Thyme: medicinal properties, scope, in which diseases is used

15.10.2018 Thyme

Thyme: medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits and harms, scope

Thyme is not only a fragrant spice, but also a medicinal herb, which is a panacea for a large number of diseases.

Culinary specialists use thyme for preparing various dishes, sauces and desserts. Dozens of years ago, grass was used for worship. The grass has an incomparable aroma and taste, which many have been familiar with since childhood thanks to a drug like Pertussin.

Morphological description

Bogorodskaya grass grows in open, mountainous places with sandy soil. Thyme can be collected in the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, Siberia, Transbaikalia.

Grass is a perennial creeping bush on the ground. The height of the bush reaches 15 centimeters. The plant has violet-red flowers collected by dense heads. Thyme fragrant, blooms in late June, early July, gives fruit in early August - September. Thyme has a spicy, slightly burning taste. Thyme is called the motherboard, Bogorodskaya grass, pine forest, incense.

Collection and Harvesting

The collection and harvesting of the plant takes place during the flowering period. Mass cleaning begins after covering the ground with lilac inflorescences. It is necessary to collect the ground part of the plant. Grass collection will vary by region. You can start harvesting in May, and the end of the season falls on August. Harvesting takes place on a sunny, dry day. There should be no dew on the plant, otherwise it will grow moldy. For tea, you can use only leaves, without flowers, if they have not yet appeared. Leaflets also give flavor, benefit.

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For best results, weed drying is best done in the sun. In this case, it is undesirable to use the dryer, since all beneficial essential oils evaporate.

Drying is best done on a piece of linen or cotton cloth, on a baking sheet covered with paper or in the form of a suspended bundle. To protect the drying from insects, thyme is covered with a piece of gauze. Drying time depends on the weather and ranges from three to five days.

Chemical composition

Thyme is rich in almost the entire periodic table. The composition contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for the human body.

Thyme Vitamin Composition:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B4, B6, B9.

The vitamin group supports the immune system, helps to cope with various ailments.

The mineral composition of the plant:

  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

The essential oils that make up the plant provide an antiseptic, bactericidal effect. Carvacrol oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoids and tannins knit, oleanolic acid tones, help fight viruses. Ursolic acid helps with slow metabolism, increases muscle tone, regulates the endocrine system.

Medicinal properties and scope

Thyme has beneficial properties and contraindications. A rich composition helps to cope with a wide range of diseases. Minerals, vitamins, oils support health, increase tone, treat various diseases, pathologies.

Essential oils fight inflammation in the body. A substance like thymol fights the virus better than antibiotics. With bronchitis and any ailments of the respiratory system, creeping thyme shows curative properties. The broth helps to thin the sputum, so it has expectorant properties. You can use the motherboard for inhalation, rinsing.

With acne, the skin must be wiped with thyme infusion.

Thyme herb eliminates dermatological diseases. Boils, purulent wounds, ulcers, pass after using tinctures and decoction of thyme.

The useful properties of thyme include the ability to increase appetite, relieve gastritis, normalize digestion or eliminate flatulence. Lemon thyme shows beneficial properties by improving the intestinal microflora.

It has the ability to relieve pain tincture of the plant with neuralgia, sciatica, radiculitis, headache.

Thyme helps to fall asleep quickly, fights insomnia, nervous disorders, and depression.

Thyme is interesting to representatives of the stronger sex who want to regain or strengthen men's health.


Due to the rich chemical composition and the incorrect, unsystematic administration of the plant, there are a number of contraindications.

Thyme is more harmful than good. It can not be used when:

  • gallstone disease, liver problems;
  • peptic ulcers in the stomach, diseases of the duodenum;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

You can not brew grass for children under two years of age, pregnant only after consultation and appointment by your doctor. If a pregnant woman has high blood pressure and she will drink thyme, then the pressure can rise even higher. If the pregnant woman has a thyroid disease, then you should refuse to take the herb.

Properties and contraindications for thyme for women

The female body is subject to mood swings and depression. The medicinal plant regulates the functioning of the nervous system, making the weaker sex more relaxed, balanced. Common thyme for the female body is favorable in the case of irregular, painful periods. Excellent plant helps to cope with inflammation of the appendages. The ability of the thyme to remove toxins will allow the intestines to work, which will improve the appearance of the skin, hair, nails.

