What crafts from tires for the garden can be done with your own hands?

15.08.2015 Interesting ideas

tire assCrafts from tires for the garden and the garden with your own hands, a suitable master class you need to find, and then just follow all the tips and recommendations described, how to make the product exactly. From tires, you can make not only elementary flower beds, but real masterpieces - bears, parrots and even donkeys.

Brute masculine strength is often required to work with this material. So, the process of creating certain crafts is best done by the whole friendly and large family. Men will cut, bend, women will inspire, and children will be able to paint the craft with paints in their own, fabulous and often completely unconventional approach. And we’ll show you how grow potatoes wisely without weeding and hilling.

Crafts from tires for the garden and the garden with your own hands, master class: snakes and not only

No. 1 Teddy Bear

To make such a cute and kind little bear that can become the guardian of your site, you will need to find two old car tires. It is important that one tire (used for the body) is larger than the other (used for the head). Also, to create a masterpiece you will need cardboard (it is better if you can find plywood), paints, scissors and sharp knives.

So, each tire will have to work separately. The head of a bear is made of a tire that is smaller in size. It needs to be painted with brown acrylic paint (or choose any other color for your little bear). Make a face out of plywood or thick cardboard, draw a nose, eyes, and a mouth. Be sure to make ears and paws from plywood or cardboard (you can also from scraps of another tire).

tire bear

As for the body, it also needs to be painted. Insert a colored piece of cardboard or plywood in the center of the tire, on which to draw fur, a navel. For the structure to stand, you will have to take two car tires even less than the head and put a body on them. Next, attach the finished head to the body using a strong wire.

No. 2 Original cache-pot

In this case, the planter in shape resembles flowers and looks beautiful, original. It will be necessary to draw on the tire itself the lines along which the cutting is carried out. Next, turn out the cache-pot parts on one and the other side along the cut lines. Beautiful petals form on top, and the bottom of the cache-pot leg will be beautifully decorated.

tire pots

As for coloring, you can use any colors that are more suitable for your site and even combine them. Crafts from tires for the garden and the garden with your own hands, the master class on creating such a cache-pot is quite complicated. If you can’t make flowers, then the usual painted tire is already a beautiful flower bed for your wonderful plants. By the way, you can plant not only flowers in the pots from the tires, but cucumbers or zucchini, decorative climbing plants.

No. 3 Bench

From one car tire, you can make two beautiful benches. True, the kids will sit on them, but even such benches on the site themselves look interesting and decorative. In extreme cases, you can simply put flowerpots on them.

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In addition to car tires, you still need a board, paint, wire for mounting. Cut the tire into two parts. Put the cut part up and with the help of a wire attach to it a board equal in length to the cutout. Then paint the bench in any color and decorate it already at your own discretion.

tire bench

No. 4 Washbasin

In the country, you often have to independently make a place for washing. So why not make it out with an old car tire. All that is needed is to paint the old product beautifully in order to breathe new life into it. In the photographs, you can consider in more detail what kind of washbasin can be made of the material in question.

tire washbasin

№5 Swans and parrots

Some are in search of how a lion cub is made from tires for the garden and the kitchen garden, a master class. Here you can refer to our first description, because, the work of gathering with a bear, only have to draw another face. But, do not forget about such a classic decoration of your site as swans or parrots.

tire swans shema

There are not many words for the master class here, because concrete and clear schemes will help to cope with the work. We give them below. Please note that it is difficult to twist old tires, so be sure to call men for help.

tire parrot tire parrot

No. 6 Sandbox for children

If you have small children constantly visiting the country, then you can make a sandbox out of the old tire for them. It is better to take products that are large in size so that a lot of sand fits in them. Together with the children you can paint this place for the game. Give your children freedom of imagination, let them also contribute to the beautiful decoration of your site.

tire sandbox

These are the options and crafts workshops from the tires for the garden and the kitchen garden you can make yourself. We wish everyone an inexhaustible source of creativity and we hope that the schemes and photographs from this material will surely appeal to you, and will be easily implemented!

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