How to grow thyme in open ground near Moscow

11.08.2016 Thyme

Thyme - outdoor cultivationIn the people, this herb is called thyme, although in scientific terms it is still called thyme. Growing this plant in open ground in the suburbs of Moscow is not difficult if you familiarize yourself with all the important processes of excellent growth and development in advance.

Interesting! Varieties of thyme can be found not only in our country, but throughout Europe, as well as in Southeast Asia, in northern Africa. This herb is used as medicinal in folk medicine all over the world. Read what else you can in the country grow herbs.

Landing Features

Regardless of which type of thyme will be selected for cultivation in the open field in the suburbs, it is imperative to give preference to light, loose soil. It’s great if the plant has enough sunny color to grow actively. So, we land in light ground and choose a lit place for the thyme.

In order for this perennial plant to please more than one season, but take root on the site, you need to dig the earth since the fall, add organic fertilizers or, as an option, manure there. In the spring, when it is already warm and the temperature at night does not drop below 13 degrees Celsius, dig the soil again and immediately you can plant the seeds there.

When the seedlings ascend and become stronger, they need to be thinned out. For thyme to grow well, the distance between each plant should be at least 30 cm. As an option, you can plant not seeds in open ground, but seedlings sprouted at home. Only for this it will be necessary to plant seeds for seedlings in early spring. At first, watering is not plentiful, but after a month, when the sprouts are strong, actively water the thyme, harden it in the open air. About why this plant is suitable for alpine roller coaster.

Thyme - soil cultivation in the suburbs

How to care

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After planting, you need to ensure that the young plant is properly formed. To do this, pin the tip of the stem, then the thyme will grow in the form of a beautiful and lush bush. A perennial plant will have to be cut every season. For thyme pruning is done in the fall, when flowering ends: the bushes need to be made shorter. If everything is done on time, then already in the new season the bush will look even more beautiful, will acquire an interesting decorative form.

It is extremely important when weeding thyme in open ground in the suburbs to weed from weeds. Because, weeds pull out from the soil many useful nutrients that are needed for thyme. If there are neighbors nearby, then thyme will grow extremely slowly, although this plant in itself cannot be called fast-growing.

Important! As for watering, during hot summer it is enough to carry it out several times a week. If the summer is not very hot, then it is enough to water thyme once a month. About what other plants you can grow in the country from seeds.

About Diseases and Pests

Since thyme itself is a medicinal plant and contains many essential oils, it can withstand enough attacks of pests and pathogenic bacteria. This is especially true for creeping thyme, which is most often chosen for planting in a summer cottage.

Thyme - outdoor cultivation in the suburbs

Dangerous pests of thyme include weevils and meadow moths, aphids. Some fungal diseases, if disturbed by agricultural technology, can even attack the plant.Therefore, remember that watering should not be excessive, and weeds nearby must be constantly removed. Thyme also does not tolerate growth in the shade - it needs a lighted place.

Thyme and its cultivation in open ground in the suburbs is not a complicated matter. It is important to initially ensure that the plant has sprouted and planted in a lit place on the site. Then you should not water thyme too often, but what you need to do often and regularly is weeding from weeds.

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