A bit of history!
Hundreds of years ago, lemon-smelling thyme was considered a male grass, capable of endowing a man with strength and courage.

Benefit and harm for men

Due to the rich chemical composition, namely the content of zinc, selenium, thyme molybdenum, creeping is recommended for maintaining men's health.

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They take the plant from such male diseases as adenoma, prostatitis, lack of attraction. You can take the motherboard in quality, tinctures, decoction, oily composition. The benefits of the Mother of God grass are to improve sleep, relieve fatigue and stress. The grass has contraindications along with the benefits, so it is better for men to consult a doctor before using it.

Ways to use thyme

There are many ways to consume plants. The easiest way is to sew grass into the pillow. Such use will improve sleep, get rid of nervousness, bad mood.

When to drink broth, tea, infusion

For the treatment of the respiratory system, as well as during colds, a decoction of the grass is made for rinsing, inhalation.

To prepare a decoction, 30 grams of grass is filled with 200 grams of boiled water.The broth is infused in 10 minutes. Such a decoction is gargled with a sore throat. Such a remedy can also be drunk half a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.

If you use the inhalation product, you need to breathe fresh broth for 10-15 minutes.

During an illness of the cardiovascular system, 2 teaspoons are poured with 200 grams of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. You need to drink the infusion three times a day for 1/3 cup. A decoction helps with heart failure.

For the treatment of the genitourinary system, a decoction is made according to the previously described recipe. After the broth has cooled, douching is performed for women. For treatment, you can take tea, infusion, decoction.

For the treatment of nervous disorders in the broth put melissa and honey. When brewing, you need to take 5 grams of mint, 5 grams of thyme. The grass should boil in 200 grams of water. After cooling water in tea, 1 teaspoon of honey is bred.

Panacea for alcoholism
Thyme helps fight alcoholism. A decoction prepared according to the previously described recipe is drunk three times a day for 1/3 cup, washed down with a glass of vodka. If you do not drink vodka, then you can rinse it in your mouth. Soon a gag reflex will develop that will repel the urge to drink.

Dry thyme herb

The benefits of thyme are manifested not only during the treatment of diseases, but also in cooking and cosmetology.

Infusion for the skin of the face

If it is necessary to have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, then 1 tablespoon of thyme is filled with 200 milligrams of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. After that, the infusion is applied to a cosmetic swab and rubbed on the skin of the face. In the infusion, you can lower the napkin and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.

After this application, the pores narrow, excess fluid is removed from the skin, and complexion improves.

Infusion of pressure

The composition of healing herbs is suitable for vasodilation, relieving cramping.

For collection you need:

  • 15 grams of dry thyme;
  • 5 grams of chamomile;
  • 10 grams of fireweed;
  • 1 liter of water.

Herbs are poured with boiling water, wrapped in a towel, infused for 60 minutes. Take the infusion 3 times a day for ¼ cup.

Thyme Tea for Women

Tea normalizes hormonal levels, reduces pain during menstruation, improves mood, normalizes the work of all gynecological organs. There are no women’s diseases, and thyme tea is an auxiliary therapy.

Making tea
30 grams of thyme leaves are filled with 200 grams of boiling water. Insist tea for 30 minutes. You need to drink a drink at 200 grams three times a day.

Thyme essential oil

The oil has a strong antioxidant effect. Ether is used for aromatherapy, normalization of the digestive, respiratory, and dermatological organs. Get the essential oil from the thyme grass by evaporating the liquid from all parts of the plant. The oil is thick in consistency. Oil properties depend on the region of growth. Thymol, carvacrol are the main components of the ether. Carvacrol is 30 times stronger than phenol in terms of bactericidal, antiseptic action.

Even under Hippocrates, people got rid of colds, coughs, laryngitis, asthma, tonsillitis, whooping cough with this oil. The oil is effective against Salmonella coli, staphylococcus, enterococcus.

To get rid of snoring, two drops of oil are applied to the big toe.

It is very good to relieve fatigue in the bath with the addition of thyme essential oil. For colds, a couple drops of oil are added to the inhaler.

Contraindications for use
Oil can cause toxicosis, dizziness, arrhythmia. You can not apply essential oil to women in position, as it can activate the uterus. When used, blood coagulation is impaired, therefore, even with the slightest surgical intervention, administration is stopped for 2 weeks. Early childhood is also a contraindication for use.


