place similarly to the usual autumn landing.

Hyacinth care after planting

After the process of planting the bulbs is over, they do not need to be especially looked after until the end of winter. The main thing is to prevent the flowers from freezing.


Hyacinths do not tolerate both stagnation of the vagi and its lack. If the autumn weather turned out to be warm enough and dry enough, we additionally moisten the soil, moderately and shallowly.

Winter preparations

At the first cold snap we cover the flower bed with a layer of spruce branches or dry leaves or straw 10 cm high. We remove the shelter with the onset of spring.

Top dressing

Since in the preparation of the soil for planting flowers, fertilizers were introduced into it, until the appearance of sprouts, their use will not be needed.

We feed flowers in three stages:

  1. With the germination of young shoots. Fertilize with nitrogen components so that the plant can increase leaf mass.
  2. During the formation of the buds. We bring potassium-phosphorus top dressing and a small amount of nitrogen.
  3. After flowering. Add phosphorus and potassium.

We use and dilute fertilizers according to the instructions on their packaging.

Hyacinth Bulb Storage

After the plants bloomed, their leaves withered and turned yellow, gently dig onions and carefully dry them for a week. At the same time, we maintain the temperature above 22 ° C. Next, we clear them of the earth, residual roots and carefully examine them for traces of rot or any damage. We remove the bulbs that are in doubt.

We store the "planting material" in a dry room with good ventilation. During the first two months we maintain the storage temperature at 25 ° C, then lower to 17 ° C.And 2 weeks before the day of disembarkation, we reduce it to 10 ° C.

We do not put the bulbs too tightly to each other so as not to rot, and also do not drop them. This may cause damage to their surface.

Purchased in winter bulbs can be stored in the refrigerator at 3 ° C. We place them in a bag, where we add sawdust or peat, and also make holes for ventilation.

Useful Tips

When planting hyacinths The following recommendations should be considered:

  1. Correctly calculate the landing depth. With insufficient deepening, the bulb may freeze. Excessive deepening will lead to a delay in the vegetation process.
  2. We throw out bulbs that cause even the slightest doubt, as they can infect other flowers and spoil the entire flower garden.
  3. When planting bulbs of different sizes - the first to plant large, and after them - medium and small.



“They gave me hyacinth on March 8th. When it faded, I took it out of the pot. He lay down a bit, dried up, and then I planted it in the soil. Now green leaves have appeared from the earth and a flower has already begun to cut through. ”


“I bought a couple of onions in September. Arriving home, put them under the bath and successfully forgot. After one or two months, one of the household moved them to the refrigerator on the top shelf. After the New Year, I remembered my purchase and decided to check the condition of the “material”. What was my surprise when I discovered small green shoots on the top of the bulbs. She planted them in pots and already in the spring enjoyed a wonderful smell. ”

Hyacinths are beautiful spring flowers that do not require special care. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules for their landing and take into account our recommendations for caring for them.

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