Thyme-based syrups and oils are sold at the pharmacy. Most drugs are sold over the counter.In pharmacology, the assortment is represented by homeopathic preparations with thyme.


The most famous cough syrup is Pertussin. Observing the dosage, the medication can be used both for children and adults. The syrup contains an extract of thyme, perfectly helps get rid of cough.

Folk way of making syrup
100 grams of thyme is poured into a glass of cold water and boiled until the amount of water is halved. Next, in a filtered broth add 170 grams of honey, 70 grams of lemon juice.

Syrup is stored in a cold place. Children need to take 0.5 teaspoon twice a day, adults a teaspoon twice a day.

Self-medication with a medicine is dangerous, as individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, which leads to more serious side effects, can appear.

Syrup Thyme with Vitamin C

Vitamin syrup has a mucolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. Due to flavonoids and tannins, sputum discharge occurs. Accelerated regeneration occurs due to polysaccharides, vitamins.

You need to drink such syrup on time:

  • acute bronchitis;
  • flatulence;
  • infectious wounds of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract;
  • dry cough.

Take syrup at the age of 3 to 6 years, 1/2 teaspoon, at the age of 3 to 6 years, 1 teaspoon. Adults take 1 tablespoon. Reception at any age is carried out 3-4 times a day.

The duration of admission is determined by the doctor.


Bronchostop has a weak effect against cough and a strong mucolytic effect. The root of the healing marshmallow, which is part of the drug, envelops the mucous membrane, softens, relieves inflammation. African acacia gum reduces mucosal irritation, activates salivation, which reduces coughing. Thyme flavonoids are well transported, the use of a bronchostop is necessary for colds of the upper respiratory tract.

Take the drug for children under 4 years of 5 mg, from 4 to 12 years of 8 mg. Adults take 15 mg of bronchostop. Reception at any age is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Elixir Bronchophyte

The creeping thyme shows the healing properties in the elixir Bronchofit. The benefits of thyme and other herbs that make up the elixir for the body are undeniable. Elixir has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal, strengthening effect. Chamomile, linden, licorice, calamus, strengthen the body, improve tissue regeneration, fill the body with vitamins.

Take 10 mg 2 times a day in the acute stage 1 hour after eating or 30 minutes before eating. With the onset of investment, the dosage is reduced to 5 mg 3 times a day.

Codelac Phyto

Codelac phyto may be in the form of tablets or cough syrup. The medication is aimed at eliminating the cough. Codeine, which is part of the drug, reduces cough, thermopsis herb increases bronchial secretion, has an expectorant effect. The composition of the drug also has licorice root, sodium bicarbonate, thyme herb extract.

Best kodelak phyto cope with dry cough.

Mode of application:

  • from 2 to 5 years - 5 mg of the drug;
  • from 5 to 8 years, 10 mg of the drug;
  • from 8 to 12 years for 15 mg of the drug;
  • from 12 years to 20 mg of the drug.

Codelac phyto can enhance the effect of sleeping pills.

Side effects

If you do not exceed the dosage, then thyme does not have any special side effects when used. Essential oils can cause gastrointestinal irritation and become an allergen. You should not take grass for diseases of the kidneys, liver, peptic ulcer of the stomach. Pregnancy and lactation are also a contraindication for taking thyme, as this herb stimulates the uterus.


Applying pharmacy thyme for cough. Satisfied, always helps. Tea with thyme I give a drink to a child of 6 years. It helps as an expectorant.

Elizabeth, 32 years old


I harvest thyme grass on my own.I use flowers for tea, leaves for cooking. The most delicious thyme that I collected grew in the Carpathians. For medicinal purposes, I use weed for radiculitis, bronchitis.

Valentina Ivanovna, 54 years old


With bronchitis I drink tea with thyme. The treatment takes about 10 days. It helps even with asthma, only you need to insist the tea until brown. It is important when applying that there is no overdose and side effects do not occur.

Alexey, 48 years old


Thyme is a unique plant that you must have in your home medicine cabinet. Thyme can be used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, tea, essential oil. The plant finds application in folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking, aromatherapy. The grass helps to cope with viral and colds, skin problems, nervous diseases. With prolonged and systemic administration of thyme, it is best to consult your doctor so as not to harm the body.

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